Thursday, November 7, 2019

GOP Sen. John Kennedy insults Pelosi: It must suck to be that dumb

GOP lawmaker Sen. John Kennedy insults Pelosi: It must suck to be that dumb
CNN's John Berman talks to Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) about the statements Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) made about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at a Trump rally in Louisiana.

Today's Republicans would have taken the security guard who discovered the Watergate burglary and ruined his life. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Booing Donald Trump is the new national anthem. - Middle Age Riot

Barr Refused to Hold Press Conference Exonerating Trump.
President Trump wanted Attorney General William Barr to hold a press conference saying the president had not broken any laws during the July 25 phone call during which he urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate political rival Joe Biden, CBS News has confirmed, according to multiple sources.

The difference between a Klan hood and a MAGA hat is a hood hides the ugly. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

High Turnout of Smart Voters in Kentucky Terrifies Rand Paul . - Andy Borowitz

The Whistleblower's Lawyer Is Getting Death Threats as Trump & the GOP Intended
On the evening of Oct. 2, Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the anonymous official whose whistleblower complaint sparked the impeachment probe into President Trump, received an email with the subject line: “a bullet in your head.” 

it's almost kind of tragically sad, a son willing to repeatedly humiliate himself in order to win the love of a father who is incapable of loving him, but then you realize it's Donald Trump Jr. and you laugh, because seriously, f*ck that guy. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of deliberately losing election so he could be impeached. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Remember when there used to be all these articles about how people in europe live longer than americans because they drink red wine and eat more olive oil or bullsh*t like that? turns out it was universal healthcare the whole time. -argumentwinner tweet

Rand Paul Blocks Whistleblower Protection. What a Tool.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) blocked a resolution Wednesday reaffirming the Senate's support for whistleblower protections and accused Democrats of "fake outrage."

The way people are criticizing Elizabeth Warren for being “unlikable” and “antagonistic” just shows that it was never really "But, her emails” it was "But, she's female.” - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

When I am Queen, all hospitals and health care systems will be on THE SAME electronic medical records system. - Lizzie O'Leary tweet

Band Aid Solution: French Police Close Migrant Camps. Where Are They To Go Now?
French police cleared two huge migrant tent camps in northern Paris on Thursday and authorities vowed to clear other camps, a day after the government announced tighter immigration policies.


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I bet that Wisteria tree is older than me!


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

House to hold public impeachment hearings next week

House to hold public impeachment hearings next week
House Democrats announced Wednesday that they will hold their first public impeachment hearings next week, marking an escalation of their investigation into President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Take Nixon, add climate denial, add pedophilia, add child concentration camps, add sexual assault, add rape, add nepotism, add white supremacy, add murder cover-ups, add treason, add genocide, add Twitter, subtract 97 IQ points, and you have Trump today.  - Andrea Junker

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The second Civil War is going to be awesome, with the New Confederate Army inching up Route 95 on their Rascal™ mobility scooters. - Jeff Tiedrich

When Giving Trump The Finger Pays Off
The cyclist who flipped off President Donald Trump's motorcade in 2017, and lost her job because of it, has won her bid for local office in Virginia.
CNN projected that Juli Briskman on Tuesday night won her race to become supervisor for the Algonkian District in Loudoun County, Virginia. The win comes just over two years after a photo of Briskman flipping off the President's motorcade as it made its way back to the White House from Trump's golf course in Sterling, Virginia, went viral in October 2017. Her lawyer said she was forced to resign from her job as a marketing executive at Akima LLC over the photo.

Remember when pundits warned that impeachment would lead to the demise of the Democratic Party?
How’s that looking? - Sean Eldridge

Republican Shenanigans

Speaking Of Creeps. Lindsey Graham Refuses To Read Transcripts
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who two weeks ago said additional evidence of a quid pro quo in President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine would be “very disturbing,” told reporters Tuesday that he’s not interested in seeing it.

The Mueller Report is like the Bible:
Republicans have never read it, but still pretend to know what it says. - Middle Age Riot


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Governing by tantrum has resulted in Donald Trump holding his breath until Kentucky turned blue. - Middle Age Riot

Rock The Voter News

Cohen: 3 yrs in prison Manafort: 4 yrs in prison 
Stone: on trial 
Flynn: awaiting sentencing 
Rudy's partners: arrested 
Rudy: stark barking bonkers 
Individual-1: facing impeachment

Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably

me: laughing at all you "lock her up" morons - Jeff Tiedrich

Hey New Yorkers, Stock Up On Rotten Tomatoes and Eggs!
President Trump will be the first president to kick off New York City’s Veterans Day Parade, the White House announced Wednesday.
Trump will address the 100th Annual Opening Ceremony of the parade on Monday and then will lay a wreath at the Eternal Light Memorial at Madison Square Park.

"Now you listen here, mister.  We're Christian voters, and we don't take kindly to politicians who want to give free stuff to the poor." - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Martin Luther King Jr. Still Being Judged By The Color Of His Skin
Voters in Kansas City on Tuesday decided overwhelmingly to remove Martin Luther King Jr.’s name from one of the city’s historic boulevards.
The decisive vote comes less than a year after the City Council had voted to change the street's name to honor the civil rights leader.
The Associated Press reports unofficial results from Election Day found the proposal to remove King’s name garnered nearly 70 percent of the vote, compared to just more than 30 percent of voters wanting to keep his name on the boulevard.

Republicans Demand Whistleblower Reveal Their Identity In A Wide Open Field Where There’s A Clear Shot - The Onion


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
“The Cave of Hands” in Argentina. These Prehistoric rock paintings of human hands were created around 9,000 to 13,000 years ago. I wonder what inspired that painting.


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Oh, the famous "memory refresh"

Diplomat says he told Ukraine that aid was conditioned on announcing investigation in new testimony
US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland amended his previous closed-door testimony with House impeachment investigators to say that he told a top Ukrainian political aide that the release of US security aid was conditioned on Ukraine publicly announcing an investigation that would help President Donald Trump politically.

It's all fun and games until Gordon Sondland realizes that going to prison isn't worth it and rats out your greasy little Ukraine shakedown scheme and do you hear that hammering sound? it's another nail in the impeachment coffin bro. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

‘Read the transcript’ is going to end up being this administration’s ‘mission accomplished’ - Roland Scahill

Homeland Security Went to an Elementary School Wanting Info on Student
Two special agents with Homeland Security Investigations visited an elementary school in Palm Beach County this summer and attempted to obtain information on a student without a subpoena, WPTV NewsChannel 5 has learned.
The School District of Palm Beach County says it did not provide the agents with the information.

If Trump wants to guarantee he gets cheered at a sporting event he should go to a hockey game in Moscow. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

A court just ordered Trump to turn over 8 years of tax returns citing a ruling against Clinton in ‘97 that says President’s can’t claim immunity... How bout that... Because they went after a good President for a dumb reason we get to go after a dumb President for a good reason. - Cyrus McQueen

The Republican National Committee Hired People to Harass House Democrats
The Republican National Committee (RNC) funded an effort to tie up House Democrats’ office phone lines as the impeachment fight with the Trump administration intensifies, The New York Times reported Monday.
The RNC paid for about 11,000 calls to almost three dozen House Democrats to influence public opinion on the impeachment inquiry and clog the representatives’ phone lines, affecting access to the lawmakers

Roger Stone goes on trial today, and Hillary Clinton doesn’t. - TDP tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Trump retweeted a post saying Elizabeth Warren should be impeached if elected due to her Medicare for All plan.What the f-ck is wrong with this man? - The Woman in the Moon tweet

Democratic Party Drama
Senate Democrats are nearly united in their opposition to Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.), the scion of their party’s most fabled family, in his bid to unseat Sen. Ed Markey (D).
Kennedy, a 39-year-old graduate of Harvard Law School, is putting his political career on the line by taking on a Democratic incumbent who has been a fixture in Congress since 1976. His campaign also marks the best hope of putting a Kennedy back in the Senate or White House in the foreseeable future.

When you can’t tell if it’s seasonal depression or Trump related depression that’s called treasonal depression. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

"As long as it continues to abdicate responsibility for content on its platform, Facebook is a very real threat to civic society." - The Guardian

Great, Another Hack We Have to Worry About
Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are vulnerable to attacks that use lasers to inject inaudible—and sometimes invisible—commands into the devices and surreptitiously cause them to unlock doors, visit websites, and locate, unlock, and start vehicles, researchers report in a research paper published on Monday. Dubbed Light Commands, the attack works against Facebook Portal and a variety of phones.

Paying for a boxing gym seems crazy to me--if you want to learn how to fight, just grab the last free pizza bagel sample at Costco.- Conan O'Brien


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
In this photo, the moon Io stands against the background of Jupiter's diffuse swirling cloud bands. Image was taken from Voyager's camera from a distance of about 8.3 million kilometers. (NASA, JPL-Caltech, Voyager 1; Processing: Alexis Tranchandon) And here I thought it was a stylized Jackson Pollock painting.
