Thursday, August 12, 2021

Florida and Texas account for nearly 40% of new coronavirus hospitalizations

Of new hospitalizations for coronavirus-related illness, nearly 40 percent are in Florida and Texas, White House pandemic response coordinator Jeff Zients revealed during a Thursday press briefing.

Why isn't it illegal  to spread a deadly disease?

Don’t Fauci my Florida? Really, Ron? 

How about: Don’t DeSantis my Grandparents. - Charlie Crist

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Going to be awkward when the people threatening doctors at school board meetings end up in their ICUs. - Schooley tweet

Conspiracy Theory From QAnon Ends In Father Killing His Two Children With A Spearfishing Gun.

Raise your hand if you believe Donald Trump would encourage the Taliban to attack our Capitol. - Tea Pain


School just started here in the Florida Panhandle. 
I was out running an errand before my bike ride this morning, and noticed kids (and parents) waiting at the bus stops. 
Not a single mask to be seen. 
Not one. Not even among the military kids in the local military housing complex -- who are usually smarter and more pragmatic about things. 
This area has LITERALLY one of the highest densities of both the unvaxxed *and* COVID Delta-variant infections in the world. - Jim Wright

Republican Shenanigans

Finding out Rand Paul's family invested in Remdesivir is like finding out Wile E. Coyote invested in ACME. - Jeremy Newberger


How Did The MyPillow Guy Not Know This?  Wishful Thinking?

Of all the indignities we ask of kids to endure in school, wearing masks has got to be way down there below gym class. - Schooley tweet

Hey, remember when Hunter Biden got caught stealing from his own fake foundation and was forbidden from ever operating a charity again and had to attend a class on "how not to steal"? oh wait, that wasn't Hunter Biden, that was Donald Trump's three congenitally criminal children. - Jeff Tiedrich

Thinking of gerrymandering my yard to include my neighbor’s pool. - cpoliticditto tweet


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Business/Tech News

Fox is treating as a scandal the fact that celebrities turned on Cuomo after it emerged that he sexually harassed or assaulted 11 women. It’s not a scandal to change one’s mind after obtaining new information. What is a scandal is Fox continuing to support Trump after it emerged that he sexually harassed or assaulted 26 women. Hope this clears things up. - Andy Borowitz


I Love Having A President With Compassion

I’m arranging catering for my Trump reinstatement party tomorrow.  What should be on the menu? - Scottacular tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Golden throne of Tutankhamun. I just love ancient Egyptian art. 


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