Monday, May 3, 2021

CNN’s Jim Acosta Mocks Trump’s ‘Sad Old Elvis Act’ At Mar-A-Lago: ‘Like Watching the Hall of Discredited Presidents at Disney World’

CNN’s Jim Acosta Mocks Trump’s ‘Sad Old Elvis Act’ At Mar-A-Lago: ‘Like Watching the Hall of Discredited Presidents at Disney World’
CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta mocked former President Donald Trump for putting on a “sad old Elvis act” at Mar-a-Lago, referring to a video clip of Trump halfheartedly repeating his baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

I’d like to see Mar-a-Lago turned into a prison. - Mayo tweet



The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

America won’t ever attain “Herd Immunity” because we have too much “Herd Stupidity.” - David Leavitt 


The Dumbing Down of Children Continues...
A fifth-grade math and science teacher peddled a bogus conspiracy theory Wednesday to students at Centner Academy, a private school in Miami, warning them that they should not hug parents who had been vaccinated against the coronavirus for more than five seconds because they might be exposed to harmful vaccine shedding.

Crazy that Matt Gaetz’s Venmo and text exchanges don’t even raise an eyebrow in a party that’s generated incredible conspiracy mileage out of “child trafficking”... - Cyrus McQueen


The people who preached herd immunity in 2020
are now the reason we won't reach herd immunity in 2021. - John Fugelsang


Republican Shenanigans

The fact that Republicans are fighting against people like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney is so monumentally stupid and it will help Democrats. - Jason Elias



Dear Lord, Florida's Governor Is Taking Away People's Right To Be Safe
Gov. Ron DeSantis kept his promise and signed a bill into law Monday that bars businesses, schools and government entities across Florida from asking anyone to provide proof of a COVID-19 vaccination.

The Arizona state Senate has completed their audit and has proven that Donald Trump did in fact win the Emmys. - Jeremy Newberger


Republicans never call it socialism when they give away trillions to the rich.- Andy Borowitz


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Thousands of Fact-checkers Laid Off In Biden’s First Hundred Days. - Andy Borowitz

Republicans Lack Critical Thinking Skills, In Case You Haven't Noticed.

The idea that you can’t add states to the Union is pretty much undercut by a flag with more than 13 stars. - Dan Rather



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Business/Tech News

Private equity Buys Yahoo! and AOL.. I guess they'll figure out how to get people to pay for email. 
Verizon announced on Monday that it is selling Yahoo and AOL for $5 billion to private-equity firm Apollo Global Management. Verizon made the deal official just a few days after news reports said that Verizon had put Yahoo and AOL up for sale. The media division will be known just as "Yahoo" after the sale is completed later this year.

From The Archives: Yahoo Back On Top After Purchasing Millions Of 13-Year-Old Girls’ Blogs. - The Onion

From My Archives, 7 Years Ago During The Benghazi Hearings

I’m waiting for the first great pandemic literary novel—LOVE IN THE TIME OF COVID. - Stephen King


Friday, April 30, 2021

Bombshell Letter: Gaetz Paid for Sex With Minor, Wingman Says

Bombshell Letter: Gaetz Paid for Sex With Minor, Wingman Says
A confession letter written by Joel Greenberg in the final months of the Trump presidency claims that he and close associate Rep. Matt Gaetz paid for sex with multiple women—as well as a girl who was 17 at the time.

Donald Trump refuses to talk to Matt Gaetz because he likes rapists who don't get caught. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The NRA reminds you that your children aren't quite as important as the right of convicted felons to obtain a gun. - John Fugelsang


Go Merick. Go Merrick. Go Merrick. GO!
Attorney General Merrick Garland is quickly negating the Trump administration’s law enforcement legacy, dismaying conservatives with a burst of aggressive reversals and new policies.

“Think back to the day after 9/11. Someone tells you that in the future the home and office of #AmericasMayor would be invaded by the authorities and he’d most likely wind up being charged.  You’d think  they were nuts.” - Bette Midler tweet



Republican Shenanigans

Let this sink in.

Currently, key figures in the Republican Party are under investigation for human traffickin’, child pornography and willingly workin’ with Russia to end democracy. - Tea Pain tweet



Anyone who thinks the Republican Party is not a cult should ask Mike Pence why he is cool with his boss trying to make him a human sacrifice. - Middle Age Riot

Grifters Grifting. Good, More Evidence.
Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), two of the most conservative members of the House, are joining forces.




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McConnell Refuses To Stand And Applaud After Biden Says Puppies Are Nice. - Andy Borowitz


Rock The Voter News

Major is going to eat the cat.
Fox News is going to go wild.
Republicans take back the House.
Louie Gohmert leads five investigations into the death of the cat. - Charles P. Pierce




The Nazization of Florida Continues


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Business/Tech News

Class Warfare is when top 1% uses the media to instruct you that a slight tax increase on the top 1% is Class Warfare. - John Fugelsang




Thursday, April 29, 2021

A petition is calling for Jill Biden to undo all of Melania Trump's changes to the White House Rose Garden

A petition is calling for Jill Biden to undo all of Melania Trump's changes to the White House Rose Garden
More than 40,000 people have signed a petition calling for First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff to undo changes made to the White House Rose Garden by the previous First Lady Melania Trump.

Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis will not be on the ticket in 2024; they will be sharing a cell with Matt Gaetz and Rudy Giuliani. - Remove Ron tweet

Is Putin Using Invisible Weapons on U.S. Soil?

Explosive Video Reveals Biden Plot to Use His Power to Improve Living Conditions. - Andy Borowitz


Republican Shenanigans

I wish Joe Biden would speak out in favor of proper vision care, just so I could watch every Republican poke their own eyes out. - Jeff Tiedrich


Wow. Not All Republicans Are Science Deficient!

I have yet to see a chunk of adderall fly out of President Biden's nose. - Leona tweet



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Speaker Pelosi to CBS on Republicans: "All of a sudden they're deficit hawks, when they were giving away money to the wealthiest people in our country under President Trump."

Rock The Voter News

There are no tracking devices inside any Covid vaccine, just microscopic copies of Kamala Harris’s book. - Stephen Colbert

85%  Approval Rating For Biden's Speech. 85%.

Just a casual reminder that in 1861, 11 Senators and 3 Representatives were expelled from Congress for failing to recognize Lincoln’s election and supporting insurrection. - Andrea Junker


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Business/Tech News
The party of Open Carry wants you to know your mask is making them uncomfortable. - Jason tweet


Uh Oh. The Pandemic Has Taken A Bite Out Of Apple.

Now that smart people can go outside without masks, my maga moron identification system  is gone. - Randi Mayem Singer





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The earth rising, Apollo 15 photo taken in 1971.
