Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Biden Now an Overwhelming Favorite in the Betting Markets After a Night of Wild Odds Swings

The betting odds have careened all over the place in terms of who will win the 2020 election, but as the vote count continues to unfold, Joe Biden has now overtaken Donald Trump’s odds for victory...the former vice president’s odds have jumped to an 83 percent high point while Trump’s have fallen to 17.

Half of my brain is "relax, Biden can win this" and the other half is the sound of ten thousand forks being jammed into five hundred running garbage disposals while every car alarm in the neighborhood goes off. - Jeff Tiedrich


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

We need to realize that we didn't defeat White Supremacy in World War II.  We only defeated the Germans. - Tea Pain tweet

BIDEN: Woman, Person, Man
TRUMP: Camera, TV - Andy Borowitz


We can’t underestimate the role disinformation played in this campaign, but if we don’t face the fact that this country is really f cking racist, nothing will change. - Mary L. Trump

I feel like the Lincoln Project didn't have quite the impact with the electorate that it did on Twitter, 60 Minutes and the New Yorker. - Greg Jaffe

Biden Wins Wisconsin
The Associated Press has declared Joseph R. Biden the winner of the presidential race in Wisconsin.

Like an abused wife, Kentucky doesn't ditch Mitch. - Owen Heckathorn


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In case you need more good news about the likely Biden win, Russian state TV is in mourning today. Now shifting to saying that democracy is just chaos, and Russia is lucky not to have to deal with such things thanks to Putin! - Garry Kasparov 


Postmaster General Defies Judge's Order Which Will Eventually Lengthen His Prison Sentence


A personal 1960 election side note:
When Kennedy beat Nixon in 1960, it was about 3am when the race was called and everyone was asleep except for my father who was glued to the TV.  So, to announce that JFK won, he played Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa on our hifi full blast. Then we all marched to the music. 

My father played drums in an Army Band in 1942 at some god-forsaken army base out west, then they shipped him to India for 2 years as a truck driver. He preferred India.
I plan on playing that song when Joe Biden is declared the winner in honor of my father.


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Ford has a history with rear suspension toe links, and in the case of the recall announced today for 350,000 2013–2017 Ford Explorers in the U.S., this is the second time that the outboard section of the rear suspension toe link in these Explorers has needed to be replaced. This component of the suspension can corrode and eventually fracture, leading to a driver potentially losing control of the vehicle and crashing.

All we want is a reason to believe in America the way Tom Selleck believes in reverse mortgages. - Bill Weir



I wrote this 19 years and 11 months ago when I started this website because Jeb Bush wanted the vote counting stopped.

Raised in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., during the "Where the Boys Are" era, when the worst thing a Republican governor did was try to peddle oranges to the Pope. Public schools were excellent, with 75 percent of high school grads continuing in higher learning. We were taught to respect the Florida Aquifer, our only source of freshwater, because it was about 12 inches below our feet. We knew the pollution in the Everglades was caused primarily by the Cuban-American owned sugar industry, which was supported on the backs of laborers from the Caribbean. We welcomed tourists in South Florida because tourism was a great part of our economy. We also knew that many visitors would relocate to this area. I married one. Drugs began arriving in ever-increasing amounts during the early 1970s. First it was marijuana, and crime rates remained relatively low. Next it was cocaine.  In the 1980's, under the Reagan/Bush reign, paradise became America's hotspot for drug importation, arms dealing and money laundering. That is when I left and ended up in the Florida panhandle (Update: I moved to Costa Rica in 2009). What I am saying, folks, is YES: It is important to vote and just as important to know all about the politicians you vote into office -- except, apparently, if you live in Florida.  That is why this website exists. I want every vote to be counted.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Wow. A river rock mosaic fireplace. I thought of Van Gogh's Starry Night painting when I first saw this fireplace.

Peace and love to all.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

D.C. locks down over concerns of violence as nation heads to polls

Members of the National Guard have been called in to Washington, D.C., and around the White House, new fences have been erected around the presidential complex. The drama has even reached the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue and the mansion owned by the

Poll Shows Most Democrats Have Taken Advantage of Early Drinking. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Let the silence of George W. Bush, Jeb Bush and the entire Bush clan finally close the book on the fantasy that the Bushes possess even a drop of genuine leadership or moral courage. - Max Burns

Joint Chiefs of Staff Apparently Say No No To A Coup
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley held an off-the-record video call with top generals and network anchors this weekend to tamp down speculation about potential military involvement in the presidential election, two people familiar with the call tell Axios.

Listening to wine and drinking show tunes all day - Randy Rainbow

These Trump “caravans” disrupting traffic and putting motorists at risk are pathetic, juvenile, and dangerous. This thuggish behavior is not the American way. Everybody needs to say that. I’m happy I just did. - Dan Rather

Trump Orders Bill Barr to Investigate Reports That Women Are Voting. - Andy Borowitz

Trumpanzees Are Targeting Democrats.

“No way I’m going to stand in line for hours just to vote!” says the person who camped out for Blink-182 tickets.- Conan O'Brien



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Rock The Voter News

Hunter Biden's laptops have now voted in all states and US territories. - RKJ65 tweet

Judge Puts Pressure on USPS at Last Minute
A federal judge in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday ordered the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to sweep facilities for remaining mail ballots and rush their delivery, as receipt deadlines close in.

Wouldn’t it be great to watch Kamala make a bunch of white men cry tonight like she did to Brett Kavanaugh in 2018? - OhNoSheTwitnt


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Business/Tech News

Remember how Roy Cohn ended? Broke, disbarred, abandoned. Just sayin’. Imagine if Deutsche Bank actually does seize Donald’s “assets” after making all those bad loans to him? - Barbara Malmat tweet

I Cannot Imagine What Putin Must Have On Rudy Giuliani
It would appears Scott Atlas’ regret for doing an interview with RT did not dissuade Rudy Giuliani from giving his own interview to the Russian state-owned propaganda outlet — on Election Day, no less.

As a comedian, I voted against my self-interest. I would be thrilled to have less material. - Andy Borowitz




Odd News

Mea Culpa Correction:
I incorrectly stated yesterday that Mt. Killamanjaro was in Japan. It is located in Tanzania, eastern Africa. I knew that but typed Japan. I blame Trump!

Time To Deflate Photo
The waves in Nazaré, Portugal, or as I like to think of it, The Great Blue Tsunami That Saved America.

Peace and love to all.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Federal agents are erecting a 'non-scalable' fence around the White House in apparent anticipation of Election Day unrest

Federal agents are erecting a 'non-scalable' fence around the White House in apparent anticipation of Election Day unrest
Federal agents are planning to erect a fence around the White House on Monday, on the eve of Election Day, according to NBC News reporter Geoff Bennett and CNN.
A federal law-enforcement source told Bennett that "crews will build a 'non-scalable' fence" on Monday "to secure the [White House] complex, Ellipse, and Lafayette Square," Bennett tweeted late Sunday.

Time to play America's favorite game, What The Fvck Is This Lunatic Going To Do Today? - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Can you even begin to imagine what would happen if these caravans were made up of Black people? The thought experiment is the very definition of systemic racism and White privilege. - Dan Rather

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Urges Americans to Wait in Parking Lot for Vaccine And Buses Will Pick Them Up. - Andy Borowitz

Lawyers, Start Your Engines
President Donald Trump said Sunday that he's sending in his lawyers as soon as the election ends Tuesday, his latest attack on the legitimacy of this week's unprecedented vote count.

Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Month of November. - Andy Borowitz



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One more day and then it's finally here! Taco Tuesday! - Stephen Colbert

Florida Woman Snaps & Damages Trump Signs. I Hear Ya, Girl.

If you're the kind of person who takes their sick child to the doctor instead of the village idiot, fire Donald Trump instead of Dr. Fauci. - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

1-star Yelp review of the United States:

"This used to be my favorite place, but a few years ago it came under new management, and it's been going downhill ever since." - Middle Age Riot

Madame Tussauds' Museum Display In Berlin, Germany. 
Danke schoen, Germany

Who Knew That Wall Street Loves Dunkin' Donuts?

1 day. Let’s win this thing. - Joe Biden


So, how's the weather where you are?

Me: I'm left of the C in Costa Rica

Rain is forecast for the next 5 days and the ground is already oversaturated. Think I should be scared? Or nah?

Thoughts & Prayers Gladly Accepted!

Giant groundsels, prehistoric plants found on top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Rumor has it that it was a favorite food of the brontosaurus.
