Thursday, October 1, 2020

Letter from Trump taking credit for aid now mandated in government food boxes: report

The Department of Agriculture is mandating that letters from President Trump be included in millions of food assistance boxes, according to Politico.

Let’s not forget that, in 2016, Trump refused to disavow the KKK grand wizard, then tried to act like he didn’t hear the question. He knows exactly what he’s doing. - Maya Harris

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

 Fox & Friends Afraid That Trump Now Likes Proud Boys Better Than Them. - Andy Borowitz

The GOP Making Of A Terrorist Into A Hero Is Revolting.
Federal law enforcement officials were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged with fatally shooting two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, according to internal Department of Homeland Security talking points obtained by NBC News.

Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines to murder people in Kenosha.

A recently leaked DHS memo told officials to offer support for his actions, saying he was there "to help defend small business owners."

Kyle Rittenhouse is now officially a state-sponsored terrorist. - Nick Jack Pappas 

Republican Shenanigans

Unsurprisingly, Lindsey Graham is willfully, brazenly, & cravenly misrepresenting the facts in the Senate Judiciary hearing with Jim Comey. 

I am so looking forward to the day when Graham, Trump, & the rest of their ilk are no longer associated with the U.S. Government. - John O. Brennan, former CIA Director

Imagine Being Investigated For A Crime You Committed On Your Dad's Inauguration Day
New York federal prosecutors are looking into potential financial wrongdoing by President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee and Ivanka Trump’s involvement in price negotiations for space rental in the Trump International Hotel in D.C.

For those who insist Trump is a religious man, I'll grant you he pays taxes like a church. - Stephen Colbert

Stunned Pundits Criticize Trump For Refusing To Denounce His Base. - The Onion


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Rock The Voter News

Biden to Do Remaining Debates by Mail. - Andy Borowitz

Oh Goody, Judge Orders Unredacted "Privileged" Mueller Report Published


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Happy 96th Birthday, President Carter

I'd love me some hot boiled peanuts right about now.


Trump Somehow Not Likable Even After Being Coached by Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani.  - Andy Borowitz


The Power Of Social Media

Trump’s Bleach Moment Now Seeming Like Career High Point. - Andy Borowitz



Wednesday, September 30, 2020

So you think last night's debate was the worst ever?

When asked to directly disavow white supremacists on Tuesday night at the first presidential debate, President Donald Trump—yet again—did not do so. Instead, his dodging provoked a flurry of online celebration by far-right extremists who saw it as implicit approval and pledged their allegiance to him.

Everyone who watched that debate deserves $1,000 a month. - Andrew Yang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Sends Signal For Uncivil War
The far-right group the Proud Boys celebrated Tuesday night after President Trump refused to denounce white supremacy and mentioned them during the first presidential debate. 

"Stand back and stand by" isn't "stand down," it's "lock and load." - Melissa

Republican Shenanigans

Seeing a lot of “next debate, cut his mic and camera,” earning the American President status normally reserved for talk-radio f-bombers and ballpark streakers. - Bill Weir, CNN

I Don't Trust Religious Extremists Because They Believe The Bible Overrules The US Constitution
President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court did not commit to recusing herself from cases related to the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to her written responses to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire.

He wouldn’t know suburbs unless he took a wrong turn. - Joe Biden, 9/29/20 debate


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Trump’s #1 goal tonight was to make Biden appear senile. Trump just said, and I quote, “I was a private businesspeople.” - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Biden looking directly into the camera to say how proud he is of his son in recovery is the kind of clip that might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things — but for anyone who loves one of the 20 million Americans with substance use disorders, wow oh wow what a moment. - Amanda Litman

CNN's John King called Hunter Biden a swamp creature this morning.
He's never called Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric or Jared a swamp creature.
Shame on you, John King. You're deplorable.

How am I more nervous now than I was in 2016. - Sarah Cooper


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Nixon looked a little sweaty at one debate and our parents talked about that for decades. - Steadman tweet

Business/Tech News

The only positive result of that debate is that you are now allowed to say “shitshow” on CNN. - Andy Borowitz

So How's Trump's $300 Million "Celebrity Filled" Ad Campaign Going?
They made a list of more than 30 celebrities including Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift and Billy Joel to appear in their ad campaign to "inspire hope" about coronavirus, but they ended up with only Dennis Quaid, CeCe Winans and Hasidic singer Shulem Lemmer.

I can’t say this any more clearly: Our democracy is in terrible danger — more danger than it has been since the Civil War, more danger than after Pearl Harbor, more danger than during the Cuban missile crisis and more danger than during Watergate. - Bette Midler


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump’s Massive Debts Are a National Security Crisis

You can be denied a security clearance for having too much debt. But it can’t stop you from becoming president — if you’re Donald Trump

Americans Demand To Pay Same Amount of Taxes As Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Evangelicals spent 2000 years complaining about Satan and, when he finally comes, they vote for him. - John Lunden


Fauci Calls Out Fox News As Outlandish

I just checked the Constitution and you can’t nominate a Supreme Court Justice if you have unpaid taxes. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Plans to Use Debate to Deduct Biden as Dependent - Andy Borowitz

Mexico Concerned US Has Reached Josef Mengele Level
Mexico said Monday it had requested more information from the U.S. on medical procedures given to migrants in detention centers, after allegations that detained Mexican women were sterilized without their consent. Rights campaigners alleged two weeks ago that a number of hysterectomies had been carried out at a privately run detention center in Georgia.

The crazy thing is I bet the Donald bitched to his accountants about their invoice. - Kevin Harden, Jr. tweet



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Someone once asked Jackie Kennedy what her husband's favorite song was, and she said, "Hail to the Chief."  We've gone from Camelot to Scamalot. - Dee

Eric Trump stole 2,666 times more money from kids with cancer than his father paid in taxes in 2016.

Trump Wants To Inspect Biden's Ears. No, Really.

You were protecting us from Mexicans, meanwhile we got invaded by Europeans with Covid. - Gov. Andrew Cuomo


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Why is it legal to write off 100% of hair styling for the President, but not 100% of school supplies for teachers? - Grandma Grit tweet

Business/Tech News

At the debate Tuesday Biden should start every response by looking at Chris Wallace and say, “Well that’s the 750 dollar question, isn’t it?

Cyberwar On Covid Research
Microsoft said Tuesday it had seen a major spike in foreign efforts to target U.S. public policy groups and organizations involved in COVID-19 research, marking a shift from previous cyber attempts to disrupt critical infrastructure.

Prayers for my husband who very tragically got me nothing for our anniversary when I specifically told him I wanted nothing for our anniversary. - Jesse tweet

If 2020 were shoes
