Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Insurrectionists are gonna insurrect

Speaking on MSNBC this Monday, retired four-star U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey addressed recent comments from former national security adviser Mike Flynn, who seemingly suggested that a citizen should form a coup to topple the U.S. government during a QAnon conference.

If inciting a coup, plotting a coup, or participating in a coup isn’t treason, then what is treason?



The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I agree with QAnon followers that Trump will once again be living in federal housing soon. - Andy Borowitz



Israel Will Ask U.S. For $1 Billion
Israel will ask the U.S. for $1 billion in additional emergency military aid this week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told "Fox and Friends" on Tuesday and Israeli officials confirmed.

The Texas Governor is threatening to choke off the funding of the Texas Legislature unless it caves to his voter-suppression agenda. That threat violates the Texas and US Constitutions and must be challenged in court. Governor Abbott should be removed from office. Period. - Laurence Tribe

Republican Shenanigans

Matt Gaetz and his alleged fiancee, Ginger Lucky (I swear to god), were allegedly swindled out of $155,000 that they allegedly handed over to an alleged "yacht broker." 

No word on if the $155K was all in ones. - Stonekettle

 One year ago today, Trump gassed people for a photo-op.


Scholars Agree: The GOP Is Trying To Destroy Democracy
A group of university professors and scholars on Tuesday signed onto a statement calling for increased federal voting protections, warning that U.S. democracy is “now at risk” with the wave of recent GOP-led legislative proposals across the country seeking to implement sweeping voting overhauls.

Let’s call Trump’s reinstatement talk what it is. Code for trying to overthrow the US Government, again. - Tim Hannan



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Remember, every time you claim that Trump's agenda is "Christian" an angel coughs up blood. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Greg Abbott Tries to Lure Back Democratic Lawmakers by Offering NPR Tote Bags. - Andy Borowitz

Manchin Is A DINO

Michael Flynn is calling for a Myanmar style coup, and Trump thinks he’ll be reinstated as President in August. January 6th is looking more and more like a dry run with each passing day. - Hamish Mitchell


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Business/Tech News

Remember that time Republicans helped people?

Yeah, me neither... - Jake Lobin

I Am So Looking Forward To These Fools Being Perp Walked

“That’s what great nations do - they come to terms with their dark sides.” - Joe Biden




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Blue Hole of Belize. I have Thalassophobia which is a type of specific phobia that involves a persistent and intense fear of swimming in deep bodies of water.


Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021: Former U.S. General Wants A Myanmar-type Coup

Ex-National Security Advisor Mike Flynn Tells QAnon Conference That a Coup Like The One In Myanmar ‘Should Happen’ in The US
Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn spoke this weekend at a conference organized by supporters of the QAnon conspiracy in Dallas, Texas, and multiple attendees captured video of him endorsing the idea of a military coup like the one that happened in Myanmar happening here, presumably to install former President Donald Trump back in the White House.

What's worse, troop wise, wishing people a nice 3 day weekend or a former General cheering on a military coup? - Schooley


If you don't think January 6th was about overthrowing the government...

...all you have to do is listen to disgraced former general and Trump mouthpiece Mike Flynn. - Stonekettle


Gun Nuts Are Growing. It Is Going To Be A Bloody Summer.

Mitch McConnell Proposes New Commission To Investigate Benghazi. - Andy Borowitz

Message to those UFOs, can you take Marjorie Taylor Greene back with you? - David Weissman

Actor Steven Seagal Cozying Up To Putin. Anybody Surprised?

Donald Trump: “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured.”


Kamala Harris: “Enjoy the long weekend.”

Republicans: “No one has ever said anything so disrespectful about our war heroes!” - Middle Age Riot



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"Their body, their choice." Such is the mantra coming from the GOP about Covid vaccines. Does this include the bodies of women? - Don Lewis



In my book it’s pretty simple. If you work hard to PREVENT people from voting, you pretty much admit your ideas aren’t popular and you fear the verdict of the people. - Dan Rather

Texas Democrats Walk Off House Floor
Texas Democrats walked off the state House floor late Sunday night to prevent the passage of a massive overhaul of state elections procedures that would add new impediments to voting in future elections and limit the availability of certain types of voting predominantly used by low income and handicapped people. 

Texas Walkout Puts Greg Abbott In Awkward Position of Wanting Democrats’ Votes To Be Counted. -- Andy Borowitz



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March 30, 2020: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis refuses COVID stricken cruise ships permission to dock in Florida, refuses medical assistance to hundreds of infected passengers

June 2021: Same guy signs an executive order preventing cruise ships from requiring vaccinations. - Stonekettle

Business/Tech News

“Eric is responsible for everything the company has ever done,” Trump said. - Andy Borowitz


No Privacy With Amazon's Ring Camera

The only way you can follow both Trump and Jesus is if you’ve never read either of their books. - Republican Jesus


Vice President Kamala Harris laid flowers at John McCain's grave. 

Meghan McCain went to a casino. 

Enjoy your long weekend! - Baligubadle tweet


Friday, May 28, 2021

Pelosi: GOP 'cowardice' on Jan. 6 vote makes 'our country less safe'

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Republicans on Friday who voted against the creation of an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
“Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans’ denial of the truth of the January 6th insurrection brings shame to the Senate. Republicans’ cowardice in rejecting the truth of that dark day makes our Capitol and our country less safe,” the Speaker said in a press release

The next time they attack, they will have guns.

They filibustered the truth. - Dan Rather


An angry mob attacked our Capitol, our lawmakers, and our election. 

They killed a policeman. 

And Republican leaders would rather we all not know more about what happened. - Hillary Clinton



Mitch McConnell, you just won the first subpoena of the House investigation, come on down. - John Fugelsang


If you want to know how effective the psyops that Trump used on folks was all you have to do is look at Jan 6th, that’s why the GOP doesn’t want you to look. He got folks in broad daylight on LIVE TV to attack the US Capitol. Just how bat sh*t scary that is cannot be overstated. - Noel Casler


Florida Woman Provides Evidence On Herself To The FBI

Lest you thought the Trump crime family was done, they still own some Senators and some in Congress. - Jeremy Newberger




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Rock The Voter News

Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be Proud Boys. - Designationsix tweet


How Nice, The Senate Adjourned Early Today.

New Evidence Shows Fauci May Have Been Created In Chinese Lab. - The Onion


Every corporation in America should boycott the campaigns of anyone who votes against establishing a 1/6 commission. - BlackKnight10K tweet


Florida Man Sued For Social Media Censorship
Two technology groups on Thursday filed a lawsuit in Tallahassee federal court challenging a controversial bill that Gov. Ron DeSantis said is aimed at cracking down on social media censorship — but opponents argue is an unconstitutional infringement on free speech.

A lady just came up to me and said “Speak English, we are in San Diego.” So I politely responded by asking her “how do I say ‘San Diego’ in English?” The look of bewilderment on her face made it feel like a Friday. - ArtyCurry tweet

