Friday, February 5, 2021

Senate Democrats approve budget resolution, teeing up coronavirus bill

Senate Democrats approved a budget resolution early Friday morning that will allow them to pass coronavirus relief without GOP support.
The budget passed the Senate in a 50-50 party-line vote, with Vice President Harris breaking the tie. Because senators made changes to the resolution, it now bounces back to the House, where lawmakers will need to pass it for a second time as soon as Friday.

Hey Republicans, when you're done fronting for a crime boss, we will be over here, running the country. - Jeremy Newberger


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Early this morning I was proud to watch VP Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to push forward necessary aid to help get us through this pandemic. 

This never would have been possible without the people of Georgia. This is what democracy looks like. - Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock


Lest We Not Forget That Putin Is The Bad Guy
Retired Adm. William McRaven argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin has outplayed the US and Russia is the greatest external security threat during a recent discussion of the challenges the new Biden administration faces.

Think for a moment. What would Abraham Lincoln say if he saw these traitorous, bigoted, terrorist, confederate flag waving insurrectionists calling themselves "The Party of Lincoln"? - Purple Hayes tweet


Republican Shenanigans

Kevin McCarthy Denies Knowing What A Q-Tip Is. - Andy Borowitz


House Strips Marjorie Taylor Greene Of Committee Assignments

If you're shocked only 11 Republicans voted to hold Marjorie Taylor Greene responsible for inciting violence at the Capitol...

...lemme tell you about the 147 GOPs who voted to throw out African American votes in AZ & PA w/no evidence, later that same night, bc they wanted to. - John Fugelsang

Charles Manson carved a swastika in his forehead and his lawyers didn't quit. - Mike Larsen


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Rock The Voter News

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Is Being Unfairly Judged For Things She Has Said And Done. - Andy Borowitz

The Senate Needs Mask Rules With Severe Penalties, All Because Of Dumbasses Like Rand Paul!
Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown once again called out his colleagues in the U.S. Senate on Thursday for not wearing face masks – this time a senator from a neighboring state.

The House needs to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene as if she were a bad tattoo. With lasers. - Andy Borowitz


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Is it just me, or is it every time we get rid of one lunatic republican, another one pops right up?

This is like having ants. - Velvet tweet



I Like This Pentagon Spending!

Dr. Fauci looks twenty-five years younger than he did last year. - Michael Beschloss





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The world's tallest statue is in Gujarat, India. Standing almost 600 feet tall, the Statue of Unity depicts Indian freedom fighter and politician Vallabhbhai Patel. FYI: the Statue of Liberty is 151 feet tall.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Priest draws scrutiny after saying he performed Capitol exorcism

A Nebraska priest is facing scrutiny within the Catholic Church after he was seen on video the day of the Capitol riot saying he performed an exorcism on the building.
The Rev. David Fulton, a pastor at St. Michael in Central City and St. Peter in Fullerton, told a videographer that he performed an exorcism on the Capitol while apparently praising those protesting the election results.

Here’s an idea. If you want us to stop mocking evangelicals they should stop saying stupid sh*t that deserves to be mocked. - OhNoSheTwitnt


Old enough to remember when conservatives tried to cancel French fries. - Brian Murphy


Surprise, Surprise. The Insurrection Was A Super Spreader Event. 
Enough vaccine doses have been secured to inoculate all Capitol Police personnel.

Republicans aren't just capitulating for fear of losing votes. The insurrection-is-ok vote is simply not big enough. Trump is historically unpopular. They are blackmailed. There is no other explanation. - Randi Mayem Singer


Republican Shenanigans

Republicans Forgive Liz Cheney for Having Conscience. - Andy Borowitz



In the spirit of unity and bonding, Dick Cheney has invited Matt Gaetz to go quail hunting with him. - Hoodlum tweet


Marjorie Taylor Greene cried crock-of-bile tears on the House floor. - Karen Tumulty

The Republican Party Has Morphed Into The RepubliQan Party
Conspiracist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is far more popular than Rep. Liz Cheney among Americans who align with the Republican Party, according to a new Axios-SurveyMonkey poll...Republican respondents are three times as likely to say their views align with Greene than with Cheney, but nearly one-third say they don't align with either, and half say they don't know enough to say.


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Rock The Voter News

I Love This
David Hogg, a gun control activist who survived the 2018 Parkland school shooting, taunted MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell on Twitter, revealing his plans to create a competing pillow company built on progressive values.




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Business/Tech News

Giuliani Says He Cannot Pay $1.3 Billion in Damages Because He Does Not Know Any Real Billionaires - Andy Borowitz


The Trump Effect
Former President Trump’s banker at Deutsche Bank lost her job in December after an internal probe revealed that she did not properly disclose business that she did with a client.

Punxsutawney Phil is giving clearer stay-at-home orders than most governors. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Spider Rock, a sandstone spire that rises more than 700 feet from the floor of the canyon. It's named for Spider Woman, a key figure in Navajo lore. 


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Canada on Wednesday declared the Proud Boys a terrorist entity

Canada on Wednesday declared the Proud Boys a terrorist entity
The move comes after members of the Proud Boys were found to have played integral roles in the US Capitol insurrection last month.

The blue lives matter and back the blue crowd not caring about a cop’s death just shows how it was all just about white supremacy the whole time. - Joshua Potash


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The officer we are honoring today was killed because Donald Trump refused to concede, spread lies about our election, and called for an insurrection on Jan. 6th, aided and abetted by right wing media and mainstream republicans.

They are all complicit. - The Lincoln Project


White Privilege Extended To Capitol Rioter
A woman accused of participating in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol asked a federal judge for permission to leave the country on vacation later this month – and got it.

A 9 year old child was treated with more force than the Insurrectionists.
Think about that..a child in distress crying for her father was abused and pepper sprayed.. While those staging a coup took selfies and thought they were at Disney. - Lisa Moraitis 


Republican Shenanigans

How about we put on hold the discussion about bipartisanship until Merrick Garland has a vote for AG. - Joe Lockhart



I Hope These Grifters Are Hearing Footsteps Closing In On Them
The office of Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has reviewed all 143 of the pardons and commutations issued by former President Donald Trump in his final hours in office, and it's weighing whether to bring charges against former Trump strategist Stephen Bannon and Ken Kurson, a friend of Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law, The New York Times and The Washington Post report. Presidential clemency covers only federal crimes, and both men were pardoned before their cases went to trial, meaning they almost certainly wouldn't be protected by New York State's double-jeopardy law.

Dick Cheney gets to defend a GOP that has now slandered both his daughters. - John Fugelsang



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It says everything about the GOP in 2021 that they have to hold a meeting to discuss what to do about two congresswomen, one who was horrified by a violent coup and one who thinks Jews have lasers. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Lots of jokes about the My Pillow guy but ask yourself this: does anyone know who Biden’s pillow guy is?  we’re about to have a president who has no advisors from the pillow industry, let that sink in. - Sarah Cooper

New Rule: Mitch Onto Others As He Mitched Onto You
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday announced that Republicans will force Democrats to take tough votes on issues ranging from stimulus checks for illegal immigrants to higher taxes on small businesses when the Senate moves a budget resolution this week.


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Business/Tech News

‘Then You’ll Put Out A Nice Press Release Stepping Down As CEO,’ Whispers Rogue Fulfillment Bot Holding Bezos At Gunpoint. - The Onion


It's So Telling That Dr. Fauci Even Has To Warn Us
Anthony Fauci, the White House COVID-19 response team's chief medical adviser, on Wednesday warned Americans against attending Super Bowl watch parties with guests from outside their immediate households as high rates of new coronavirus infections persist.