Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Extreme heat in the West could break 200 records and produce temps up to 127 degrees

About 200 million people are projected to experience temperatures over 90 degrees over the next seven days, and 40 million over 100 degrees.

Stay safe!

It's not a heat wave.  
It's a heat tide.
And it will keep rising. - TweetOfGod


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Unlike Trump, when Biden steps into the ring with Putin, we know he hasn't been paid to take a dive. - Middle Age Riot


It's Only A Matter Of Time Before Mickey Mouse Takes A Bullet

For every Texan who is currently being advised to not wash your clothes or use your oven, remember this: Texas Republicans just spent the legislative session restricting voting, abortion access and allowing permitless carry, but passed NOTHING that would immediately help end blackouts. - Parker Butler


Republican Shenanigans

It’s amazing to me that the same person who wants critical-race theory banned, didn’t know the Holocaust was bad until visiting a museum. - Travis Akers


Marjorie Taylor Greene Continues The Honored Tradition of Trump Word Salad

Oh, and Happy 75th Birthday to the former star of “Celebrity Apprentice” who was fired from his own show for his racism. - John Fugelsang



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So the electric grid in Texas doesn't work when it's hot or when it's cold. The hell does it even do? - BlackKnight10K



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Business/Tech News

Roger Waters kicked Zuckerberg right in the Facebook. - Radio Justice tweet


Biden Axes Trump's Wall, Probably Because Mexico Never Paid For It!
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday ruled that President Biden’s move to freeze border wall funds did not violate budgetary law, angering Republicans.

With the agreement reached on the Airbus-Boeing dispute, American tariffs on French products, including wine, have been lifted. These are the first results of our new relationship with our American partners. This is effective cooperation. This is good news for our wine producers! - Emmanuel Macron, President of France


Monday, June 14, 2021

McConnell Says He Will Block Biden From Filling a Supreme Court Vacancy If He's Majority Leader

McConnell Says He Will Block Biden From Filling a Supreme Court Vacancy If He's Majority Leader
While his take will likely surprise no one, it’s somewhat hard to fathom that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) just came right out and said it.

Whenever a Republican talks about the "deep state," I assume they are referring to how far their head is up their ass. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

From now on he is Bibi Netanyathrough. - Jeremy Newberger

Reality Winner Released From Prison!

G-7 Meeting Ends With Day-long Roast of Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

"I never lied" - Kayleigh McEnany, lady with fingers crossed behind her back. - Jeremy Newberger


Barr Says He Has No Memory of Being Attorney General. - Andy Borowitz

Southern Baptists Paving The Road To Hades
As Southern Baptists prepare for their biggest annual meeting in more than a quarter-century, accusations that leaders have shielded churches from claims of sexual abuse and simmering tensions around race threaten to once again mire the nation’s largest Protestant denomination in a conflict that can look more political than theological.


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Rock The Voter News

The Republican Party went from Abraham Lincoln to Marjorie Taylor Greene.

No wonder she doesn’t believe in evolution. - Middle Age Riot


The Queen Welcomes The Bidens
U.S. President Joe Biden said Britain’s Queen Elizabeth reminded him of his mother and that she had asked about China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin as they had tea at Windsor Castle on Sunday.

Joe Biden, Joe Biden, where have you been?

I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.

Joe Biden, Joe Biden, what of the mess?

I told her, America’s back, Good Queen Bess!

By Dee



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I’ve never understood why Republicans think they own Christianity. Most of the teachings of Jesus were liberal ideologies, which is the opposite of their party’s values. - Kolleen tweet

Business/Tech News

If billionaires paying nothing in federal income taxes doesn’t convince you our system is broken, I don’t know what will. - Robert Reich


Please, Somebody Mess With Texas' Crappy Power!

Single Day Without Air Conditioning All It Takes To Turn Entire Family Into Lamenting Heroines In Tennessee Williams Play - The Onion



Friday, June 11, 2021

DOJ to probe Trump-era subpoenas of lawmaker records

DOJ to probe Trump-era subpoenas of lawmaker records
The Justice Department's internal watchdog will investigate the secret seizure of data from Democratic lawmakers and reporters during leak investigations initiated under the Trump administration.
The probe follows news of a department decision in 2017 and 2018 to issue subpoenas seeking metadata from House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and fellow committee member Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) during leak investigations.

It’s almost as if Republicans only accuse Democrats of doing something bad if Republicans are actually doing it. - OhNoSheTwitnt


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Raise your hand if you'd like to see Bill Barr testify under oath in front of Congress on live television for 11 straight hours to explain every sh**ty illegal and immoral thing he did as Trump's hand-picked goon at the department of justice. - Jeff Tiedrich

Who Conducted This Report? Ivanka?
A U.S. government report concludes that a Trump photo opportunity was not the reason racial justice protesters were cleared from near the White House last summer. ​The Interior Department's inspector general faulted law enforcement for poor communication.

Happy Friday to everyone who is sick and tired of hearing about all the "worse than Watergate" crimes committed by the former guy but still no handcuffs.


Republican Shenanigans

G-7 Struggling To Adjust To US President Who Appears To Like Wife. - Andy Borowitz


A Bittersweet Pulitzer Prize
The Pulitzer Prizes on Friday awarded a special citation to Darnella Frazier, the teenager whose 2020 video recording of an officer kneeling on George Floyd's neck before he died rocked the nation and prompted more national conversations around racism and police brutality.

No one could have predicted that the party of 'sweep the forest' and 'water-bomb the cathedral' and 'nuke the hurricane' and 'bleach the virus' would also be the party of 'shove the moon'. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

Anyone Taking Bets That There Will Not Be A Bipartisan  Infrastructure Plan?


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Business/Tech News

Want to know why the Koch Network is so afraid of H.R. 1?

Because it returns democracy to the people, not dark money donors.

Democrat and Republicans overwhelmingly agree – dark money has no place in our politics.

So let’s end it. Let's pass H.R. 1. - Rep. Adam Schiff


Drought Plagues Lake Mead

The troops were excited to see the President at the G7, because this time they are fighting on the same side. - Stephen Colbert.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I just love these smiling Catasetum epiphytic Orchids.
