Monday, January 13, 2020

Trump re-explains his assassination of Iran's General Soleimani

Trump says it doesn't matter if Soleimani posed an imminent threat
President Trump on Monday said it didn’t matter if Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani posed an imminent threat to the United States because of his “horrible past.”

I miss slept-with-a-porn-star-and-tried-to-buy-Greenland Trump. - Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Guess trump decided to spend Sunday tweeting instead of playing catch with his son. Maybe next weekend, champ. - Adam Parkhomenko

You'd Think These Dumb Asses Would Get Their Stories Straight
Trump authorized Soleimani's killing 7 months ago, with conditions. The timing raises new questions about the Trump administration's stated justification for taking out the top Iranian general.

If Donald Trump hadn't been born wealthy, he'd be the guy with the "my kid beat up your honor student" bumper sticker throwing a cheeseburger wrapper out the window of his Ford Fiesta. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

If Trump were running against Trump he'd definitely tweet the Melania nudes. - Schooley tweet

Texas School Loses Millions In Phishing Scam
Given that it’s the beginning of a new year, it’s important to remember to be careful what you click on. A school district in Texas learned this the hard way when it lost approximately $2.3 million due to a phishing email scam.

In Iran if a 12-year-old girl is raped and impregnated by her father, she must carry the baby to term, or be thrown in prison for life. Wait, sorry, no. That's Alabama. - Mohamad Safa


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Rock The Voter News

I know Presidential candidates have to humanize themselves, but why are we asking Elizabeth Warren, about her skincare routine?  Nobody ever asks #Trump what he bastes himself with! - Bette Midler

I Hope Lev Parnas Has an Army of Bodyguards
An attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, has turned over photos, dozens of text messages and thousands of pages of documents to House impeachment investigators in an effort to win his client an audience with lawmakers.
Joseph A. Bondy, Parnas' New York attorney, traveled to Washington, DC, over the weekend to hand-deliver the contents of an iPhone 11 to Democratic staff on the House Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, according to a series of Bondy's tweets.

Cory Booker Drops Out Of 2020 Rat Race After Falling In Love With Small-Town Iowa Life. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

What “Harry and Meghan” crisis? Leave them alone. This is a “crisis” manufactured by the forever sick UK paparazzi in a society that just voted twice to get out of the EU because they don’t like immigrants and whose two major parties are racist. Fix that and leave M and H alone. - John Dean, former governor of Vermont

Is it normal to let your grandma decide where you can live?
Queen Elizabeth II agrees to let Harry and Meghan move part-time to Canada, says she would have preferred they remained full-time royals. 

If anyone has a right to be mad at Harry and Meghan it's the people of Sussex, who have been left leaderless without their Duke and who are now defenseless against incursions from Hampshire and Kent. - Anne Victoria Clarke



So in the middle of the civil war, someone was like, 
“You know what this country needs? A delicious steak sauce!”

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Here's a baby llama in Peru just because it's so darn cute!


Friday, January 10, 2020

Pelosi makes decision on impeachment articles

Pelosi makes decision on impeachment articles
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she will send the articles of impeachment against President Trump next week, ending a heated standoff with Senate Republicans.

Next week is going to be a nasty fight in the Senate. I hope the GOP shoots themselves in the foot.

The lesson to the American people should be simple: DON’T ELECT A F--KING MORON. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

ARE THESE THE DARK AGES OR WHAT??We're living in a time when kneeling during the national anthem can get you kicked out of the Olympics, but golfing during a drone strike can get you public blowjobs from an entire political party. - Bette Midler

Putin Taunts Trump
A Russian naval ship "aggressively approached" a U.S. Navy destroyer in the North Arabian Sea on Thursday, in a dangerous near-collision, authorities said Friday.
The Russian craft eventually turned aside and avoided the USS Farragut, according to the U.S. Navy.

"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach." -  Aldous Huxley

Republican Shenanigans

Trump says the imminent threat was against US embassies.
Pence says the imminent threat was against US troops.
Pompeo says they didn't know where or when the imminent attacks would happen.
It shouldn't be this hard for professional liars to get their lies straight. - Wil Donnelly

Did the Metropolitan Correctional Center Do Anything Right in the Jeffrey Epstein Incarceration?
The surveillance video taken from outside Jeffrey Epstein's jail cell on the day of his first apparent suicide attempt has been permanently deleted, federal prosecutors said Thursday.
Epstein, the disgraced financier who was facing federal sex-trafficking charges, was found semiconscious in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, or MCC, in New York around 1:27 a.m. on July 23.

Democrats were proud when Obama was loved and respected by our allies around the globe.
Republicans are ecstatic when Trump is despised and mocked by the entire world.
Says a lot, don’t it? - Tea Pain tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Cleared More Times Than a Table at Chipotle
A Justice Department review of business dealings tied to Hillary Clinton -- championed by President Donald Trump and his allies -- has wound down with officials not finding enough evidence to recommend the formal opening of a criminal investigation, according to current and former US officials.

That one time Hillary stumbled on a curb and our media fell all over itself in mad dash to publish her obituary, but now we have a frail old president deteriorating before our very eyes and the silence from these craven f--kers is deafening. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Trump is the only person who could have epitaph while he’s living and it would be the only true statement he ever puts out:
“Here lies Donald Trump” - Howard tweet

Mayor of New York Drops The Goods on Trump
The de Blasio administration has referred findings from a review of the Trump Organization's property tax filings to the Manhattan district attorney's office, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday morning.

The Meghan and Harry story is great because it’s like a reverse Aladdin where the prince marries a commoner who rescues him from his castle. - OhNoSheTwint



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
It's Save the Eagles Day. It's been our national symbol since 1782

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Pelosi says she'll send articles of impeachment to Senate when she's damn good and ready

Pelosi says she'll send articles of impeachment to Senate 'soon'
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday said she would probably be sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate soon despite winning no concessions from Republicans on allowing witnesses to testify during a trial on the House's charges against President Trump.

We sure dodged a bullet with Hillary's emails, eh? - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The White House reminds you to never believe any branch of military or law enforcement intelligence.
Unless it's about something that allows a reality show performer to assassinate people. - John Fugelsang

Iran Invites Canadian Investigators
Iran's civil aviation authority says it has invited Canadian investigators from the Transportation Safety Board to join a growing team probing the plane crash outside Tehran that killed 138 people believed bound for Canada.

My kids at 6:30 this morning discussing the Iran attacks with great insights that included “it’s really bad that Trump has alienated all of our allies isn’t it?” - Mimi Rocah tweet

Republican Shenanigans

McConnell & Republican Senators don’t want a fair Trial. They know if they allow Witnesses & Documents, Donald Trump will be the first President in American History to be Convicted & Removed from Office. - Rob Reiner

jesus h, why do we even have a 25th amendment if we're not going to use it. - Jeff Tiedrich

The New York City Bar Association has taken the extraordinary step of asking Congress to investigate Attorney General Bill Barr for being too politically biased to faithfully execute his duties as America’s top law enforcement official.

When liberty comes with hands dabbled in blood it is hard to shake hands with her. - Oscar Wilde


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Rock The Voter News

Innocent people are going to die thanks to a guilty man. - Roland Scahill

Saving Australia
Thousands of activists are set to march across nine cities in Australia on Friday, singling out Prime Minister Scott Morrison for climate inaction amid a worsening fire crisis that has ravaged large swathes of the country.

I’m sorry, Australia.You don’t deserve this. 
Your PM maybe, but not you. - TheTweetOfGod


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Business/Tech News

Artist Formerly Known As Prince
There’s a great deal of curiosity and intrigue about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s announcement today they are “stepping back” from their senior roles in the royal families, especially from Americans with one big question: wait, you can do that?

“You want Brexit? I’ll give you a f--king Brexit.” — Meghan Thee Markle - Saeed Jones tweet

Harry and Meghan Willing To Replace Trump and Melania Effective Immediately. - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A woman tests her life span by closing in on crashing waves in Iceland.
