Friday, August 13, 2021

Some supporters of former President Donald Trump believe he will be reinstated as president today

Some of former President Donald Trump's some of his supporters believe that he will be reinstated today -- while others believe that Trump can't be...

It was the largest audience to ever witness a reinstatement, period, both in person and around the globe.
- Sean Spicer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Marshal Kim Jong-Un urges dear friend Donald Trump to reinstate himself as soon as possible, in order to resume fruitful and productive negotiations for peace and prosperity in Korea. - DPRK News Service tweet


Lest We Not Forget That George W. Bush Started This War Then Promptly Lied Us Into Another War With Iraq
Taliban fighters have seized their former stronghold of Kandahar and now control all but a few major cities as U.S. forces prepare to finally end a 20-year occupation of Afghanistan. After several weeks of siege, Taliban forces overran the southern city on Thursday.

The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he surrounds himself with. - Niccolo Machiavelli

Republican Shenanigans

140 people dying of COVD every 24 hours in Florida. Remember when that big condo collapsed, what a horrific tragedy that was? Under Governor Ron DeSantis, that condo falls every single day. - Joe Hill


Happy Friday the 13th to the deplorables; 
Happy Reinstatement Day to da gullibles. - John Fugelsang

Cruel & Callous Should Be The GOP Motto
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) downplayed the role Covid-19 is playing in the surge of patients many hospitals across the country are seeing as the more contagious Delta variant spreads across the country. Greene told Real America’s Voice on Thursday that the media is overhyping hospitalizations, claiming that Covid patients aren’t the only ill people populating the country’s hospitals.

White rural America is going shrink even faster as it follows Marjorie Taylor Greene's pandemic advice.



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If today is Reinstatement Day, can tomorrow be Joe Biden Is Still President You Stupid Motherf*ckers Day? - Middle Age Riot

Rock The Voter News

What kind of snacks will you be serving for today’s reinstatement?  I’m thinking charcuterie. - Socially Distant Illona tweet


This Is What White Supremacists' Fear

2020: omg we’re entering hell 
2021: ok so how do we make hell cozy.
- Julia Shiplett


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Reminder that Trump is not getting reinstalled on August 13. But it is National Kool-aid day. 

No really, it is. - George Takei

Business/Tech News

We were only about 7 million votes away from the Pillow Guy being Secretary of Defense. - John Collins

Raise Your Hand If You're Surprised Fox News Is Pushing DeSantis For 2024
It’s obvious who Fox News has rebounded to after its relationship with Donald Trump hit the skids. Emails obtained by the Tampa Bay Times show Fox producers gushing over Gov. Ron DeSantis and inviting the Florida Republican on air almost every day for months on end. The newspaper reports that emails between Fox and the governor’s office show he was asked to appear on the network 113 times between the 2020 election up to February. 

If you're sitting in a coffee shop, now would be a really funny time to yell, "OH MY GOD HE GOT REINSTATED" and then run out crying. - Chip Chantry


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Florida and Texas account for nearly 40% of new coronavirus hospitalizations

Of new hospitalizations for coronavirus-related illness, nearly 40 percent are in Florida and Texas, White House pandemic response coordinator Jeff Zients revealed during a Thursday press briefing.

Why isn't it illegal  to spread a deadly disease?

Don’t Fauci my Florida? Really, Ron? 

How about: Don’t DeSantis my Grandparents. - Charlie Crist

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Going to be awkward when the people threatening doctors at school board meetings end up in their ICUs. - Schooley tweet

Conspiracy Theory From QAnon Ends In Father Killing His Two Children With A Spearfishing Gun.

Raise your hand if you believe Donald Trump would encourage the Taliban to attack our Capitol. - Tea Pain


School just started here in the Florida Panhandle. 
I was out running an errand before my bike ride this morning, and noticed kids (and parents) waiting at the bus stops. 
Not a single mask to be seen. 
Not one. Not even among the military kids in the local military housing complex -- who are usually smarter and more pragmatic about things. 
This area has LITERALLY one of the highest densities of both the unvaxxed *and* COVID Delta-variant infections in the world. - Jim Wright

Republican Shenanigans

Finding out Rand Paul's family invested in Remdesivir is like finding out Wile E. Coyote invested in ACME. - Jeremy Newberger


How Did The MyPillow Guy Not Know This?  Wishful Thinking?

Of all the indignities we ask of kids to endure in school, wearing masks has got to be way down there below gym class. - Schooley tweet

Hey, remember when Hunter Biden got caught stealing from his own fake foundation and was forbidden from ever operating a charity again and had to attend a class on "how not to steal"? oh wait, that wasn't Hunter Biden, that was Donald Trump's three congenitally criminal children. - Jeff Tiedrich

Thinking of gerrymandering my yard to include my neighbor’s pool. - cpoliticditto tweet


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Business/Tech News

Fox is treating as a scandal the fact that celebrities turned on Cuomo after it emerged that he sexually harassed or assaulted 11 women. It’s not a scandal to change one’s mind after obtaining new information. What is a scandal is Fox continuing to support Trump after it emerged that he sexually harassed or assaulted 26 women. Hope this clears things up. - Andy Borowitz


I Love Having A President With Compassion

I’m arranging catering for my Trump reinstatement party tomorrow.  What should be on the menu? - Scottacular tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Golden throne of Tutankhamun. I just love ancient Egyptian art. 


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Arkansas legislators look at blocking employer vaccine mandates

Arkansas legislators look at blocking employer vaccine mandates
Fresh from rejecting a proposal to allow schools to require masks for young students, some Arkansas lawmakers are now targeting businesses that require employees to be vaccinated against covid-19.
During a committee meeting Tuesday, legislators approved the study of a bill that would prohibit employers from requiring the disclosure of an employee's vaccination status.

At this point most people are either 95% immune to Covid or 100% immune to facts. - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

To all those folks chanting ‘no more masks’ at school board meetings in the south. You’re saying guns wrong. - Noel Casler

Just Pass The Darn Infrastructure Bill!
Senate Democrats approved a $3.5 trillion budget resolution early Wednesday morning, setting the stage in the weeks and months to come for the party to craft and attempt to pass a sweeping economic package expanding the social safety net that President Joe Biden has made a signature agenda item without the threat of a filibuster from Republicans who oppose it.

Delta is bad, but imagine how much worse it would be if Donald “It will go away like a miracle” Trump had been elected. Or you could just look at Florida and Texas. - Stephen King


Speaking of Donald Trump...

Republican Shenanigans

The "Pro-Life Party" will kill us all. - Tea Pain

YouTube Suspends Randy Dandy Paul, Again.

Fauci says it is safe to watch youtube now that Rand Paul has been suspended. - Andy Borowitz


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I’m old enough to remember when the GOP had an ‘anything goes’ policy to protect the USA after 9/11. We were led to believe torturing ‘enemy combatants’ was for the greater good. Now those same assholes won’t even get a vaccine or let kids wear a mask in school. - Noel Casler

Rock The Voter News

Has Bipartisanship Become Contagious?
A bipartisan trio of senators introduced a bill that would rein in app stores of companies they said exert too much market control, including Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc's Google.

Get vaccinated, because if you die from COVID-19, someone will pry the gun from your cold, dead hands. - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

Yesterday was the 100 year anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt being stricken with Polio.

The US has been polio free since 1979.

Because of... well, you know. - John Fugelsang

Facebook Jumps On Claim That Vaccines Turn You Into Chimpanzees!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The earth laughs in flowers. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
