Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Insurrectionists are gonna insurrect

Speaking on MSNBC this Monday, retired four-star U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey addressed recent comments from former national security adviser Mike Flynn, who seemingly suggested that a citizen should form a coup to topple the U.S. government during a QAnon conference.

If inciting a coup, plotting a coup, or participating in a coup isn’t treason, then what is treason?



The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I agree with QAnon followers that Trump will once again be living in federal housing soon. - Andy Borowitz



Israel Will Ask U.S. For $1 Billion
Israel will ask the U.S. for $1 billion in additional emergency military aid this week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told "Fox and Friends" on Tuesday and Israeli officials confirmed.

The Texas Governor is threatening to choke off the funding of the Texas Legislature unless it caves to his voter-suppression agenda. That threat violates the Texas and US Constitutions and must be challenged in court. Governor Abbott should be removed from office. Period. - Laurence Tribe

Republican Shenanigans

Matt Gaetz and his alleged fiancee, Ginger Lucky (I swear to god), were allegedly swindled out of $155,000 that they allegedly handed over to an alleged "yacht broker." 

No word on if the $155K was all in ones. - Stonekettle

 One year ago today, Trump gassed people for a photo-op.


Scholars Agree: The GOP Is Trying To Destroy Democracy
A group of university professors and scholars on Tuesday signed onto a statement calling for increased federal voting protections, warning that U.S. democracy is “now at risk” with the wave of recent GOP-led legislative proposals across the country seeking to implement sweeping voting overhauls.

Let’s call Trump’s reinstatement talk what it is. Code for trying to overthrow the US Government, again. - Tim Hannan



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Remember, every time you claim that Trump's agenda is "Christian" an angel coughs up blood. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Greg Abbott Tries to Lure Back Democratic Lawmakers by Offering NPR Tote Bags. - Andy Borowitz

Manchin Is A DINO

Michael Flynn is calling for a Myanmar style coup, and Trump thinks he’ll be reinstated as President in August. January 6th is looking more and more like a dry run with each passing day. - Hamish Mitchell


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Business/Tech News

Remember that time Republicans helped people?

Yeah, me neither... - Jake Lobin

I Am So Looking Forward To These Fools Being Perp Walked

“That’s what great nations do - they come to terms with their dark sides.” - Joe Biden




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Blue Hole of Belize. I have Thalassophobia which is a type of specific phobia that involves a persistent and intense fear of swimming in deep bodies of water.


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