Monday, September 27, 2021

Member of January 6th committee says if subpoenaed Trump loyalists don't testify, committee prepared to involve DOJ

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, a Democrat from California and member of the January 6th committee, tells CNN's Pamela Brown

There’s a poison in the bloodstream of our Democracy. Donald Trump put it there. The antidote is his prosecution and conviction. --Liz Cheney

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I had a Merrick Garland joke, but Neil Gorsuch stole it. - Christopher Kang


Some "Christians" Believe The Vaccine Is The Mark Of The Beast. Eyes Rolling.

Q. How can the GOP keep sacrificing their own voters to Red Covid?
A. They’ve realized they don’t need voters to win elections anymore. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

I was disappointed when the email lady lost, but I didn't dress like some f*cked up viking and go apesh*t at the Capitol. - Jeff Tiedrich

During The 2016 Campaign, Trump Said He Loved Wikileaks. What Happened?
A report from Yahoo News published Sunday says that the Trump administration and CIA considered kidnapping WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2017 and even raised the prospect of assassinating him amid concerns he may be planning an escape of his own.

Alabama is considering using $400 million of its Federal COVID relief money to build new prisons.

Because, you know, priorities. - gabby tweet



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Rock The Voter News

Say What? Violent Norwegians?
Dozens of violent disturbances took place in Norway on Sunday amid celebrations that followed the government's abrupt removal of all COVID-19 restrictions.

The only word 
that can make 
followers of Jesus
vote against everything 
Jesus ever talked about
because of one issue
that Jesus never talked about. - John Fugelsang


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And then the Pharisee told Jesus "Hey Moron, poor people are lazy. The Romans are the Job Creators." - John Fugelsang

Billionaires are shooting themselves into space as practice for when the Earth becomes uninhabitable after its climate is decimated by billionaires. - Middle Age Riot

The UK Is Low On Fuel

Heterosexuals are the leading manufacturer of gay people, marriage is the leading cause of divorce & religion is the top creator of atheists. - John Fugelsang


Friday, September 24, 2021

Trump Organization faces new scrutiny in New York civil probe

Trump Organization faces new scrutiny in New York civil probe
The Trump Organization is facing new pressure to comply with a New York state civil investigation into the company's financial dealings.

Trump is a serial killer, it’s not hyperbole, he is a very deranged human being responsible for the deaths of a staggering amount of American lives and he should be treated accordingly. Lock him up. - Noel Casler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

How did 15,000 Hati refugees all end up at the same remote border location in Texas at the same time?   400 miles and at least a 7 hour drive from the coast.  That's no accident or coincidence. - John Oberlin

Hobby Lobby and Iraq

How long until Texas Republicans pass a law making prayer a mandatory treatment for COVID? - Stonekettle

Republican Shenanigans

No One has Lost the State of Arizona More Times than Donald Trump

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) Is Running For Reelection

Cobweb-Covered Skeleton Gripping Senate Desk Expected To Seek 15th Term. - The Onion


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Rock The Voter News

If we change our name to the United States of Canaderica and legalize weed can we have healthcare? - John Ales

This Is Why Covid-19 Testing Is Important

Biden Thanks Arizona GOP for Letting Him Relive The Greatest Victory of His Life. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Look at it this way: If you wear a mask you won't have to get your face lifted because your jaw line and jowls won't show. Think of all the money you'll save. - Nancy Sinatra

China Axes Cryptocurrency

If Biden closed every speech with '..and those evil rat bastards never get to touch Medicare the Dems could keep the House. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
German Combat Bike from World War I. Check out the tires which contain springs for that smooth ride while dodging bullets.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Former Trump adviser Michael Flynn is pushing a bonkers theory that COVID-19 vaccines are being added to salad dressing

Former Trump adviser Michael Flynn is pushing a bonkers theory that COVID-19 vaccines are being added to salad dressing
Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn this week pushed a theory that COVID-19 vaccines are being snuck into our salad dressing.
Flynn was speaking this week to Clay Clark, the host of the conservative podcast "The Thrivetime Show," and Andrew Sorchini, a Beverly Hills-based precious metals dealer.

I trust Putin as much as I trust Trump. Everyone is expendable in their eyes. Flynn isn't in like Flynt, as Putin would serve him a salad with plutonium dressing in a heartbeat.

Now that General Flynn exposed their salad scheme, Pfizer now plans to add the vaccine to one of its best selling drugs, Viagra. - Tristan Snell 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

holy f*cking sh*t, conspiring to overturn an election is a felony. you know this. I know this. could someone PLEASE tell Merrick Garland. - Jeff Tiedrich

Prince Andrew Prances Around Pedophile Lawsuit. His Arrogance May Be His Downfall.

In America, it's safer to be a white man trying to overthrow the government than a black man doing anything. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Lead Florida GOP Senator, Manny Diaz calls for a review of all vaccine mandates, including polio, mumps, and rubella.

Just when you thought the state of affairs in Florida could not get any worse. - Aaron Parnas

Billionaire Funneling More Money To End Democracy
Americans for Prosperity (AFP), an advocacy group backed by GOP mega-donor Charles Koch, launched a multi-million dollar ad campaign Thursday attacking Democrats’ $3.5 trillion social spending package.

We surpassed the deaths from the 1918 pandemic, despite all the innovation in medicine & tech, because social media made Americans stupid. - Lance Cooper


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Infrastructure. Reconciliation. The Debt Ceiling. If there’s one person that can navigate this legislative storm and land the plane safely, it’s  Nancy Pelosi. I have great faith in our Speaker. - Rob Reiner

Rock The Voter News

If Hunter Biden gets a job in the Administration, I'll denounce it.

If he gets the Administration to do unwarranted deals for his clients, I'll denounce it.

If he gets business trademarks approved while his father is in office, I'll denounce it.

He's done none of those things. - Bradley P. Moss


I’d rather be vaccinated than ventilated. - Rosanna Arquette 


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Business/Tech News

When rich people can’t get everything they want at Whole Foods instantly it’s called “supply chain issues” but when the working class people in Flint can’t take a shower for five years it’s an “unfortunate reality” - Jack Califano

Is Sex Trafficking Adding To Missing Girls and Women?

The Best Things In Life Aren't Things. - John Fugelsang
