Wednesday, September 15, 2021

California Gov. Gavin Newsom romps based on twin fears of COVID-19 and Trump

California Gov. Gavin Newsom would probably never have faced a recall election had it not been for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He also might not have survived the recall had it not been for that very same reason.

California Republicans Flee To Florida And Texas In Search Of Dumber Governors. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The Pentagon has spent 14 trillion of US tax $ since 9/11 

Brown's "Costs of War" project & the Ctr for Int'l Policy just revealed:  btw 1/3 - 1/2 of the $ went to for-profit defense contractors.

So it turns out that some Americans *did* win the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq. - John Fugelsang

This Has A Foul Saudi Scent
President Biden’s order to the Justice Department and other executive branch agencies to declassify documents related to 9/11 could help solve a mystery about a Saudi family who fled a gated community in Sarasota County just before the attacks.

$280 million wasted on this California recall could have ended homelessness for thousands of Californians. - outofbeltway tweet

Republican Shenanigans

"We got a great idea!  Lets recall the Dem governor in the bluest state in the f'n galaxy and look like losers"......Gotta love MAGAts - BlueVotr tweet

Are There Any Conservative Radio Talk Show Hosts That Haven't Died From COVID?

New York Times tomorrow: Governor Newsom won by 273849%, here’s why Democrats are in disarray - Adam Smith

Literally every major media outlet for weeks treated Caitlyn Jenner as a serious gubernatorial candidate and that should be unsettling to us all. - Brian McBride


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Rock The Voter News

Let’s keep it simple, you ainti-vaxxers: You have a right to kill yourself, whether with booze, cigarettes, chew, or high living. You do not have the right to kill others by spreading a virus. That’s not freedom, it’s selfishness. - Stephen King

FBI Director Chris Wray was part of the same rightwing legal org as Kavanaugh…at the same school…at the same time…and ignored 4,500 tips abt Kavanaugh, allowing him to be confirmed for a lifetime on the Court…insurrection inciter Hawley was also in same group at same school. - Kaivin Schroff

FBI Director, Chris Wray, Has A Lot Of Splainin' To Do
The FBI director, Chris Wray, is facing new scrutiny of the bureau’s handling of its 2018 background investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, including its claim that the FBI lacked the authority to conduct a further investigation into the then supreme court nominee.

Chris Wray said his FBI will thoroughly investigate any allegations of sexual assault.

Cool, let’s start with the 4500 Kavanaugh tips he ignored. - TheSadTruth tweet

We're going to run out of anti-vaxxers before we run out of vaccine. - Middle Age Riot


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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

‘I Don’t Want to Be Your Friend Anymore’: Trump Gave Pence a Jan. 5 Ultimatum, Book Claims

In his desperation to remain in the White House after Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump reportedly resorted to schoolyard threats against Mike Pence to convince him to overturn the results by rejecting certification. “You can do this. I don’t want to be your friend anymore if you don’t do this,” Trump told Pence...

January 6th

1:20 Trump riot breaches capitol
1:25 Melania Trump gets text asking her to tweet to stop violence
1:26 Melania texts “NO” (in 1 of her 5 languages)
2:24 Trump tweets incitement about Mike Pence who supporters want to hang

Tell me how this couple is unaccountable. - Jeremy Newberger

FACT: Vaccine mandates save more American lives than invading & occupying Iraq. - John Fugelsang

my cousin’s friend took the vaccine and two weeks later BOOM! he got bitten by a møøse. do your research. - Hayes Brown tweet

It Is Comforting To Know Trump Couldn't Bully This General, If It's Legal?
Two days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, President Donald Trump's top military adviser, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took top-secret action to limit Trump from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to "Peril," a new book by legendary journalist Bob Woodward and veteran Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.

Trump Calls Bush Ungrateful: “I Kept Him from Being the Worst President in History.” - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

I would pay to watch footage of someone doing their "own research" on vaccines. Share your screen because I am absolutely dying to know what you're looking at. - Jenee tweet

Former Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton And Not Trump Will Welcome Afghan Refugees

Twenty years out from ‘Freedom Fries’ and the GOP is as dumb as ever. - Noel Casler


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Rock The Voter News

The way Republicans are obsessing over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attending a $35K-per-ticket gala you'd think she'd spent $150 million of taxpayer money to play golf at resorts she owned. - Middle Age Riot


Woman Receives 5 Year Sentence For Threatening To Kill Kamala Harris. Did They Slap Her Wrist, Too?

the vaccine is free. funerals are expensive. - Jeff Tiedrich


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If President Biden declared "breathing" mandatory, half of Texas would suffocate itself on purpose. - morninggloria tweet

Business/Tech News

Let’s be honest, the only reason Twitter got rid of Trump’s account was because Morgan Stanley was getting nervous about the stock market in light of Jan 6th attacks. - Noel Casler

Morning Cable TV Ratings Race Won By The Misinformation Channel

“I was in hopes that the enlightened & liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians…that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.” - George Washington, 1792


Monday, September 13, 2021

Today is Independence Day in Costa Rica

 Celebrations included no Internet  for 8 hours and no power for a couple of hours. Pura vida.

Not to leave you empty handed, here are a few memes. Thank you for stopping by!

On this day in 1862, Union scouts find a discarded copy of Robert E. Lee's battle plans in a field near Frederick, Maryland. The discovery sets the stage for the Confederate defeat at Antietam the following week. They were dumbasses then and they are dumbasses now. 

Peace and see you tomorrow.