Monday, November 4, 2019

The Ongoing Saga of Trump's Obstruction of Justice.

4 White House officials slated for depositions in impeachment inquiry not expected to show up
Four White House officials slated for closed-door depositions Monday are not expected to show up on Capitol Hill despite the threat of subpoena from the committees leading the growing impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump related to Ukraine...House Democrats have a packed schedule this week as depositions continue behind closed doors.

a recap: 
Trump is a genius but you can't see his grades 
Trump is healthy but you can't see his medical report 
Trump is rich but you can't see his tax returns 
Trump is innocent but you can't see the unedited transcript 
Trump is honest but you can't question the White House lawyers. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Raking leaves is as effective at combating the climate crisis as your phone’s spellcheck is at fixing your tweets. Gavin Newsom is doing his job. Maybe you should try it. - Sen. Kamala Harris

Trump Asked UK Intelligence to Discredit US Intelligence. Whaaaat?
‘It’s like nothing we have come across before’: UK intelligence officials shaken by Trump administration’s requests for help with counter-impeachment inquiry.
As impeachment inquiries heat up, president’s people are busy pursuing a counter offensive aimed at discrediting Mueller’s findings that Russia interfered in 2016 election

Trump gets note from podiatrist exempting him from impeachment. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Says Quid Pro Quo Is Okey Dokey!
While President Trump continues to insist he did not demand a quid pro quo from the president of Ukraine — military and political support in exchange for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son — on Sunday he appeared to be trying out a subtly different defense: If there was a quid pro quo, there was nothing wrong with it.

Still, impeaching Donald Trump should be strictly Plan B.

Plan A should be federal agents dragging him kicking and screaming out of the White House in handcuffs before a two-hour perp walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in the rain. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Whistleblower Offers To Answer Republicans’ Questions In Exchange For Them Answering How They Can Sleep At Night - Andy Borowitz

A Scary Result of Trump's Hatred of Latino Immigrants
A Milwaukee man was left with second-degree burns over the weekend after someone threw battery acid in his face and accused him of being in the country illegally.
Mahud Villalaz, 42, said a man doused him with the chemical during an argument on Friday over how he parked his vehicle. A surveillance camera captured the scary encounter on video...

Kavanaugh is going to need a lot of beers before ruling on Trump’s taxes. - Roland Scahill


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Bernie Sanders is like if a regular old senator got bit by a radioactive hippie. - Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

Is anyone surprised that all it takes is a $100 saw to breach Trump’s wall? This whole exercise was a stunt and a sham from the beginning. The only thing the wall has succeeded in doing is tarnishing the image of our nation in the eyes of the world. - Joe Biden

People, Start Your Engines. Race to Read the Transcripts!
Declaring American voters should “see for themselves” the evidence in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, House Democrats on Monday released hundreds of pages of transcripts from closed-door depositions of Marie Yovanovitch, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and Michael McKinley, former senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Next week Trump will go to ‘Sesame Street Live’ and be mercilessly booed by preschoolers. - Roland Scahill


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Business/Tech News

What are the odds Trump shuts down the government in order to prevent the IRS from turning over his tax returns to New York? - Stonekettle

Facebook Defends Inhaling Ad Money From Liars
A controversial policy allowing politicians to run false ads on Facebook will extend to the United Kingdom as the country prepares to vote in a historic December election, Facebook confirmed to CNN Business.
The policy is being championed by Facebook executive Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister of the United Kingdom who himself once complained about "lies" spread during the 2016 Brexit referendum.

Dear “American Christian”: 
Christ is not American.Christ didn’t say “Love America.”Christ said “Love your neighbor.”The Christ-view of neighbor is global and comprehensive.Christ-Love is without walls and beyond borders. 
There’s a more humane way. 
Let’s travel it.
- Bernice King


Hey folks, can you please throw in a dollar or two for the

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Bronze Sculpture of King Arthur Stands Atop The Tintagel Cliffs in Cornwall, UK.
Sculptor Rubin Eynon


Friday, November 1, 2019

A president and vice president must not be from the same state

Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself as Resident of Florida
...In late September, Trump changed his primary residence from Manhattan to Palm Beach, Florida, according to documents filed with the Palm Beach County Circuit Court. Melania Trump, the first lady, also changed her residence to Palm Beach in an identical document.
Each of the Trumps filed a “declaration of domicile” saying that the Mar-a-Lago Club, Trump’s resort in Palm Beach, will be their permanent residence.

Donald Trump:"I'm moving to Florida." 
New York:"Take Giuliani with you." - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Just hoping Trump’s relocation to FLA goes smoothly, as these are dangerous times for migrants. - John Fugelsang

Did Trump Write Assad a Beautiful Letter?
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday hailed Donald Trump as the “best American president” for his “transparency” regarding his stated desire to maintain U.S. control of the Middle Eastern nation’s lucrative oil fields.

These washed up old racist white men are getting on my last f-cking nerve.Stop threatening us with your guns & civil war, have you forgotten what happened the first time around?You'll lose again. - Woman in the Moon tweet

Republican Shenanigans

When the Nixon impeachment hearings began, only 19% thought he should be impeached. Clinton was impeached with only 33% supporting it.  We haven’t had a single open hearing and start at 49%.

I’m good with that. - Pam Keith

The Man Who Didn't Vet Sarah Palin for McCain's VP Has Thoughts
MSNBC political analyst Steve Schmidt said that the country faced a “very grave moment” on the day the full House passed a resolution moving forward with investigating Donald Trump, warning that Republic could cease to exist if the president is not impeached.

Obama denies wiretapping Trump: "Like I'd want to hear more from that fool?" - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Trump sees new polls and orders Ukraine to investigate Elizabeth Warren. - Andy Borowitz

Public Hearings are Coming!
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday she expects the House to hold public hearings this month in its impeachment inquiry into President Trump, a day after House Democrats voted to move the investigation into a public phase.
“I would assume there would be public hearing in November,” Pelosi told Bloomberg, adding that the case against Trump “has to be ironclad.”

Stupid Donald Trump thought John Bolton was going to help him commit treason crimes, when everyone knows John Bolton only commits war crimes. - Palmer Report tweet


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Business/Tech News

TC Energy Says Keystone Pipeline Failed Due To Protestors Making It Lose Confidence In Itself. - The Onion

Analysts Unable To Analyze a Lie
How Trump came up with that '303,000' October jobs figure that baffled analysts.
The U.S. economy defied expectations by creating 128,000 new jobs in October, and official numbers for the prior two months were revised upward by 95,000 jobs.
However, a tweet from President Donald Trump that celebrated 303,000 jobs — which employed some creative economic modeling — confounded many economy-watchers.

This weekend don’t forget to set your clocks back to 1973. - OhNoSheTwint


Hey folks, can you throw a dollar or two at the


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A baby Ghost Crab. Now I feel a tiny bit guilty about loving crab legs.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Impeachment Inquiry Day!

Impeachment inquiry vote's strong support from Democrats spells trouble for Trump
With momentum on impeachment quickly shifting, as Thursday’s tally shows, it’s not impossible that Trump would reach the danger zone of Nixon’s numbers.

The last time Washington DC was this happy was when Obama was in office. Congrats Madam Speaker and Congrats #Nats

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I am impeached, they’re going to watch it,” Trump said. “The ratings are going to be through the roof.” - Andy Borowitz

I Wonder If The Hero Dog Will React As The Eagle Did
President Trump on Thursday indicated that the dog injured in the raid that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will visit the White House next week.
Trump quote-tweeted a photoshopped image he'd shared earlier in the day that originated on the conservative Daily Wire website that depicted the dog being given the Medal of Honor.

I know most of America is with me in hoping Conan growls at Trump and starts chasing him down the hallways of the White House. - Liddle savage tweet

World Series champs should get statehood. - Hillary Clinton

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Says He Has Been Treated Very “Infairly” By Spellcheck - Andy Borowitz

Pompeo Dons Tin Foil Hat
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested on Fox News a conspiracy theory that Hunter Biden could be the reason the Obama administration did not give Ukraine lethal defensive military equipment as the country fought Russian-backed separatists.
Pompeo did not specify any reason why....

I’m of the opinion that masses of people booing the president on one of the stupidly few occasions he’s ever been forced to interact with them is in fact an extremely valuable moment for our global standing & anyone who cares about America’s reputation should thank that crowd. - Rebecca Traister


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Rock The Voter News

Who's going to be the first person in the Trump saga to plead insanity as a defense? - Roland Scahill

Evangelicals Whining About Impeachment
Evangelical leaders this week told President Donald Trump that they feel as though they are getting impeached alongside him, as they view House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry as an attack on their interests.
McClatchy reports that Johnnie Moore, a member of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, told the president during a White House meeting that “they’re trying to impeach us.”

Donald Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and freelance Drunk Driving Poster Boy and professional moron Matt Gaetz would harass the living f*ck out of the detectives trying to do their jobs. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Instead of visiting the White House for McDonalds, the Nationals should really just go over to Chef Jose Andres’ house. -  Nate Mook

Our Native Americans Warned This Would Happen
A pipeline that carries tar sands oil from Canada through seven states has leaked an unknown amount of crude oil over more than quarter-mile swath in northeastern North Dakota, state environmental regulators said Wednesday.
State Environmental Quality Chief Dave Glatt told The Associated Press that regulators were notified late Tuesday night of the leak near Edinburg, in Walsh County. Glatt said pipeline owner TC Energy shut down the pipeline after the leak was detected. The cause of the spill is under investigation.

Count your blessings:
Imagine for a minute that 2018 had gone differently... 
And McCarthy was now Speaker of the House... - JCrongeyer




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My human dressed me like this. It's not my fault. Happy Halloween anyway.
