Thursday, May 6, 2021

South Carolina House votes to add firing squad as execution method

The South Carolina House voted Wednesday to add a firing squad to the state's execution methods amid a lack of lethal-injection drugs — a measure meant to jump-start executions in a state that once had one of the busiest death chambers in the nation.

Again, Republican "Christians" are not following the teachings of Christ.

Happy 4-month anniversary to Lauren Boebert live-tweeting Nancy Pelosi's whereabouts during a f*cking insurrection. how is this noxious gun-worshiping bobblehead still a member of congress. - Jeff Tiedrich

Young Guns Are Going To Mess Up Texas, Even More.
The Texas Senate has voted to advance a bill that will allow people to carry handguns in the state without a license, setting up the state to be the largest in the country to allow permitless carry.

Let’s be honest: The toxic blight of Fox News can’t keep going on like this if we’re going to keep our democracy. - Steven Beschloss 

Republican Shenanigans

Caitlyn Jenner to Hannity: "My friends are leaving California. My hangar, the guy right across, he was packing up his hangar and I said, where are you going? And he says, 'I'm moving to Sedona, Arizona, I can't take it anymore. I can't walk down the streets and see the homeless'"

Imagine being so out of touch you go on national television to talk about how you feel bad for your rich friends because they have to look at poor people. - Ida Skibenes


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Liz Cheney is urging Republicans not to abandon the rule of law. Unfortunately, for the past decade, she’s portrayed the rule of law as an mere inconvenience invoked by weaklings, and the Trumpified party that now exists is the one she helped build. - Adam Serwer


It Would Be Nice If The Arizona Private Vote Counters Get Raided By The Feds


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I'm a small business owner. We've received 300 applications per job opening this year. We pay a living wage with benefits.

There is no labor shortage. There's a shortage of people willing to work for $7.25/hour with no benefits for power-hungry bosses. - Dan Price

Business/Tech News

If a bakery can deny a wedding cake to a gay couple, then Facebook can deny anyone an account. See how this works? - Mohamad Safa

This Is The Result When Critical Thinking Skills Are Absent
A Twitter account reportedly created by the staff of former President Donald Trump has been suspended a day after its creation.

‘Care To Explain?’ Ask Conservative Parents After Finding Vaccine Card In Son’s Underwear Drawer. - The Onion

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Catholic bishops risk own-goal by attacking Biden on abortion rights

... administration, Biden is under fire from American Catholic bishops who argue his support for abortion rights should make him ineligible to receive communion ...

I’m grateful to Biden for so many things, including the ability watch The Handmaid’s Tale as entertainment, not as a potential foreboding reality. - Emily Bandwin



The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans
Liz Cheney should take Kevin McCarthy quail hunting. - Irishrygirl


Well, Well, Well. Here Comes Da Judge.
A federal judge has ordered the Department of Justice (DOJ) to release a March 2019 legal memo clearing former President Trump of potential obstruction of justice charges following the Mueller investigation, with the judge accusing former Attorney General William Barr and agency lawyers of deceiving the public.

The short version: the Mueller Report found that Trump committed 11 federal felonies and Barr covered it up, exactly as many of us said 2 years ago. For 2 years, those who said the Mueller Report found crimes took s*** because Barr lied to a federal court. - Seth Abramson


It's way too underreported that Victoria Toensing phones were also seized by the FBI. - Scott Steadman


Republican Shenanigans

McCarthy Blasts Liz Cheney For Refusing To Accept Trump As Her Personal Savior. - Andy Borowitz


Please, CNN, Get Rid of Santorum.
CNN analyst Rick Santorum's claim that he misspoke during a recent speech where he said there was “nothing here” when the United States was founded did little to diminish anger against him. The National Congress of American Indians on Tuesday renewed calls for CNN to fire the former Pennsylvania senator. The group's president, Fawn Sharp, called Santorum arrogant for comments made to Chris Cuomo on Monday night. 

It turns out Republicans don't understand the 1st Amendment any better than the 2nd. - Middle Age Riot



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Rock The Voter News

The only way expanded background checks take away your 2nd amendment rights is if you're:

1. a criminal, 
2. insane, or 
3. a terrorist.  

And if you're all 3 of those things, you're probably already a lobbyist for the NRA. - John Fugelsang



Liz Cheney Is Just Gonna Sit Back and Watch

Just a gentle reminder that somewhere right now, George Clooney is quietly toiling away at his docuseries to expose what really happened with Jim Jordan during the OSU Wrestling scandal. - Jake Lobin




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Business/Tech News


President Biden: "I think it's 35 or 30 corporations didn't pay a single solitary penny last year and they're Fortune 500 companies. They made $400 billion. They paid no taxes. How can that make any sense?"


Trump Banned From Facebook For Another 6 Months
Former President Donald Trump will remain banned on Facebook for now, the Facebook Oversight Board announced Wednesday, adding that Facebook must review the matter in the next six months to determine a defined penalty.

Trump Says Social Network He Just Told Eric and Don Jr. To Invent Will Be Much Bigger Than Facebook. - Andy Borowitz

I admit it: part of me was hoping the second vaccine would turn me into a handsome patriotic super soldier. - Conan O'Brien




Tuesday, May 4, 2021

“I've had it with her’: McCarthy criticism of Liz Cheney caught on hot mic

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was caught on a hot mic criticizing Rep. Liz Cheney, whose position in the GOP caucus is in peril following repeated criticisms of former President

It is fascinating that the right is saying Dick Cheney’s daughter isn’t horrible enough for them. - Tony Posnanski


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Santorum is Latin for asshole. -- former Sen. Bob Kerrey


The Chinese Crowdfunded The Proud Boys. Yeah, You Read That Right.
The donations started coming in around 10 p.m. on Dec. 17.

The BIG LIE is just like the Birth Certificate lie.

The 2020 election was not stolen for Biden and Obama was born in Hawaii. - Scott Huffman


Republican Shenanigans

Still haven’t gotten used to someone named Cheney being opposed to a lie. - Andy Borowitz



Anybody But DeSantis!

DeSantis Says Florida Will Lift Coronavirus Restrictions to Focus on Voting Restrictions. - Andy Borowitz


Dear Republicans: Donald Trump f*cking lost. Put on your big boy (and big girl) pants and get over it. - Stephen King



Fake Christian Alert! Fake Christian Alert!

The original Constitution counted black folks as 3/5ths of a person.

Today’s GOP consider that far too generous. - Tea Pain



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If Fox News were around in 1955, we’d still have polio. - Helen Kennedy

Business/Tech News

Romney's actually a rather sinister capitalist;
the kind that suckered the GOP for decades
until a racist landlord from queens did it better. - John Fugelsang

Good For Jake Tapper! He Doesn't Want Liars On His Show Anymore.
CNN's Jake Tapper on Tuesday questioned why any Republicans who promote false election fraud theories should be given any airtime.

Americans, do you ever just look back at the last four years and go “what the actual f*ck was that?” 

Because I’m not American and I do that all the time. - Ida Skibenes





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I sure hope that raven found that earring on the ground and not plucked from someone's ear.
"While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping..." - The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
