Wednesday, October 6, 2021

How AT&T helped build far-right One America News

One America News, the far-right network whose fortunes and viewership rose amid the triumph and tumult of the Trump administration, has flourished with support from a surprising source: AT&T Inc, the world's largest communications company.

AT&T funds OAN.
OAN funded the AZ fraudit.

So by extension AT&T is funding anti-democracy initiatives. 

Do better AT&T. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If Merrick Garland feels that disrupted school board meetings merit an urgent FBI response, wait until he hears about what happened on January 6th. - Jeff Tiedrich

Paging Merrick Garland, Again...
 A group of prominent attorneys on Tuesday filed an ethics complaint against Jeffrey Bossert Clark, a former top Justice Department official who is under investigation for allegedly plotting to help former President Donald Trump overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Republican Shenanigans

Whenever Mitt Romney comes up all I can think about is that time he asked why you can’t open windows on airplanes. - OhNoSheTwitnt

He Can Run But He Can't Hide

One factor not baked into the predictions about the midterm elections is by November 2022 we are going to know a whole lot more about the storming of the Capitol and attempted coup.  And every single Republican, minus a select few, voted to coverup these crimes. - Joe Lockhart


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Rock The Voter News

Know who isn't hiding from a subpoena? the email lady. - Jeff Tiedrich

Merrick Garland Must Be Busy With This...
The Department of Justice (DOJ) said Wednesday it will go after federal contractors that fail to report cybersecurity incidents to the U.S. government.


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Business/Tech News

Honestly, what good does it do to mandate vaccines for employees of airlines if the customer sitting practically in my lap next to me isn’t vaccinated? - Woman In The Moon tweet


Zuckerberg Is A Whiney Billionaire

Stages of life:
1. Birth 
2. You gotta be f*cking kidding me 
3. Death

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Russia says Facebook outage shows why it needs internet sovereignty

Russia says Facebook outage shows why it needs internet sovereignty
Russian social networks reported a spike in activity during Monday's global Facebook (FB.O) outage which Moscow officials said showed that Russia was right to develop its own sovereign internet platforms and social networks.

Trump Claims He Fell Off Forbes’ Richest List Because They Failed To Count Rubles. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

The first 2 years of a pandemic are always the hardest. - Eden Dranger

Mike Pence: Thank You For Trying To Hang Me. Do You Like Me Now?

Chyron for the Ages

The thing to remember about Mike Pence is, nothing. 
He's Mr.Cellophane. 
Cause you can look right through him,
walk right by him, and never know he's there. - Jeremy Newberger

Would be great if Attorney General Merrick Garland arrested all planners and leaders of the January 6th MAGA insurrection today before they can set up yet another coup attempt. - Ricky Davila


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Rock The Voter News

Biden: 81,282,916 votes

Trump: 74,223,369 votes.

Always nice to be reminded. - Jack Cocchiarella tweet

It Is Time To Call A Pedophile Ring, A Pedophile Ring

Facebook was only down for the day and in that short time everybody got the vaccine. - Jimmy Fallon 


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Business/Tech News

Facebook first started as a way for Mark Zuckerberg to judge women on their looks.

How poetic that it's now a woman taking down Facebook by revealing its insides. - StrikePac tweet

NYC Book Lovers Celebrate!

Thanks to the Internet, people we might have only suspected of being idiots can now give us ample evidence. -  Andy Borowitz




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This Bat Eared Fox doesn't look too friendly, otherwise I'd love to pet him.


Monday, October 4, 2021

'Shock Troops': Steve Bannon Calls for Army of GOP Operatives to Help 'Deconstruct' the Government

'Shock Troops': Steve Bannon Calls for Army of GOP Operatives to Help 'Deconstruct' the Government
If you were wondering what Steve Bannon is up to these days, apparently his latest pursuit is building up a force of GOP operatives who will be prepared to overhaul the government if Republicans successfully retake Congress and the White House.

Raise your hand if you'd like to see rotting gasbag Steve Bannon testify under oath in front of Congress on live television for 11 straight hours to explain why he shouldn't be thrown straight the f*ck into prison right now for openly plotting to overthrow our government. - Jeff Tiedrich

The civil war in 1861 happened when the South said we are leaving the Union and the North then waged a war to keep them. Today If Red states wanted to leave the North would say “check out time is 1pm” - Dean Obeidallah

Pandora's Box Has Been Opened & The Rich Are Nervous

How is Rudy Giuliani still roaming free? Or the guy with the pillow? Or the trafficker Matt Gaetz? Or the twice-impeached inciter of a deadly insurrection against the United States of America? Does the DOJ need more prosecutors? - Steven Beschloss

“No I can’t,” Biden says when asked if he could guarantee the US won’t default on its debt. “That’s up to Mitch McConnell.” - Manu Raju, CNN

Trump Versus Pulitzer Prize Board
Former President Donald Trump called on the Pulitzer Prize Board to rescind the 2018 National Reporting awards granted to the New York Times and the Washington Post for their coverage of the Russian collusion story, claiming the stories were based on "false reporting" and a "complete lack of evidence."

The party that cut taxes for the wealthy while waging two wars off the books is telling the media that Joe Biden a "Big-Spending Liberal." - John Fugelsang

Hear me out… vaccine laced blow darts. - MedusasWink tweet

Uh Oh, Sally Yates Was Hired To Investigate U.S. Soccer Coach's Abuse


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Business/Tech News

Facebook has stopped promoting dangerous lies for money. Until it is back up and working again. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The Facebook Whistleblower
A former Facebook product manager revealed herself as the whistleblower who leaked a trove of company research, plunging the social media giant into crisis, and filed a series of complaints with federal regulators...

The day after Facebook got double roasted, stuffed in a turkey, and roasted again for its lax handling of harassment and conspiracy theories, their entire social media suite is down. 

I'm not saying they're related, but I'm also not saying they're not related. - Mike Rothchild

Mark Zuckerberg right now

I have stolen over 4 terabytes of NFTs via the little known hacker technique known as "right click -> save as". my collection has a net estimated value of over 8 trillion dollars. - ActNormalOrElse tweet

Dog Halloween Costume



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
It's National Taco Day! Celebrate with your loved ones on this very special day.

Peace & Tacos!