Friday, May 28, 2021

Pelosi: GOP 'cowardice' on Jan. 6 vote makes 'our country less safe'

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Republicans on Friday who voted against the creation of an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
“Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans’ denial of the truth of the January 6th insurrection brings shame to the Senate. Republicans’ cowardice in rejecting the truth of that dark day makes our Capitol and our country less safe,” the Speaker said in a press release

The next time they attack, they will have guns.

They filibustered the truth. - Dan Rather


An angry mob attacked our Capitol, our lawmakers, and our election. 

They killed a policeman. 

And Republican leaders would rather we all not know more about what happened. - Hillary Clinton



Mitch McConnell, you just won the first subpoena of the House investigation, come on down. - John Fugelsang


If you want to know how effective the psyops that Trump used on folks was all you have to do is look at Jan 6th, that’s why the GOP doesn’t want you to look. He got folks in broad daylight on LIVE TV to attack the US Capitol. Just how bat sh*t scary that is cannot be overstated. - Noel Casler


Florida Woman Provides Evidence On Herself To The FBI

Lest you thought the Trump crime family was done, they still own some Senators and some in Congress. - Jeremy Newberger




Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be Proud Boys. - Designationsix tweet


How Nice, The Senate Adjourned Early Today.

New Evidence Shows Fauci May Have Been Created In Chinese Lab. - The Onion


Every corporation in America should boycott the campaigns of anyone who votes against establishing a 1/6 commission. - BlackKnight10K tweet


Florida Man Sued For Social Media Censorship
Two technology groups on Thursday filed a lawsuit in Tallahassee federal court challenging a controversial bill that Gov. Ron DeSantis said is aimed at cracking down on social media censorship — but opponents argue is an unconstitutional infringement on free speech.

A lady just came up to me and said “Speak English, we are in San Diego.” So I politely responded by asking her “how do I say ‘San Diego’ in English?” The look of bewilderment on her face made it feel like a Friday. - ArtyCurry tweet



Thursday, May 27, 2021

Life comes at you fast

I have another appointment at noon to get Pfizered! Hopefully. 

There are driving restrictions in place and my taxi ride is restricted but the police said we could go.

AND on top of that, the power is being turned off this morning to replace the electric line to my house. So a new edition of AHNC will be delayed until tomorrow. Mea culpa.

Newly settled gringos here have often asked me what type of car they should purchase. I often say  --  don't buy a car, buy a helicopter.

Wish me luck!

Republicans Agree To Commission On Hillary Clinton's Involvement In January 6. - Andy Borowitz

Hand crushing machine used by the Catholic Church in the 15th century to punish those with “greedy hands." Looks like a fair punishment for the trumps.

As Grand Jury Convenes, Trump Changes Name of His Company to Eric Trump Organization. - Andy Borowitz

Goblin Valley State Park is in Utah. The park features thousands of hoodoos, referred to locally as goblins, which are formations of mushroom-shaped rock pinnacles.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

I received a call last evening that I had a vaccine appointment in the morning


Nah, I think I'll wait. There were around 200+ people in line and it was hot, the kind of hot laced with choking humidity. 

So by the time the taxi dropped off my friend, who also decided to delay his vax, I ran several errands and here I am. I did speak with the medic and he said I need the Pfizer vaccine and they don't have any at this location and he will call me when they receive the Pfizer vax. Sigh. Glad I didn't wait in that heat.

Thank you for stopping by and I will have a fresh edition tomorrow.

Peace when I'm Pfizered.