Monday, December 23, 2019

Happy Holidays to all!

I will return on December 26, I  am looking forward to being Trump-free till then.  Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience as my Internet was mostly down today, probably caused by some grinch gremlin.

Tomorrow is Christmas Tamale Day when we make dozens of tamales. Christmas Eve is as big a celebration as Christmas here in Costa Rica, maybe bigger. I'm making chicken bacon lasagna with mushroom cheddar sauce for all the "laborers" tomorrow.

Costa Ricans flee to the coasts for the holidays. It'll be busy here until mid January. Kids are on their summer vacation.

Times like this I wish I had a car, taxis are unavailable. lol

Best wishes to all for a happy holiday!


Friday, December 20, 2019

Evangelical publication calls for Trump's removal from office

Evangelical publication calls for Trump's removal from office
A leading Christian magazine founded by late evangelist Billy Graham -- father of key presidential supporter Franklin Graham -- published an op-ed on Thursday calling for President Donald Trump to be removed from office and urging evangelicals not to support him.

Who will be the first Fox personality to call Christianity Today communist? - Schooley

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump could crucify Jesus on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters. - mith tweet

I Wonder How the POC Soldiers Feel About This
The Republican-controlled Senate quietly cut the phrase "white nationalist" from a measure in the National Defense Authorization Act, which was intended to explicitly address the threat of white nationalists in the military, altering the language of a House-passed amendment before passing the massive military spending bill Tuesday.

The president* is not merely unChristian. He’s a damn heathen in every sense of the word. - Charles P. Pierce

Republican Shenanigans

Evangelicals standing by Trump despite him being a lying, cheating, sexual predator are the same ones who said Obama wasn’t a Christian. This isn’t politics or even religion, it’s just overt racism. - OhNoSheTwint

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Mocks Biden Then Apologizes
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the former chief spokesman for President Donald Trump, tweeted an apology to Joe Biden Thursday night after mocking the former vice president’s reference to stuttering at the sixth Democratic presidential debate.
“I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I hhhave absolutely no idea what Biden is talking about. #DemDebate,” the former White House press secretary wrote in a now-deleted tweet during the PBS NewsHour/POLITICO debate. Biden had just referenced talking with a "little kid who says I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I can't talk, what do I do?"

Imagine torturing a dog and still being the least objectionable member of the Huckabee family. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Claims He Knows John Dingell Is In Hell Because He Sees Window Into Terrifying Inferno Every Time He Closes His Eyes - The Onion


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

My man-servant dropped a candelabra and burned down my wine cave. I'd appreciate privacy during this difficult time and whatnot. - George Wallace


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Business/Tech News

I had an 85” TV installed yesterday which sounded pretty cool until MSNBC show a clip of sweaty rally Trump.  Now I don’t want to turn it back on.
Any good therapists out there? - Scot

Loosened Security at US Airports To Reduce Wait Time.
A whistleblower with the Transportation Security Administration is sounding the alarm about loosened security at US airports, charging that top TSA officials have prioritized speed over security by reducing the sensitivity of metal detectors, disabling technology on some X-ray machines, issuing orders to keep the baggage conveyor belts moving in certain circumstances and ordering policy changes that result in fewer pat-downs.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Living With Reindeer In Mongolia.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pelosi threatens to delay Senate impeachment

Pelosi threatens to delay Senate impeachment
Some legal scholars have suggested she could consider refusing to transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate.

The senators who never gave Merrick Garland a vote and who’ve been cranking through the confirmation of unqualified judges can’t find enough smelling salts and fainting couches when Pelosi plays a little hardball on an impeachment trial. - Rep. Jim Himes

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

What did America do to deserve Trump? It’s like we built the country on top of an Indian burial ground or something. - TDP tweet

Only Half of Active Military Don't Like Trump?
A new surprising poll from The Military Times surveying active-duty service members shows that about 50% of respondents have an unfavorable view of President Donald Trump.

Watching Fox News for more than 10 seconds makes perfectly clear how we’ve arrived here. - Clint Smith

Republican Shenanigans

The party that held a dozen Benghazi hearings and took over 50 show-votes to "kill" Obamacare complains about wastin' time. - Tea Pain

Another Republican Leaving the House
Republican Rep. Mark Meadows, one of President Donald Trump's most visible allies on Capitol Hill, is not seeking reelection in 2020, he announced in a statement Thursday. ... The North Carolina Republican was first elected to Congress in 2012

Mitch McConnell, the feller that promised to block every piece of Obama's agenda even before he was inaugurated, is now cryin' big horse tears because Dems opposed Trump from day one. - Tea Pain


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Trump Said Women Complain About Weak Dishwashers
With President Trump's impeachment, Wednesday was a historic day—and, fittingly, Trump made a comment that belongs in a different century. At his rally in Michigan that coincided with his impeachment on Capitol Hill, Trump started rambling about weak dishwashers. The president said that dishwashers don’t work as well as they once did, blaming regulations, and added that he’d found this out by talking to women.

Donald Trump could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and he would still be only the third president impeached in American history. - Randi Mayem Singer


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


He finally got more votes than us

Business/Tech News

If Kellyanne and George Conway had a reality show it would be called Schmuck Dynasty. - OhNoSheTwint

Has Trump Taken Credit for This Yet?
Ford announced its plans Tuesday to create 3,000 jobs and invest $1.45 billion in two southeast Michigan facilities.
The U.S. car company said it would provide $750 million and 2,700 jobs within the next three years at a facility in Wayne, Mich., and $700 million and 300 jobs at a site in Dearborn, Mich., according to a release. 

Someone in their late 20’s has now seen two rigged electoral college presidential elections, an illegal war, the longest war, a financial collapse to rival the Depression, and now two impeachments. -shocks tweet



Another actor ruined by drugs and alcohol.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I hope he's nearsighted.
