Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Republicans unveil defense strategy ahead of public impeachment hearings

Republicans unveil defense strategy ahead of public impeachment hearings
Republicans on the House committees conducting the impeachment inquiry into President Trump outlined their strategy for defending him in a new memo focused on "four key pieces of evidence" they say are "fatal" to Democrats' allegations about Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Happy Impeachment-Eve!

Republicans: keeping the Christ in Christmas and the God in Goddamn Traitors. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Q: What location in the United States is closest to Russia? 

A: The White House- Jon Cooper tweet

The U.K. Konservatives
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she's "dumbfounded" the U.K. government has failed to release a report on Russian influence in British politics as the country prepares for national elections.
Clinton told the BBC in an interview broadcast Monday that the public needs to know what is in the report by Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee. 

Republican Shenanigans

Nikki Haley is a moderate Republican if the standard for moderate Republican is “hasn’t raped anyone.” - OhNoSheTwint

Supreme Court Leans Towards Ending DACA
The Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared likely to side with the Trump administration in its effort to end a program that lets nearly 700,000 young, undocumented immigrants live and work in the United States without fear of deportation.
During an extended, 80-minute oral argument inside a packed courtroom that included some of the threatened immigrants, several conservative justices said the Department of Homeland Security laid out sufficient reasons for its decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program.

Lindsey Graham: "The radical left can kiss my ass." 
The radical left: "Your head is in the way." - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump went on Twitter this morning to wish Jimmy Carter a speedy recovery after the 95-year-old former president was scheduled for emergency brain surgery.

Just kidding, he called Dreamers "criminals." - Middle Age Riot

Tricky Nikki
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley defended President Trump on Tuesday, saying that she believed the president was "truthful" in all of his dealings with her.
In an interview with Savannah Guthrie on NBC's "TODAY" show, Haley defended Trump as "great to work with" and reiterated that she did not share the concerns of other former officials, such as John Kelly, regarding Trump's aptitude for the job.

The increasingly Invasion-of-the-Body-Snatchers behavior of Trump sycophants like Nikki Haley is astonishing & deeply disturbing. It really feels like we are in a horror film. - janegray tweet


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At this very moment, a white man in America, born into obscene wealth and handed every opportunity, a man who failed upwards his entire life and fell ass-backwards into the United States presidency, is sitting in a White House bedroom and complaining about how unfair his life is. - Jeff Tiedrich

Business/Tech News

Revamped WPA To Create 50,000 New Jobs By Disassembling, Reassembling Hoover Dam - The Onion

The Grifter Administration's Latest Grift
At least eight former White House, presidential transition and campaign officials for President Donald Trump were hired as outside contractors to the federal health department at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, according to documents newly obtained by POLITICO.
They were among at least 40 consultants who worked on a one-year, $2.25 million contract directed by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma. The contractors were hired to burnish Verma’s personal brand and provide “strategic communications” support. They charged up to $380 per hour for work traditionally handled by dozens of career civil servants in CMS's communications department.



Is Anybody Out There?


Odd News

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A U.S. Mailman in 1912. Winter must have been a bummer driving that in the snow. Thanks for all you do!


Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Veterans Day.

Trump NYC Veterans Day speech met with protests
President Trump on Monday hailed the legacy of the American armed forces in a Veterans Day speech that came against the backdrop of protests and political turmoil that has engulfed his presidency.

Happy Veterans Day! The current POTUS attacked a Gold Star family, stole from the VA, and flew the American flag at full staff after McCain died as a f*ck you to a dead veteran, but at least he never did anything really disrespectful to our troops like kneel during a song. - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

VA To Improve Veterans’ Health Care With New $500 Million Waiting Room - The Onion

I 💓 New York
President Trump didn’t get much of a warm welcome back from his not-so-dearly departed hometown.
Trump, who recently gave up his lifetime New York residency for Florida, faced “lock him up” chants and anti-Trump banners suspended from overlooking apartment windows as he kicked off the city’s Veterans Day parade in Madison Square Park in Manhattan on Monday.
Speaking behind bullet-proof plexiglass, Trump tried his best to drown out a throng of protesters shouting and blowing whistles outside the park’s west entrance.

Remember during all the Benghazi investigations when Obama blocked access to documents and refused to let Hillary testify? of course you don't. Obama handed over everything and Hillary sat for 11 hours straight, because they had nothing to hide and they aren't dipsh*t man-babies. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans Demand That Everyone in Witness-Protection Program Appear on National TV. - Andy Borowitz

Don Jr & Blow Up Doll Get Booed By Their Base
Donald Trump Jr ventured on to the University of California’s overwhelmingly liberal Los Angeles campus on Sunday, hoping to prove what he had just argued in his book – that a hate-filled American left was hell-bent on silencing him and anyone else who supported the Trump presidency.
But the appearance backfired when his own supporters, diehard Make America Great Again conservatives, raised their voices most loudly in protest and ended up drowning him out barely 20 minutes into an event scheduled to last two hours.
The audience was angry that Trump Jr and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, would not take questions.

Would you rather read Don Jr’s book or get pepper sprayed? - Jesse Lifson


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Rock The Voter News

Republicans Demand Hillary Clinton Testify At Impeachment Hearings About Role In Benghazi. - Andy Borowitz

Dumb-Ass Trumpers Out Wrong Guy
Former Obama White House staffer R. David Edelman woke up Thursday to a bizarre new reality: Many people on the pro-Trump internet were convinced that he was the anonymous whistleblower at the heart of the impeachment proceedings. 
And then the death threats started. 

Glad I get to spend my Veterans Day defending my father's legacy from internet troglodytes. Apparently he started the Forrestal fire, and ISIS, and singlehandedly marched the NVA into Saigon when the city fell. He probably faked the moon landing too. Love me the internets. - Jack McCain


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Business/Tech News

In this age of polarization, it’s reassuring that the left and the right can agree on one thing: Donald Trump Jr is a f*cking asshole. - Andy Borowitz

Trump To Consider Flavored Vaping Ban
President Trump on Monday said he will meet with representatives of the e-cigarette industry as he considers a ban on the sale of flavored vaping products.
"Will be meeting with representatives of the Vaping industry, together with medical professionals and individual state representatives, to come up with an acceptable solution to the Vaping and e-cigarette dilemma," Trump tweeted.




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

An old teapot turned into a birdhouse. No charge for the drainage system.


Friday, November 8, 2019

Trump says he's considering attending Russia's May Day parade

Trump says he's considering attending Russia's May Day parade
President Trump said Friday he is considering visiting Russia next year to attend its May Day Parade.
“I was invited. I am thinking about it. It is right in the middle of our campaign season,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

Trump said he might go to the May Day parade in Russia after being invited by Vladimir Putin.

Don't you hate it when that happens? You know, when your boss invites you somewhere and you feel obligated to go? - Nick Jack Pappas

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump is not allowed to run a charity but he is allowed to run a country.
How crazy is that?? - Hear me roar tweet

Bolton's Lawyer Having a Sad at Lack of Subpoena
An attorney for former national security adviser John Bolton and former deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman said Friday he is "dismayed" that his clients will not be be compelled to testify in the ongoing House impeachment inquiry after lawmakers refused to issue subpoenas. 

John Bolton v Trump is gonna be like porn for moral people. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Imagine being stuck between Kanye and Tulsi Gabbard on a flight... “When I was in Iraq I—“ ‘Sorry Tulsi ima let you finish but, this is the best bag of peanuts I’ve ever had! Ima be a peanut farmer! Every pair of Yeezy’s is gonna come with a bag. Gonna call em Yeez Nuts! Genius!’ - Cyrus McQueen

Al Franken and Katie Hill resigned from Congress for MUCH LESS. 
Referee says he told Rep. Jim Jordan that Ohio State doctor performed sex act in shower. The referee said the response of Jordan and another former coach was, "Yeah, yeah, we know."

I don’t think the President is a big fan of public transportation... except when looking for buses to throw people under.- Dan Rather


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Rock The Voter News

Hey kids. I'm in my 60s. You've never lived in an America where the rich paid their fair share. I have. Let me tell you what that was like: 
* We built new schools 
* We built new highways 
* We cut the poverty rate 
* We lead the world in technology 

More Transcripts Released In The Drip Drip Drip Strategy
House Democrats on Friday unveiled new details in their impeachment investigation by releasing the interview transcripts from two national security officials who testified about President Trump’s contacts with Ukraine.
The release of the depositions — providing verbatim exchanges from last month's private interviews with Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Fiona Hill — cap a week in which Democrats have made public several witness transcripts in an effort to keep the attention on their impeachment inquiry even as multiple witnesses have refused to appear. The public phase of the probe is slated to begin next week.


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Gates Foundation Pledges $25 Billion To Eradicate Whatever Disease Drives People To Support Taxing The Rich - The Onion

Business/Tech News

Cockroaches Feeling Very Optimistic About Future Of Planet  - The Onion

EPA Being Investigated For Destroying Documents
The Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general is investigating whether chief of staff Ryan Jackson was involved in destroying internal documents that should have been retained, according to two people familiar with the matter.

James Dean is being resurrected by CGI to appear in an upcoming movie. Don’t ever let anyone tell you things have gotten more difficult for white guys in Hollywood. Even dead ones can still get a job.- Bette Midler


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Odd News

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Fight attendants in the 1970s were a lot different than today.
