Thursday, August 19, 2021

Conservative Charlie Sykes slams white Christians for rejecting Afghan refugees

Conservative Charlie Sykes slams white Christians for rejecting Afghan refugees
On Thursday, writing for The Bulwark, conservative commentator Charlie Sykes criticized white Christians for their rejection of refugees in Afghanistan — and a major teaching of their own faith.

Afghan Women Who Cherish Freedom Urged To Avoid Texas. - Andy Borowitz

People who didn't mind

-the botched bin Laden Tora Bora escape
-the botched Karzai regime
-botched Nation-building we weren't gonna try
-botched reconstruction $
-a botched 20 year occupation
-botched Afghan army

...are suddenly mad at Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal, - John Fugelsang

If Biden OK'd Removing The Military Before People In Afghanistan, Say Hello To A GOP President, House & Senate In 2024

holy f*cking sh*t, I'll take a thousand Afghan refugees hoping to find better lives in America over one MAGA-hat-wearing sore-loser dipshit who thinks beating a cop with a flagpole is an appropriate reaction to losing an election. - Jeff Tiedrich

Congratulations MAGA evangelicals! By undermining the vaccine and mask mandates you've stopped the US recovery dead, undermined the economy all to undermine Biden. It worked! Hospitals are overflowing, children are dying, and Biden is being blamed for your successful treason. - Frank Schaeffer tweet

CNN Has Turned Into FOX-LITE, Officially.

CNN is a shell of its former self. - Matt Murphy

If a brown guy had showed up at the Capitol with a bomb instead of a white guy, they'd already be screaming at Biden for not invading Afghanistan. - BlackKnight10K

One of America’s two political parties is explicitly supportive of white supremacist domestic terrorism and the mostly white, mostly male, media refuses to cover that seriously. - Kaivan Shroff tweet


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1000 yrs from now the found footage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to completely explain our near-extinction. - lanechanged tweet

Christian conservatives didn’t have a problem promoting masks in the 1980s

Rock The Voter News

Comedy Legend Larry David was seen screaming at vile pervert Alan Dershowitz in a Martha’s Vinyard grocery store over his ties to Agolf Twitler and MAGA.

Shoot this into my veins so many times. - Ricky Davila

Jake Tapper Has Evolved Into A Judgmental Journalist That Lacks The Chops
CNN’s Jake Tapper responded to one Twitter user who made it known they are “fed up” with his network’s coverage, and in doing so, seemed to take digs at MSNBC and Fox News for not critically covering Democrats and Republicans, respectively. Tapper later deleted his tweets.

Jake Tapper Is Perfecting The Tucker Carlson Gaze

fascinating numbers from Andrew Tyndall. 

From 2015 through 2019 this is how many minutes network news covered Afghanistan: 

ABC: 16
CBS: 25
NBC: 16

less than on hour of coverage, total, over five years. - Eric Boehlert tweet


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Business/Tech News
The US MUST give asylum to anyone who wants to leave Afghanistan.

Not bc it's the moral option
Not bc immigration helps America
or bc they might 1 day vote Democratic;

No, America needs
to do the right thing
bc it'll deeply enrage
Tucker Carlson 
& the rest of the racists
Amen. - John Fugelsang

American Airlines Extends Alcohol Ban 
American Airlines will not begin serving alcohol again in the main cabin of flights until at least January 2022 amid a surge in unruly passenger incidents during the coronavirus pandemic, the company confirmed to The Hill on Thursday.

How long until Trump defends the Capitol truck bomber? - William LeGate



Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Afghanistan Mess

The Taliban has opened fire in the streets of Kabul to disperse crowds as chaos ensues in the streets of Afghanistan. CNN's Clarissa Ward...

I worry about Clarissa Ward because she is everything the Taliban is against.  I hope her hijab is made out of Kevlar.

Let this sink in.  The new ruler of Afghanistan was in prison until Trump let him out in 2018. - Tea Pain

Wow. If only CNN doubled down on Dubya entering Afghanistan as they are on Biden leaving Afghanistan, we wouldn't be in this clustermuck.

My My My. The Afghan President Fled With $169 Million, Probably In U.S. Dollars.

Welcoming refugees is one of the things that makes America great. - Preet Bharara

And just like that, all the infectious disease experts on Twitter became military strategists. - Sundae Gurl tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Greg Abbott To Work Remotely From Reality. - Andy Borowitz

TX GOV: don’t worry about me, I got three vaccine doses and the best taxpayer-funded healthcare available

MOMS: but what are you doing to protect our chil-

TX GOV: I said I’m fine. - Jake Maccoby

Maggie Haberman Gives Me The Creeps
New York Times Washington correspondent and CNN analyst Maggie Haberman disgustingly retweeted a Trump attack ad that features footage of Afghan people falling to their deaths, and falsely claimed President Joe Biden invited comparisons of the Afghanistan with the fall of Saigon.

I find it implausible that 300,000 Afghan soldiers  spontaneously and individually quit. I find it more plausible that they received such orders from their leaders who cut a deal with the Taliban. I look forward to reading more reporting to confirm/refute this hypothesis. - Michael McFaul


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Rock The Voter News

I Can't Watch Jeffrey Toobin On CNN Unless I Can See His Hands

Can someone explain to me how Jeffrey Toobin got his job back but Colin Kaepernick didn’t? - Tristan Snell


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Trump was such a nightmare that some people got nostalgic for George W. Bush. Just a reminder: the two Bushes were horrible. George HW Bush used the racist Willie Horton ads to get elected, and W. launched two ruinous wars. These guys weren’t John and John Quincy Adams. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Defense Contractors Fear Afghan Collapse Could Have Chilling Effect On Stupid Wars. - Andy Borowitz

The Texas GOP Wants Constituents To Breath Toxic Fumes. You Read That Right.
A Texas state representative complained about a mask advisory from his county pollution unit, which issued its response after a rail yard incident that released toxic fumes. 

George W. Bush Spends Sleepless Night Wondering If He To Blame For Long-Term Collapse Of Texas Rangers. - The Onion

Shamsia Hassani is a female street artist in Afghanistan, at least for the time being.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Taliban takeover: Uganda to take in 2,000 Afghan refugees

Taliban takeover: Uganda to take in 2,000 Afghan refugees
Uganda is to take in 2,000 refugees who have fled Afghanistan after Taliban militants took power on Sunday.
The deal was agreed following a request from the US government, Refugee Minister Esther Anyakun told the BBC.

Afghanistan is a reminder of what a better world it would be if George W. Bush had discovered his love of painting in the 90s. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The war in Afghanistan lasted 7252 days. On day 7253 the media decided it was time to be critical of it. - Abraxas tweet

49% of the Senate Wants To Expedite Relocation For Afghan Women
Letter from 46 senators (43 Democrats and 3 Republicans) calling on the Biden administration to "create a humanitarian parole category" for Afghan women leaders, activists, judges and other public figures to quickly and efficiently relocate to the U.S.

Liz Cheney Asks Whose Dumb Idea It Was To Invade Afghanistan. - Andy Borowitz

Drum Roll: Texas Governor Has COVID.

Republican Shenanigans

Why should we fight an insurgence in Afghanistan,
when we have our own on Capitol Hill. - Stephen Colbert

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has A New Bag of Word Salad
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) argued on Tuesday that it is unfair to imprison people who took part in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol since prisoners in Afghanistan were released when the Taliban took over the country.

You cannot be against General Lee & be for General Washington...there literally is no difference between the two men.  - John Dowd, Trump's head lawyer


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Rock The Voter News

Staying Away From Toxic People Is A Good Thing
Americans are creating their own COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Joe Biden's a monster for abandoning the people of Afghanistan -
No way are we gonna let those filthy Afghan refugees come over here and replace us!

That's TONIGHT - on TUCKER!" - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Breaking: Taliban to announce the construction of a Trump Tower as part of the deal to regain control of Afghanistan. - BlackKnight10K tweet

I Wonder If There Was Traffic From The U.S. Capitol's Server

How is it possible that anyone thinks it's a good idea to arrest a person for not having a home? - Scott Hechinger



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sharbat Gula will always be the face of an Afghani refugee. This iconic photo was taken by Steve McCurry for National Geographic magazine in 1984. Those eyes.
