Tuesday, June 22, 2021

My laptop needs repair

 When I booted it up this morning, a warning message said my fan was not working and not to use it as it will cause further damage. I ignored the warning to post this.

Sigh. So I have to find a taxi that is allowed to drive as we have driving restrictions here due to Covid19.

Wish me luck!

Monday, June 21, 2021

WH on U.S. Catholic bishops new guidance that could deny Biden the rite of Communion: ‘The president’s faith is personal’

During a White House briefing on Monday, press secretary Jen Psaki responded to a question about U.S. Catholic bishops writing a document that could prohibit high-profile politicians who support abortion rights from receiving Communion. Psaki said “the president's faith is personal” and he, like many Americans, does

Jesus never once said you cannot take communion if your political ideology differs from others. He simply said, “do this in remembrance of me.”

He also never once said a priest determines who can take communion, that’s a man-made rule, not given by God.

I follow Jesus, not man. - Travis Akers


When you don’t want to teach kids about slavery but want to preserve confederate monuments, that’s called hypocritical race theory. - OhNoSheTwitnt


Buffoon To Run For Governor of Idaho

The moment that supporters of Cliven and Ammon Bundy were able to point their loaded semi-automatic rifles at federal agents without being immediately shot--or immediately arrested, at least--it was clear that a very dangerous precedent had been set.  It set the stage... - Lance Hartwich tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Huckabee’s son killed a dog. Sarah Palin’s son stood on one. Tomi Lahren kicks hers. Mitt Romney drove with his on the roof of his car. Ted Cruz abandoned his. People are mocking Biden for mourning his… I’m not saying all Republicans are dog-hating monsters or anything but...- OhNoSheTwitnt


Conservative Catholics Gone Wild
Pope Francis and President Joe Biden, both liberals, are the two most high-profile Roman Catholics in the world.

When a Republican says "the KKK was started by Democrats" what they mean is "I am an idiot who has no idea what has happened in the last 150 years." - Middle Age Riot



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Republicans are mocking Biden for showing grief over the loss of his dog.

If you lose your dog but feel nothing, you might be a Republican. - George Takei


Rock The Voter News

The Catholic Bishops 
who make all Catholics say 
"I am not worthy to receive you" 
are literally announcing 
that Joe Biden 
is not worthy to receive.
- John Fugelsang

Methinks DeSantis May Run For President -- Of Cellblock 9
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) ran narrowly ahead of former President Trump in a straw poll of potential 2024 candidates in a survey conducted over the weekend at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

Like all Christians, Trump believes marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman and another woman after that and then another woman after that and also a paid-off porn actress and other women both willing and unwilling. but sure, let's deny communion to Joe Biden. - Jeff Tiedrich

It's funny how the number of Trump rallies has gone down since the government's not paying the bill. - Dave Matt


Supply & Demand In Action
Oil could hit $100 per barrel next year as demand outstrips supply, according to Bank of America.

Delta Airlines: Can we find another term besides the “delta variant” please? 
Corona Beer: Oh f*ck you.  
- Fake Biden tweet



Friday, June 18, 2021

‘Traitor!’ Mike Pence heckled during speech at Florida faith conference

‘Traitor!’ Mike Pence heckled during speech at Florida faith conference
Former vice president Mike Pence was loudly heckled during his speech at a faith conference in Orlando, Florida on Friday.
As Mr Pence spoke to the Faith & Freedom Coalition, boos and cries of “Traitor!” could be heard from the crowd.

Where was Mother?

 Mike Pence should be booed wherever he goes. - OhNoSheTwitnt


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

"Biden gave Putin a pass"
-the Potus who gave Putin a pedicure. - John Fugelsang


Court Martial or Not, LOCK HIM UP!
According to Texas law professor Steve Vladeck, the federal government filed a legal brief Wednesday that opposes his filing that it is unconstitutional for a retired servicemember to be court-martialed...Presumably, this issue will deal with whether retired Lt. General Michael Flynn can be court-martialed for advocating a military coup on the United States.

This should be good: Missouri signs bill penalizing any local police agency that enforces certain federal gun laws.  We fought a war over this.  The Rs really are pining for a return to Reconstruction. - Harry Litman


Republican Shenanigans

Pretty obvious that the Arizona fraudit has found that Joe Biden won by an even larger margin… Or they wouldn’t keep kidnapping the ballots and taking them off to cabins in the wilderness. - Lisa Glass


Matt Gaetz Is About To Go Through Some Things
Since federal prosecutors obtained the cooperation of GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz's once close-ally in May, sources tell ABC News the ongoing investigation, which includes sex trafficking allegations involving Gaetz, has engulfed the tight-knit Central Florida political scene as prosecutors continue their investigation of the Florida congressman.

Listen up, stupids: you can celebrate Juneteenth *and* the 4th of July - Jeff Tiedrich

Ted Cruz Calls Obamacare a Democratic Plot to Keep People Alive So They Can Vote. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Obamacare is everything that Republicans hate: Obama and the verb “to care.” - Andy Borowitz


More Video Of The Insurrection. I Didn't See Any Antifa or BLM. Not One.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth”— Buddha


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I am 70 years old.  NEVER, in 70 years did I once think my fellow Americans would cheer, support, and hope a Russian leader would one-up an American president.  Patriots do not do this, Americans do not do this...what & who are these people and why do they hate America? - Shock and Flaw tweet


The USA Has A Labor Shortage and the GOP Wants To Send States' Law Enforcement To The Border. Idiots.
As President Joe Biden faces an influx of asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border, Republicans have capitalized on security concerns from conservatives ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Now, Idaho Gov. Brad Little is adding his voice to the mix.

Victoria's Secret is getting rid of its Angels. Your move, Charlie. - Stephen Colbert



Fully Pfizered!
Thank you, Costa Rica!