Monday, November 16, 2020

Hurricane Iota

 I am awaiting to be smacked by more lower bands of Hurricane Iota. Over the past week we have had major downpours from this system and the ground is saturated which is on top of Hurricane Eta that hit 2 weeks ago. No significant winds are expected but pounding rain is and flooding is expected in the Northern part of Costa Rica -- which is exactly where I live.

I will be back online tomorrow unless I am washed out into the Pacific Ocean.


Friday, November 13, 2020

What will Trump's next move be?

The president has refused to concede to Biden and his administration has rejected any appearance of assisting with the transfer of power.

Once we figure out this whole president thing, we need to go back and check up on all that alien news from 2020 bc I feel like there were like 9 stories confirming that aliens exist and we were just like “not now!” - Zach Bornstein

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Biden Could Receive Classified Intelligence Just by Hanging Out in Mar-a-Lago Dining Room. - Andy Borowitz



I Wonder If Steve Bannon Would Be Banned If He Threatened To Behead Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook FB.O Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg told an all-staff meeting on Thursday that former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon had not violated enough of the company's policies to justify his suspension when he urged the beheading of two senior U.S. officials, according to a recording heard by Reuters.

Donald Trump won't run for president in 2024 because he will either be in jail, out of the country, or in the ground. - Middle Age Riot


Republican Shenanigans


Nation Celebrates Full Week of Trump Not Talking. - Andy Borowitz



I Imagine The Secret Service Will Secretly Cheer When Trump Leaves The White House
More than 130 Secret Service officers who help protect the White House and the president when he travels have recently been ordered to isolate or quarantine because they tested positive for the coronavirus or had close contact with infected co-workers, according to three people familiar with agency staffing.

This coronavirus lockdown is brought to you by the new reality TV show The Worst President Ever Doesn't Care if You Live or Die. - Middle Age Riot



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I look forward to having no idea who Joe Biden's postmaster general is. - Jeff Tiedrich


Rock The Voter News

Christiane Amanpour Slams Trump

I hope Trump goes back to hosting celebrity apprentice but this time whenever he tries to fire anyone, they sue him and refuse to leave. - Sarah Cooper


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Nation Regrets Not Signing Prenup After Finding Out Trump Entitled To Half Of Country’s Assets. - The Onion


A new study claims people who don’t exercise are more likely to be depressed, especially if they just lost the Presidential election. - Conan O'Brien



The Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was designed by Spanish neofuturistic architect Santiago Calatrava. Just stunning.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Nancy Pelosi calls on Republicans to 'stop the circus'

Democratic leaders in Congress scolded their Republican colleagues for failing to address the raging pandemic and refusing to accept Joe Biden as president-elect.


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Republicans, do Your duty as Americans. Tell Trump to stop playing fiddlyf*ck and concede so we can get on with the nation’s business. People are dying. - Stephen King


Trump Is Going To Take A Lot Of People Down With Him.  Good.

When a woman says no to Donald Trump, he ignores that and forces himself on her.

Now that's the entire United States. - JRehling

Republican Shenanigans

I did not have Karl Rove finally being right about something on my WTF 2020 Bingo card. - John Fugelsang

Donations under $8K to Trump ‘election defense’ instead go to president, RNC
As President Donald Trump seeks to discredit last week’s election with baseless claims of voter fraud, his team has bombarded his supporters with requests for money to help pay for legal challenges to the results: “The Left will try to STEAL this election!” reads one text...

By not conceding, Trump is jeopardizing his reputation as one of our greatest Presidents. - Andy Borowitz


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Georgia is recounting all presidential ballots by hand. We're 72 hours from the GOP demanding a recount by foot. - Stephen Colbert

Trump lackey Corey Lewandowski has tested positive for COVID-19.

He was present at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping event.

They're really running a tight ship. - JRehling


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Madam Vice President or, for short, MVP. - The Lincoln Project

Business/Tech News

Amazon Prime Offers to Aid Peaceful Transfer of Power by Shipping Trump Out in Twenty-four Hours. - Andy Borowitz

Post Presidency Plans?

It's worth pointing out that after 4 years of housing Donald Trump, Washington DC decided to legalize psychedelics. - John Fugelsang




My banana tree gave her first birth 2 weeks ago.
