Friday, December 4, 2020

Republican lawmaker likens Trump vote-fraud crusade to the search for Bigfoot

Republican lawmaker likens Trump vote-fraud crusade to the search for Bigfoot
It was only recently that U.S. Rep. Denver Riggleman, R-Va., had his epiphany: The supporters of President Trump were starting to resemble the people who he used to hang out with more than 15 years ago when — mostly as a lark — he would go on expeditions to the Pacific Northwest looking for Bigfoot.

Trump before election: Hunter, Hunter, Hunter.

Trump after election: Excuse me while I pardon my kids! - Alex Cole

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I bet you would get a pardon, too, Tiffany Trump, if your father could remember your name. - RKJ65 tweet


Ha. Ha. The Dept. Of Justice Nabbed Themselves A Trump Spy

Heidi, um, Stirrup?  The jokes just ride themselves. - Doc Ellis tweet


Republican Shenanigans

I'm still surprised that he's got two hundred million dollars to play with and he could only come up with Jenna, Rudy, and Powell.

I hate to say it, but that speaks well for the legal community.

*Or maybe he's just cheap. - Fred Harding tweet



A Trump Die-Hard To The End
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) has been telling colleagues and allies that he plans to challenge the Electoral College votes when Congress officially certifies Joe Biden’s victory on Jan. 6, as long as a Senate Republican joins him in the long-shot effort...

Bill Barr Rushed To Hospital After Telling Truth. - Andy Borowitz



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Biden has now been certified as the winner in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and a J. D. Power Award for best mid-sized family vehicle. - Stephen Colbert

Even if Ivanka Trump ends up in jail after all this it STILL would not have been worth it and that's the real tragedy - Sarah Cooper

Donald Trump is the most godless person on the planet. If Jesus were resurrected Trump would be jealous of the media coverage and feud with Jesus. - Tim Hannan


In the movie about this current moment in time, America just turned to the camera and said "there's a 50/50 chance we make it outta this thing alive." - Sarah Cooper



Trump And Kushner Big Businesses Rip Off Small Business Loans
Sweeping data released by the Small Business Administration on who benefited from pandemic relief programs raises questions about the equitability and distribution of loans intended for small businesses, an initial analysis by NBC News shows...The Trump Organization and Kushner Companies are major beneficiaries of PPP loans.

What if god came down to earth and said “it’s pronounced Jod” and left - Kristofer Thomas tweet


10 Days from today, AllHatNoCattle, turns 20 years old.

Thank you so much as I could not have done it without you.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

I'm baaaack. Sort of...

There was an accident that took out the fiber optic cable that serves a 20 mile radius in my neck of the woods. It is still out. It serves all cable companies. I am now able to access my website by trying to type teeny tiny letters on my teeny tiny cell phone on a very busy mobile server.

So how was your day?

I have no idea when this will be resolved 🤠

I am praying for tomorrow. 

Thank you for stopping by!


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Fanning the flames: Trump campaign lawyer: Krebs should be 'shot' for rejecting president's election claims

Trump campaign lawyer: Krebs should be 'shot' for rejecting president's election claims
A lawyer for President Trump’s reelection campaign said former U.S. cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs should be “shot” for rejecting the president’s claims that the 2020 election was rigged.

We'll know which of his children Donald Trump loves most by who he pardons first. - Middle Age Riot

‘You Are The Jewel Of My Collection,’ Says Saudi Prince While Guiding Frightened Jared Kushner Toward Harem. - The Onion


Republicans Gone Wild!

Can we hold our own hearing where we each testify about the crimes we witnessed over the last four years of this administration. - Sarah Cooper

Republican Shenanigans

Telling your kids that Rudy Giuliani was once respected is like explaining that O.J. Simpson was once a football player. - Stephen Colbert


Surprise, Surprise: Trump Has Been Laundering Russian Money For Decades. 

The president is currently retweeting multiple tweets from a user named Cat Turd and Republicans are like, “Joe Biden’s cabinet picks are too progressive!” - Sarah Cooper



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Trump Tries to Prove He Is Fitter Than Biden by Playing Fetch with Pence on White House Lawn. - Andy Borowitz


Rock The Voter News


Imagine being such a loathsome piece of sh*t that even Bill Barr backs straight the f*ck away from you. - Jeff Tiedrich



If Sen. Manchin Were A Woman, The Media Would Call Him "Catty"

Of course Joe Biden has a broken foot. He did it putting his foot up Donald's ass in court all week! - Bette Midler


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At Last, No Grifters To Be In Charge Of Economy!

It shouldn’t take being put on ventilators to convince Americans this deadly virus isn’t a hoax. Or will just go away. The tally from destructive propaganda will be measured in gravesites and shattered families. We can all do our part to lessen this trajectory of tragedy. - Dan Rather




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This little fella is a tiny tree frog snuggled in orchid leaves. I found one of these guys in my kitchen this morning and placed him outside on a tree.
