Friday, January 24, 2020

Lordy, they have tapes of Trump

‘Take her out’: recording appears to capture Trump at private dinner saying he wants Ukraine ambassador fired
A recording reviewed by ABC News appears to capture President Donald Trump telling associates he wanted the then U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch fired – and speaking at a small gathering that included Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman -- two former business associates of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani who have since been indicted in New York.

Trump could shoot someone in the senate and still get acquitted 53-47. unless he shot a republican, then it would be 52-47.- mith tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Caligula once warned his Senators that their heads would end up on pikes. Then he was assassinated and the Senate immediately ordered the destruction of his statues in hopes of eradicating him from Rome's history. - Scott Linnen

The Effects Of the Soleimani Assassination
Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched through Baghdad on Friday calling for US troops to leave Iraq, heeding the call of powerful Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr who called for a "Million Man March."

Let's hear it for the United States Senate Republicans, or as I call them: the good old U.S.S.R. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans are wastin' a perfectly good impeachment.  It's an awesome opportunity to kick Trump out of office before he destroys their party.  He'd would be immediately disgraced and indicted for his other crimes and they would not longer have to live in fear of him. - Tea Pain

Kavanaugh Whines About Imaginary Catholic Bigotry
Well, the 2019 “War on Christmas” is over, so it’s time for the January 2020 version of disingenuous claims of religious persecution.  Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh are here to deliver....Kavanaugh: No Tax Break for Religious Scholarships Is ‘Grotesque Religious Bigotry Against Catholics’

The impeachment case isn't about sexual assault, but for women and survivors, it's horrifying to see Alan Dershowitz, Ken Starr, Jim Jordan, and Trump congeal together to protect each other. - Full Frontal tweet

Meanwhile, Immigrant Kids Are Facing Pure Hell Daily
Immigrant Kids Were Restrained to Chairs With Bags Over Their Heads at a Juvenile Hall in Virginia
The purpose of their detention, a group of district attorneys argues, should be “protect them from harm, not to punish them.”


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Moscow Mitch, Midnight doesn’t matter what you call Mitch McConnell, as long as you’re calling to let him know there’s a new deposit in his offshore bank account! - Bette Midler

Schumer Calls Out Republicans on Hunter Biden: They Have the Votes to Call Him To Testify
Senate Minority Leader and Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer dared Republicans to call Hunter Biden — son of former Vice President Joe Biden and a central figure in the alleged scheme to extort political help from the Ukrainian government — as a witness in the Senate impeachment trial, pointing out that the GOP “have 53 votes,” and adding that to do so would expose their defense of President Donald Trump as purely political.

The argument that impeachment is an effort to overturn the 2016 election is ridiculous on the face of it. Look at the calendar, dudes. - Stephen King


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Business/Tech News

One positive side of this whole impeachment mess - we get to see how big CNN can make their homepage font. - Conan O'Brien

EPA: No Clean Water For You!
The Environmental Protection Agency is dramatically reducing federal pollution protections for rivers, streams and wetlands – a move welcomed by many farmers, builders and mining companies but opposed even by the agency's own science advisers.


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The atmosphere of Pluto is mainly methane with a pinch of nitrogen and carbon monoxide layered over ice rock. Not on my bucket list.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Ay yi yi yi

Well, one of my neighbors decided to cut down a few trees which promptly knocked out my Internet and my neighbor's Internet because the trees fell on our cables. At least the dumbasses didn't knock out the power. There was no blood shed.

Another neighbor was able to repair my cable. Hugs to my neighbor!

ANYWAY! I will post a new edition tomorrow bar any other dumbasses with a chainsaw.

This is Costa Rica. Pura vida.

By the way, Democrats are kicking ass in the Senate trial!


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Putin must be snickering.

Fact check: Trump lawyers make at least three false claims during impeachment arguments
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team made at least three false claims during Senate impeachment proceedings on Tuesday, plus two more claims we'll call misleading.
We're still going through the transcript of the proceedings and will add to this list as necessary.

Misogynists still saying that a woman POTUS would be insane 5 days a month. 
I literally dream of a POTUS who's only insane 5 days a month. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“I heard they had headaches,”Trump said when asked about troops with potential concussion injuries in Iraq."No, I don’t consider it very serious” he said compared to other injuries he's seen. Will any active duty commanders speak out on this view? RIP Lt Col Rivas #NeverForget - Barbara Starr, CNN

Democrats Dismiss Witness Offer
Senate Democrats are dismissing chatter about attempts at an agreement that would guarantee former national security adviser John Bolton testifies in President Trump's impeachment trial in exchange for former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden also testifying. 

He is such a vile, ignorant, putrid hill to die on.
Well done, Republicans. 
We'll see you in November. - John Pavlovitz

Republican Shenanigans

Cipollone is a Roman Catholic, a founding member of the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast and a board member of the Catholic Information Center.

Our Forefathers Had It Right: Separation of Church and State FFS
The White House has live-streamed a church service which saw the US vice-president speak and a bishop claim ”the devil” causes homosexuality.
After Mike Pence addressed the congregation in Tennessee, the preacher took to the pulpit to talk about same-sex relations in a sermon still available on the administration's Youtube channel.

Q. What do you call a Christian who votes for a guy who promises to turn away war refugees?
A. Not a Christian. - John Fugelsang

If Republicans had to pay to raise the children they "saved" from abortion, Roe v. Wade would be safer than a Confederate flag in an Alabama courthouse. - Middle Age Riot


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Love Hillary, hate Hillary, whatever. But I for one absolutely loved how she exposed Tulsi Gabbard as Russian asset, and pushed her to out herself — without even mentioning her name. Simply brilliant. - Andrea Junker

FUN FACT: Bernie's Voting Record Is Pro-Gun and Pro-Russia
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday largely sought to cool tensions with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders amid their feud over Social Security, but jabbed at the fellow presidential candidate for his mixed record on gun reform and previous opposition to a key background checks bill in the 1990s.

“If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so.” - Ronald Reagan, 1966
Never forget - there was a veto-proof majority, and that's why Reagan had to sign #MLKDay into law. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Trump with billionaires in Davos while his crimes are covered up by Mitch McConnell is perhaps the perfect snapshot of the complete hypocrisy of his presidency. - Ben Rhodes

Toyota Recalling Millions of Vehicles
Toyota is recalling millions of vehicles for airbags that might not deploy in certain kinds of crashes.
The recalled vehicles include approximately 2.9 million 2011 through 2019 Corolla sedans, 2011 through 2013 Matrix hatchbacks, 2012 through 2018 Avalon sedans, and 2013 through 2018 Avalon Hybrid sedans.

Trump on Elon Musk: "He's also doing the rockets. He likes rockets, and he does good at rockets, by the way."



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Yareta or llareta, bright green blobs that resemble moss-covered boulders, are actually flowering shrubs perfectly designed to withstand the high-altitude conditions of the Andes Mountains.
