Monday, February 15, 2021

Lindsey Graham claims GOP will try to impeach Kamala Harris

Lindsey Graham claims GOP will try to impeach Kamala Harris
Lindsey Graham suggested Republicans will impeach Vice President Kamala Harris if the GOP takes control of the House of Representatives in 2022, after the South Carolina senator falsely claimed that she had paid bail for Black Lives Matter protesters who later “broke somebody’s head open”.

One thing Republicans learned this weekend is that they can lie about and smear Vice President Harris and nobody will say anything. - Adam Parkhomenko 


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

2008: Sarah Palin falsely accuses Obama of “palling around with terrorists.”
2021: Republicans pal around with terrorists. - Marc Jacob



Is This A Test Run? 
The Secret Service arrested two people on weapons charges near the White House on Saturday.

It’s weird that QAnon thinks Democrats are cannibals because right now Republicans are eating each other. - Andy Borowitz


Republican Shenanigans

I love how President Biden approves federal aid to Texas during its disaster -- even though they didn't vote for him --without forcing them to say nice things about him.

Nice to have an adult President finally. - Brooklyn Dad tweet


Lindsey Graham Under Investigation By Georgia. LOL.
Sen. Lindsey Graham's call to Georgia Secretary of State to be included in criminal probe, report says. Prosecutors pursuing a criminal investigation against former president Donald Trump for trying to influence the election are also eyeing a call Graham made.

People who say that Lindsey Graham has turned into a raging asshole cannot point to a time in history when he wasn’t. - Andy Borowitz



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Rock The Voter News

It’s been 5 years since we had a President on President’s Day. Exhale. - Scott Dworkin


American Idol Asked Kellyanne Conway's Daughter To Audition
Claudia Conway’s audition on the Sunday season premiere of ABC’s “American Idol” was panned for being “cringe-worthy,” but ABC took the most heat from critics who viewed the network’s promotion of the 16-year-old daughter of GOP power couple Kellyanne and George Conway as exploitative.

Madison Fears He Made Constitution’s Impeachment Clause Too Hard for Idiots to Grasp. - Andy Borowitz



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Business/Tech News

Just a reminder Joel Osteen received a $4.4 million dollar PPP loan. I guarantee he’s not opening up his church as a shelter during the storm.


The Most Popular Florida Grocery Store Faces Backlash For Supporting the Insurrection

Roses are red
You make my heart flitter
I protect you from government
Not from Twitter.  - The First Amendment tweet





Time To Deflate Photo
Old Harry Rocks at Handfast Point, on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset, England.


Friday, February 12, 2021

'Convict Trump' banner flies over Mar-a-Lago during Senate impeachment trial

Calls for former President Trump to be convicted in his second impeachment trial came in the form of a sky banner flying over his Mar-a-Lago ...

I remember the moment I saw Trump's tweet attacking Pence. We were in the chamber as aides were scrambling to bar the doors. Some were sobbing in fear. The mob was outside. Someone yelled out shots had been fired.

I turned to Tim Kaine and said, "Oh my god, he's egging them on." - Sen. Chris Murphy

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

This tweet includes everything Donald Trump has ever said about the two Capital Police Officers killed Jan 6 2021 because of Donald Trump's lies:

Thank you. - John Fugelsang


I Hope Mike Pence Writes A Book Called BETRAYAL 
Military officials overseeing the authorization process to launch nuclear weapons were unaware on January 6 that then-Vice President Mike Pence's military aide carrying the "nuclear football" was potentially in danger as rioters got close during the violent Capitol insurrection, according to a defense official.

Stop calling these people "conservative." Just stop. They're not about conserving anything. - Randi Mayem Singer


Republican Shenanigans

If I ever commit a major crime, I really hope the jury is made up of the people who helped me do it. - Colin Mochrie 


White Privilege Alert!
A judge on Thursday refused prosecutors’ request to issue a new arrest warrant for an 18-year-old from Illinois accused of killing two people during a police brutality protest in Wisconsin last summer.

Trump LOST: the presidency, the House, the Senate, the trust of American voters, the belief in free and fair elections, the credibility of the Republican Party, the admiration of our allies, the fear of our enemies. What exactly are Republicans defending? - S.E. Cupp tweet



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If Senate Republicans fail to convict Donald Trump, it won't be because the facts were with him or his lawyers mounted a competent defense. It will be because the jury includes his co-conspirators. - Hillary Clinton


Rock The Voter News

To be sure, if Melania had put hearts on the North Lawn of the White House, it would have been human hearts, and of her husband's enemies. - Jeremy Newberger


Lest We Not Forget That Karl Rove Said He Knew About John Weaver's Sexual Misconduct in 1988! 32 Years Ago!!!

Marco Rubio Says He Got His Highest Candy Crush Score During Impeachment. - Andy Borowitz



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Business/Tech News

My middle school teacher who yelled that “Wikipedia wasn’t a reliable source” every day is sharing vaccine conspiracy theories on Facebook. - Jaime Withorn


I'm Glad We're Keeping An Eye On China
U.S. investigators found evidence that China was repeatedly manipulating Supermicro products. The company says it was never told. Neither was the public

Hugh Hefner became a multi-millionaire by working from home in his pajamas. I am not having the same result.




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The New York Central Railroad streamliner Mercury pauses at Syracuse City Hall on its way to Chicago, June 1936.

Best wishes for a safe and peaceful weekend.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Managers say insurrectionists were following Trump

Impeachment managers intend to rest their case Thursday after discussing Trump's "lack of remorse."

Donald Trump still hasn't conceded.

If Mike Pence had been assassinated during the riot, Trump would have declared martial law and suspended the transfer of power. This is the logic of a coup attempt, why Trump made no effort to save his Vice President. - Fernando Espuelas


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Blue Lives Matter folks are so very very quiet right now. - Andi Zeisler 


North Carolina Man Threatens To Kill Biden
A Gaston County, N.C. man with a long history of violence is charged with threatening to kill President Joe Biden.

Seeing the terrifying Capitol attack footage reminds me that Republican senators could have removed Trump from office the first time he was impeached and spared America all the horror that followed. - Jon Cryer


Republican Shenanigans

Is there anyone who doubts he'd do it again if he could? - Stephen Beschloss


A Third Political Party By Former Republicans?
Dozens of former Republican officials, who view the party as unwilling to stand up to former President Donald Trump and his attempts to undermine U.S. democracy, are in talks to form a center-right breakaway party, four people involved in the discussions told Reuters.

I'm afraid he's going to run again and lose, because he can do this again. - Ted Lieu


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Rock The Voter News

Pelosi says Capitol Police officers will receive a congressional gold medal for their bravery on Jan. 6. - Manu Raju, CNN


Now, Imagine If This Were Hunter Biden
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner — former President Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law — earned between $172 million and $640 million in outside income while working in the White House.

Ted Cruz Deeply Disturbed By Part Of Capitol Riot Video Where Chuck Schumer Not Beaten To Death. - The Onion



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Business/Tech News

I  can’t stop thinking about how Nancy Pelosi is 80 years old and just hours after she was so close to being murdered, she was like “ok, back to work”. - Ida Skibenes



Beautiful carpentry and so clever.
