Thursday, August 5, 2021

DeSantis Blames COVID Surge on Immigrants as Florida Pediatric Cases Soar, Hospitals Fill Up

DeSantis Blames COVID Surge on Immigrants as Florida Pediatric Cases Soar, Hospitals Fill Up
As COVID-19 ravages Florida, its Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis seems to have honed in on a strategy: blame President Joe Biden. A day after Biden publicly expressed frustration with Republican governors who are preventing businesses and schools from implementing mask and vaccine mandates, DeSantis fired back. “Some governors aren’t willing to do the right things to make this happen,” Biden had told reporters Tuesday. “I say to these governors, please help. If you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way of the people who are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.” DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott have both issued executive orders banning mask mandates.

DeSantis Blasts Other 49 States For Making Florida Look Bad. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I'm pretty sure Republicans want us dead. - John Collins

Mexico Sues U.S. Gunmakers
The Mexican government sued U.S. gun-makers and distributors, including some of the biggest names in guns like Beretta, on Wednesday in U.S. federal court in Boston, arguing that their commercial practices have unleashed tremendous bloodshed in Mexico.

Republican Shenanigans

Which Trump was cutting his lines last night with a random credit card and said ‘Hey we should make our own ‘Trump’ cards. We can put cool Nazi stuff on ‘em too’ Was it Adderall Sr. or Coke Jr.? - Noel Casler

South Dakota's 2nd Annual Super Spreader Event
Crowds of bikers are rumbling their way towards South Dakota’s Black Hills this week, raising fears that COVID-19 infections will be unleashed among the 700,000 people expected to show up at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

Ok, maybe it was wrong for Lauren Boebert to be giving tours of the Capitol just before the insurrection, but she is an elected official and I will defend to the death her right to be expelled from the House, arrested, tried for her crimes and thrown straight the f*ck into prison. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

The U.S. national women's soccer team are "losers" for taking home the bronze medal in Tokyo according to Donald Trump, the world's leading expert on losing. - Middle Age Riot


Sure are a lot of polysyllabic words and coherent, in-depth policy arguments coming from the guy who the right wants you to believe has dementia. - Angry Staffer tweet

The Gulf Stream Is In Trouble
Climate scientists have detected warning signs of the collapse of the Gulf Stream, one of the planet’s main potential tipping points.

Folks walking around refusing to get vaxxed because of ‘side effects’ and fear of needles, but spent 6 hours in a tattoo parlor letting some dude named Meat draw on their neck. -  Noel Casler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Virgin River in Zion National Park, Utah. A perfect place for a canoe trip.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Harassment report shows CNN's Cuomo played ongoing role in advising brother following allegations

Harassment report shows CNN's Cuomo played ongoing role in advising brother following allegations
The bombshell New York state attorney general report into the sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) revealed new details on the level of involvement his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, had in providing advice on how to respond to the accusations.

New York State Weighs Ban on Male Governors. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The only way Cuomo survives this is if he becomes a Republican. - Sundae Gurl tweet


Biden Calls For Cuomo To Resign

Republican governors and right-wing media are killing their voters. Trump is still stealing their money.

Who wants ice cream? - Kona Lowell

The sheer amount of people who would rather get an exotic disease that they believe the Chinese bioengineered in a lab over a remarkably effective vaccine created by the U.S. is pretty staggering. - Marlow Stern


Isn't It A Crime To Forge A Death Certificate?
A small county in Missouri undercounted the number of fatalities caused by the coronavirus after a coroner agreed to remove covid-19 as a cause of death from some death certificates upon being asked by families of the deceased.

Breaking: Nina Turner to hire Cyber Ninjas to conduct a recount. - BlackKnight10K


LOL. Judge Rules MAGA Lawyers Must Pay Defendants Legal Fees.


Hi Lisa,

Republicans across the country, and especially in the South and Heartland, have refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The predictable result: a pandemic of the unvaccinated, mainly in red states.

People’s reluctance to get immunized is fed by theories that they will become sterile, or impotent, or magnetic, or that Bill Gates will implant microchips in them [purpose not specified], or that 5G technology will allow the government to control their actions and thoughts.

Those are social media-fueled conspiracy theories, of course, but they are also false flags to keep people from discovering the truth: The government is already controlling their actions and thoughts. And that is the real reason so many Republicans have decided not to get vaccinated.

The government is doing that to Republicans through the foods they eat.

Think it through: before you buy your food at the grocery store; before the grocery store buys it from the wholesaler, before the wholesaler buys it from the slaughterhouse or market or dairy, who has unfettered access to that food?

The government, that’s who. Specifically, inspectors at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but also many other agencies that come into contact with people’s food before it is consumed.

And who controls the government and all those inspectors? Democrats.

And what interest do Democrats have in Republicans’ being alive to vote in the 2022 and 2024 elections? Guess. It’s the same interest Republicans would have in the Democrats’ being alive, which is not much.

Now you know the truth: through the food you eat, Democrats are controlling your thoughts now to convince you to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.

Think of it as the ultimate voter suppression tool. You can purge all the voter rolls you want; or close all the polling places you care to. But vaccinated Democrats can always come back for the next election. Unvaccinated Republicans? Eh, not so much.

How can you fight back? The only way you can fight back is by getting the COVID-19 vaccine – both shots, on time, as prescribed.

Donald Trump won’t help you; the Republican powers-that-be won’t help you, you have to help yourself.

The only way you can defeat the evil commie socialist Democrats’ (and AOC’s and the Squad’s and Nancy Pelosi’s) plot against you is to get those shots. Do it, but don’t tell a Democrat. You don’t want them to know you’re on to their plot. Make it your own secret.

Or you can starve yourself. Refuse to buy and eat the tainted food that Democrats had their hands all over before that food came to you. One benefit: you will lose weight. One drawback: soon enough, you will lose consciousness. Which is okay, since you lost touch with reality a long time ago.

Have a great day!


I love your psyops, Rick, and it would work if a MAGA would/could read your entire email!
Thanks, for the laugh! I need to laugh, too.


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There have been multiple media reports about Donald's business dealings with the mob, with the mafia. Maybe his taxes show those business dealings are a lot more extensive than has been reported." - Ted Cruz, 2016

Other Than Desalination Plants, How Can California Get Water?

Study Finds Falsehoods About Delta Variant May Spread Twice As Easily As Original Covid Misinformation. - The Onion



Tuesday, August 3, 2021

MAGA conservatives celebrate loss of US women’s soccer team

MAGA conservatives celebrate loss of US women’s soccer team
Fans of former President Donald Trump showed their contempt for the US Women’s Soccer Team on social media after the team was eliminated from the Olympic semifinals by Canada.
Taking the opportunity to reinforce their credentials with MAGA Twitter, pro-Trump commentators such as Ben Shapiro used the team’s misfortune to gloat about their defeat and criticize prominent members

Watching rightwingers hope for American Olympians to lose and celebrating when they do is another reminder of how fraudulent and conditional the right’s ‘patriotism’ really is. - Mehdi Hasan


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Is killing off your voters a viable reelection strategy? looks like we're going to find the f*ck out. - Jeff Tiedrich


New York Gov. Cuomo Is Going Through Some Things. Will He Resign? (I think he should)
Top New York state politicians are calling for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign after New York Attorney General Letitia James announced her office’s bombshell findings  that the governor sexually harassed current and former state employees.

Republicans; before you say anything about Cuomo, do Trump and Gaetz first. - David Weismann


Republican Shenanigans

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead because Trump lied and dragged his feet. And we're hoping we can get him on a tax dodge. Why? - Kona Lowell


Florida Is Going Through Covid Hell

DeSantis Accuses Delta Variant of Playing Politics. - Andy Borowitz

Completely unrelated to anything going on but Hillary Clinton would make a great New York Governor. - Tony Posnanski


Florida Governor's Threats Are Effective


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Business/Tech News

Infrastructure Bill To Fund 11,000-Mile-Long Detour Around Nation During Construction. - The Onion


And The Award For Best Use Of Duct Tape Goes To...

I mean, that passenger was lucky, if I was a flight attendant for Frontier, I would have used fucking staples. - Jeremy Newberger


Vaccines are not 100% effective. 
You know what else isn't 100% effective? Body armor. But you'd be hard pressed nowadays to find cops or military who want to be without it on the job. 
And just like vaccines, the more of your outfit that is armored up, the safer you ALL are. 
Get the jab, stop being a fool. - Jim Wright



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse, Iceland. I am guessing that a helicopter is the only way to get there.
