Friday, May 21, 2021

Ex-Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg Will Flip, Former Daughter in Law Predicts in Stunning CNN Interview

Allen Weisselberg is the Chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organization. According to several experts and talking heads, he holds the keys to the opaque financial past that puts former President Donald Trump in criminal jeopardy. Jennifer Weisselberg is the Trump CFO’s former daughter-in-law and told CNN’s Erin Burnett Thursday night that she expects her former father-in-law to flip on the ex-President.

Jennifer Weisselberg says prosecutors next focus is Wollman Rink and Central Park Carousel. She described them as money-laundering to me. - Erin Burnett, CNN



The same people who obsess over a war that happened 155 years ago want to ignore an insurrection that happened 4 months ago. - Middle Age Riot

Ukraine Is Running Scared

I keep hearing that Weisselberg will flip on Trump to receive a lighter sentence, but Allen knows who Trump was really in business with and that without protective custody in prison it would not end well for him. To protect his family, I’ll bet he takes the rap. Rudy flips. - Noel Casler

Republican Shenanigans

I’m sure the people incensed by “spying on the Trump campaign” are furious that the Trump DOJ spied on journalists. Right??? RIGHT? - Tim Hannan

Giuliani & Toensing Find Out They're Not Above The Law
Federal prosecutors argued in a legal brief that Rudy Giuliani and Victoria Toensing should not be “above the law” because of their connections as attorneys, warning that the lawyers’ quest for information about their search warrants could compromise an active grand jury investigation against them and “others.”

People paint Trump as a bumbling idiot, and he is iconically stupid and drug-addled, but he also bent the entire GOP to his will, made the Secret Service his valet crew and stole their tips, brought his family along for the ride, and destroyed a decent chunk of American life. - Noel Casler



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No one could have predicted that the party of pedophile wrestling coaches and pedophile sheriffs and pedophile plutocrats and pedophile House speakers and pedophile sex traffickers would also be the party of pedophile congressional candidates. what are the f*cking chances. - Jeff Tiedrich


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When I think of  Matt Gaetz I think of Jeffrey Epstein. And when I think of Jeffrey Epstein I think of Donald Trump. I gotta lay off thinking. - Ron Perlman

Business/Tech News

Need A Job? There's A Federal Correction Officer Shortage.

Happy Friday to everyone who is relieved that we don't have a batsh*t, stark raving lunatic trying to buy Greenland or nuke a hurricane.

Normal is nice. - Brooklyn Dad Defiant tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Dragon's Eye is a natural rock formation found along the shoreline of Uttakleiv Beach in the Lofoten Islands in northern Norway. The dragon appears to have red eyelashes.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

As Congress debates Jan. 6 commission, some Republicans look to downplay Capitol riot

While lawmakers debate whether to create a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, a number of congressional Republicans are insisting that the events of that day were no big deal.

Trump Orders Kevin McCarthy to Go to Prison in His Place. - Andy Borowitz



The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I also think we shouldn’t have a January 6th commission. Let’s go straight to a tribunal. - Stephen Colbert 

Dear God, Need Prison Reform Much?
A detention facility in Georgia where women claim they were subjected to unwanted medical procedures and a Massachusetts jail that has drawn complaints of inhumane conditions will no longer be used to detain immigrants, the Biden administration said Thursday.

If Republicans really believe that Antifa was responsible for the Capitol attack like they claimed, they would let the Jan 6. Commission happen. - Alex Cole


Republican Shenanigans

There is a procedure to abort a Texas governor who shows no sign of brain activity. It’s called voting. - Andy Borowitz


GaetzGate Is Growing!

If it were D's who lost 35 of their own members you KNOW the headlines would be "Dems in disarray" - Jennifer Rubin tweet



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Men: if you want women to smile more, give them equal pay for equal work, allow them to make their own reproductive choices, and stop telling them to f*cking smile more. - Middle Age Riot


Abortion will never be illegal if you can afford it. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Rock The Voter News

What Took Maryland So Long?

Aliens: Greetings
Me: Oh Hey
Aliens: Are you not shocked?
Me: Man I got a lot going on - CerromeRussell


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Business/Tech News

Would You Gamble At A Trump Casino?

I won’t get vaccinated.
I won’t wear a mask.
I oppose universal healthcare. 
I ignore infant mortality rates in the poorest states.
Migrants are “illegals.”
We need more guns on the streets.
I’m fine w/cutting WIC & SNAP.
I think the death penalty is just swell.

I’m pro-life. - John Fugelsang

European Union Approves Vaccinated Travelers. Sorta.
The European Union gave final approval on Thursday to entry for vaccinated travelers.

Every time we're silent, every time we let hate flourish, we make a lie of who we are as a nation, - President Biden




Apparently, ancient Egyptians invented ice cream cones and WIFI

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Building a road on the side of a mountain somewhere in China. No thank you, I'll take a helicopter.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

N.Y. attorney general: Probe into Trump Organization now criminal

The New York attorney general's office said Tuesday that it is conducting a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump's business empire, expanding what had previously been a civil probe.

All I can hear is: ‘I plead not guilty, your Honor’ in a soft, sibilant cooing voice. @IvankaTrump. - Noel Casler tweet


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Mexico has agreed to pay for Trump's extradition to New York. - Alex Cole

The Aliens Are Coming! The Aliens Are Coming!
New footage has emerged of a “spherical” shaped flying object that was captured via video by the US Navy off the coast of San Diego in July of 2019 The video was posted by Jeremy Corbell and comes days after a 60 Minutes segment that, judged by the viral nature of the clips and reactions, appears to have captured the nature’s attention. The Department of Defense has confirmed the veracity of the video to NBC News.

What if it was the aliens who installed Donald Trump. - Poetic Justice tweet


Republican Shenanigans

Remember when we wanted to hear what Osama Bin Laden thought about a 9/11 Commission?

Me neither. - YS tweet



A woman's right to choose includes deciding if her pregnancy is any of your f*cking business. - Middle Age Riot


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Pelosi Says House Republicans Can Stop Wearing Masks If They Also Stop Wearing Guns. - Andy Borowitz


Rock The Voter News

Mitch McConnell’s opposition to the January 6 Commission is an obstruction of justice. 

Full stop. - The Lincoln Project


Five Oregon Counties Want To Secede
Voters in five rural Oregon counties approved measures on Tuesday to consider joining the state of Idaho, a part of a long-shot grassroots movement to break with a state dominated by liberal voters west of the Cascade Mountains.

Hillary Clinton didn’t oppose the Benghazi committee, and she testified. Why can’t Republicans have the same courtesy if they believe they are not responsible for the January 6th insurrection? - David Weissmann


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Here’s the deal: trickle-down economics has never worked.

It’s time to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. - President Biden



The List Of Lawsuits and Investigations Against Trump

Andrew Giuliani makes Eric Trump look like a valedictorian. - Michael Cohen





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Meanwhile, in west Texas, storm chaser Laura Rowe captured the picture of a lifetime on May 17, 2021, with this fantastic shot of a mature supercell thunderstorm, illuminated at varying heights from the setting sun.
