Thursday, February 18, 2021

Photos of Ted Cruz Allegedly Fleeing to Cancun During Texas Arctic Blast Disaster Spark Outrage

Photos of Ted Cruz Allegedly Fleeing to Cancun During Texas Arctic Blast Disaster Spark Outrage
Photos of Ted Cruz emerged on Twitter that purports to show the Texas Senator flying to Cancun, Mexico to escape the brutal and dangerous cold spell causing blackouts in his home state of Texas. The images were shared on Twitter on Wednesday night, while millions of Texas residents are currently without power as dangerously low temperatures wreak havoc.

Ted Cruz meant to fly to Austin, but the plane was hijacked to Cancun by the Green New Deal. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

As the din of criticism intensifies against Ted Cruz for flying off to Cancun while Texans suffer, try to understand how badly he needs a nice vacation after his hard work aiding a violent insurrection. - Steven Beschloss 

The most honest chyron Fox News ever put up on the screen in its 25 year history 

Lest We Not Forget This Republican's Reaction To A Disaster on Sept. 7, 2005

I bet if Texas renamed their power grid to uterus, the state would be regulating the sh*t out of it. - Irishrygirl tweet



You guys do realize that Rick Perry, the guy who presided over the deregulation of the Texas power grid in 2002 ran our entire Department of Energy under Trump, right? - Alan

Republican Shenanigans

Apparently, Everything Republicans Touch Dies Too.
The Lincoln Project is not saying whether any of the attorneys it hired to investigate allegations of impropriety by one of its co-founders had donated to the group in the past.

The fact that Rush Limbaugh had a career at all shows you how broken this country is, he made 85 million a year because he made racist white losers feel a little less alone. - Noel Casler



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I'm mad at Ted Cruz for pushing Rush Limbaugh's death out of the news. - Jeff Tiedrich

Business/Tech News

Anti-Jacketers Rally Outside Burlington Coat Factory To Protest Liberal Cold Weather Conspiracy.  - The Onion

Walmart Is Raising Employee's Pay!

Apparently America can put a man on the moon but Texas can't keep the lights on. Houston, we have a problem. - Dan Rather



Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How one Texas storm exposed an energy grid unprepared for climate change

A devastating winter storm that has plunged Texas into an electricity crisis offers warning signs for the U.S. as the Biden administration seeks to prepare for a future in which extreme weather is a greater risk and America is almost entirely powered by renewable energy.

BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh died. I will be refraining from comment.

Former President George W. Bush remembers Limbaugh as ‘indomitable spirit with a big heart’

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The Party of Personal Responsibility would like you to know that it's somebody else's fault that decades of deregulation and climate change denial has resulted in Texans freezing in the dark. - Jeff Tiedrich


When Capitalists Run The Power Grid, Blackouts Happen.
When it gets really cold, it can be hard to produce electricity, as customers in Texas and neighboring states are finding out. But it’s not impossible. Operators in Alaska, Canada, Maine, Norway and Siberia do it all the time.
What has sent Texas reeling is not an engineering problem, nor is it the frozen wind turbines blamed by prominent Republicans. It is a financial structure for power generation that offers no incentives to power plant operators to prepare for winter. In the name of deregulation and free markets, critics say, Texas has created an electric grid that puts an emphasis on cheap prices over reliable service.

If you elect people who hate and fear government to run government, you get bad government

Bad government has consequences. Bad government can't handle a crisis, won't help its citizens, and can only blame others for its failure. Quod erat demonstrandum

Remember this. - Stonekettle tweet


Republican Shenanigans

It’s fitting that Trump Plaza turned to ash on Ash Wednesday. - Windsor Mann


Well, This Is Not Only Wasteful, But Cruel.
Roughly a dozen Portland police officers faced off with a small group at a Northeast Portland Fred Meyer on Tuesday after people tried to take food that had been thrown away.

Tucker Carlson trying to convince you that Joe and Jill Biden are not in love is like the opposite of a Cupid. I wish their was a name for that, it could even rhyme with Cupid. - Jeremy Newberger



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The situation is dire in Austin. We’re without power and heat with no end in sight amidst frigid temperatures. My wife and I still have running water. Others have had pipes break. There needs to be accountability for what happened. Right now the priority is to keep people safe. - Dan Rather

Rock The Voter News

Aw, Giuliani Isn't Trump's Lawyer Anymore.
Former President Donald Trump's longtime personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is "not currently representing President Trump in any legal matters," senior Trump adviser Jason Miller told CNN on Tuesday.

Donald Trump just historically lost the WH, Senate, & House. The Republican Party thinks they can’t win without him. Ain’t that rich? - Tim Hannan 



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Business/Tech News

Clorox Sues Trump For Damaging Its Brand. - Andy Borowitz



Law Firm Tied To Trump Has Been Hacked. 
A hacker is claiming to have stolen files from prominent law firm Jones Day, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

I haven’t had so much as a cold since Covid. Masks forever? - Jane Lynch




A perfect campsite in Hawaii except if you roll out of your tent during the night and tumble down the mountainside.


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Trumpiest Republicans Are At The State And Local Levels — Not In D.C.

The Trumpiest Republicans Are At The State And Local Levels — Not In D.C.
...Local and state-level Republican parties are sharply attacking and even formally censuring prominent figures in the party like Cheney who have broken with Trump. And that’s part of a broader narrative within the GOP: The party’s most-Trump and pro-Trumpism contingent and the forces in the party pushing its growing radical and antidemocratic tendencies are often not national Republicans, but those at the local and state levels.

Republicans: “Get over it.”

Nancy Pelosi: “No.” - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I'm old enough to remember when Republican politicians could denounce violent insurrections without alienating their base.- Middle Age Riot


Lawyers Are Revving Their Engines
The NAACP and Rep. Bennie Thompson just filed a lawsuit against former President Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani, alleging that they incited the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 in violation of a Reconstruction Era law commonly referred to as the Klu Klux Klan Act. The case also names two white extremists groups, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers.

Why isn't Biden telling Texas to rake the snow? doesn't he know how to president. - Jeff Tiedrich


Republican Shenanigans

“I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do.” - James Baldwin


Christian Conservatives Ruin Another Family

How can Meghan McCain say with a straight face she's the most pro-life person on TV, yet she's against healthcare for anyone who can't pay cash & her husband promotes "Covid parties" to infect as many people as possible with a deadly virus. That's pro-fetus not pro-life. - MrsDubya tweet


Adam Kinzinger Thrilled He Will No Longer Be Invited to Thanksgiving. - Andy Borowitz


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Let’s be clear. The refusal by Republicans to hold Trump accountable for committing the worst violation of the Constitution by a President in our Nation’s history is about one thing and one thing only: White Supremacy. - Rob Reiner




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Business/Tech News

So I guess the Trump 2024 slogan will be, “Let’s see if we can needlessly kill a million people this time.” - Andy Borowitz


Musk + Putin = Terrifying

Tesla moved to Texas. Know what Tesla needs that Texas doesn't have? Electricity. - Radio Justice tweet


Humphrey Bogart's lifts, worn during his scenes with Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca, 1942. Heaven forbid that a woman would be taller than a man.

