Thursday, November 19, 2020

Tensions escalate in swing states as Trump subverts process

Confrontations have escalated in swing states, with election officials in both parties facing threats of violence, as the president and his allies try to subvert the voting system.

The irony of Trump’s tantrum is that he is demonstrating why 6 million more voters chose Biden. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If you're a conservative 
who hates 
free abortions, 
gay rights, 
gun control, 
women in the military 
and single-payer health care 
then you should probably 
stop supporting Israel 
-John Fugelsang


The Intimidator-in-chief Strikes Again!
President Trump personally called the two Republican canvassers in Wayne County
Getting nowhere in the courts, President Donald Trump’s scattershot effort to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory is shifting toward obscure election boards that certify the vote as Trump and his allies seek to upend the electoral process, sow chaos and perpetuate unsubstantiated doubts about the count.

Trump Kills White House Turkey For Refusing To Acknowledge Voter Fraud. - Andy Borowitz


Republican Shenanigans


Dammit I didn’t have “Trying to convince people that Venezuela funded our voting machines so that they could install communist Joe Biden as president” on my bingo card. - Sarah Cooper

I say in all seriousness that the one decision Trump has made that I approve of is his decision to hire Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer.

We would be in so much trouble if he hired someone competent instead. - JRehing


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Rock The Voter News

Will the Secret Service protect Trump while he's in prison?



Less Virus Restrictions Leads To More Virus Spread. Who Knew?

-God states that life begins w/1st breath in Genesis,
-asserts women have more value in His eye than fetuses do in Exodus, 
- & details an abortion ritual for unfaithful wives in Numbers.

But if you'd actually ever read the Bible, you couldn't support Trump. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

I really wish someone would ask Rudy Giuliani about the corruption in Ukraine which he was obsessed with about six months ago. - Sarah Cooper


A Free Country Does Not Mean One Is Free To Spread A Virus, Barry.
A restaurant in Mission, Kan., is refusing to follow the state's mask mandate, saying, "It's supposed to be a free country."

Trump could be indicted on Jan . 21 by SDNY for campaign finance violations & conspiracy. They already have ALL the evidence. They have a guilty co-conspirator, M. Cohen, available to testify about Individual 1’s complicity. Only question is: are we a country of laws or of men? - Glenn Kirschner 




Costa Rica really missed the hurricane bullet. We fared much better here than our northern neighbors. The dirt roads are a mess in my neck of the woods and that is the worst thing I experienced.


Odd News
Time To Deflate Photo
Olympus Mons is a shield (slow erupting volcano) volcano on Mars that is approximately the same size as the state of Arizona. That photo gave me stomach butterflies --  as though I'm falling.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Pennsylvania pours cold water on Trump’s voter fraud claims

First Thing: Pennsylvania pours cold water on Trump's voter fraud claims. Pennsylvania's supreme court has rejected one of Trump's loudest post-election claims, ...

National-Security Experts Support Total Withdrawal of Trump from U.S. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Hearing my British roommates talk about healthcare is so crazy. Back at home, whenever they had a medical issue, they did this weird thing where they would.... go to the doctor. And then leave. And continue on with their lives. Safe from financial ruin.

F*cking socialists. - Cam tweet

This Smells To High Heaven
The Justice Department has asked a judge to drop criminal charges against Mexico's former defense secretary, Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, who had been accused of helping one of Mexico's drug cartels "operate with impunity" while using the Mexican military to hurt its rivals.

The president seems to believe that if he tweets “I WIN” 700 more times he will win the election he already lost. - Windsor Mann


Republican Shenanigans

Lindsey Graham is all the proof you need that kompromat works. - Jeff Tiedrich


Doctors & Nurses Ask Trump To Cooperate With Biden's Transition To Save Lives

Trump now has more failed lawsuits than electoral votes. -  Jeff Tiedrich



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Rudy Giuliani wants to be paid $20,000 per day to keep running Trump's legal team.

I'll chip in. That's the cheapest way I know to make sure Trump loses. - JRehling

Rock The Voter News

Trump Shoots Himself In The Foot, Again.

For the first time in US history, a president will be jealous of the Thanksgiving turkey he pardons. - Randi Mayem Singer



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Business/Tech News

Fun nugget in Obama's new book:
When the Deepwater Horizon was gushing oil into the Gulf, Trump called David Axelrod out of the blue to ask that he be put in charge of capping the well. (!!!)
When they said no thanks, he offered to build "a beautiful ballroom" at the White House. - Bill Weir, CNN


Is There Any Oversight On The Distribution Of  Business Relief Funds? Any Oversight, Whatsoever?
Seven men in Texas and Illinois have been charged in a scheme to obtain approximately $16 million in small business relief funds amid the coronavirus pandemic, with some of the money being used to purchase a Lamborghini and a Porsche.

Remember, you need to start quarantining TODAY for Thanksgiving, and then keep quarantining, and then not go. - Conan O'Brien




Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Biden Concerned That Federal Investigations into Ex-President Trump Will Further Divide The Country: Report

Biden Concerned That Federal Investigations into Ex-President Trump Will Further Divide The Country: Report
President-elect Joe Biden and his team would rather move the country forward once he assumes office, rather than prosecute President Donald Trump, according to a new report.
NBC spoke to multiple sources close to the Biden team who say he’s “wary” of launching federal investigations into his opponent, fearful it’ll undermine his attempts to reunite the country. Instead, Biden reportedly wants to reset the relationship between the White House and the Justice Department, and move away from directing federal law enforcement in terms of what to focus on.


I imagine Joe won't be telling his attorney general who to investigate, as Trump did..

Remember that time we won World War II and everyone said "now we must reach out to the Nazi party and repair the divide"? - Randi Mayem Singer

 Monarchical uniform that Nixon ordered White House guards to wear until he was ridiculed for it, 1970.

Love the holster!


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump's tombstone will read



What In The World Turned Lindsey Graham Into An Amoral Rat?

Imagine aliens watching us right now.

Global pandemic. 

54.8m cases.

1.3m dead.

*aliens pause to observe us*

“Oh, look. They sent three humans into space.” - Elle DeSylva 

Republican Shenanigans

Bezos Apologizes For Accidentally Shipping Obama's Book To Oval Office. - Andy Borowitz

99% of This Could Have Been Avoided IF Everyone Wore A Mask


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If Hillary Clinton was tweeting that she won the election a week after she lost the election she would’ve already been declared persona non grata by her own party. - Sarah Cooper


Rock The Voter News

I wish I lived in a country where John Bolton, John Kelly and James Mattis had at least half the balls of Mary L. Trump, Sally Yates, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Reality Winner, Christine Blasey Ford, or Stormy Daniels. - Andrea Junker

I heard this year Melania's Christmas decorations will be Jackie Kennedy's dead trees. - Renee Libby



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Business/Tech News
Giuliani Arrives in Ukraine to Look for More Votes. - Andy Borowitz


There are Trump supporters outside my parents’ house shouting through megaphones “Lock Her Up,” and I just keep thinking, I hope they’re wearing masks and some day get over 2016. - Chelsea Clinton tweeted on 11/15/20



Today has been worse than yesterday when I put away anything that could be swept away by the feeder band wind.
 Hurricane Iota is supposed to cross Central America over the next 2-3 days. So far, I haven't been swept out to sea! 


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Two Mountains Canyon in Costa Rica. Now that is a primordial canyon. I can almost hear a Tyrannosaurus Rex growling.