Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Impeachment deposition delayed after Republicans storm proceedings

Impeachment deposition delayed after Republicans storm proceedings
Dozens of House Republicans on Wednesday stormed the secure facility inside the Capitol where impeachment investigators have been deposing witnesses, forcing a delay to the proceedings on the heels of damning new revelations that could further imperil President Donald Trump.

Is it true that Article I, Section 5, of the US Constitution says the House can punish members for disorderly behavior and expel them, Madame Speaker? 

I'm looking forward to the GOP complaining after the impeachment inquiry hearings are public that they should be private. - Pe' Resists tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Remember when a bunch of Republican men spent the entirety of 2016 trying to convince us that Hillary Clinton’s emails were an imminent national security threat? And then those same Republican men stormed a SCIF with their electronic devices because the rules don’t apply to them? - Caroline Orr

♪ Bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran 𝅘𝅥𝅮

Geezus, Trump is Giving the Saudis a U.S. Contract to Manufacture Hi-Tech Bombs
 A controversial arms deal for Arab allies approved by the Trump administration will allow U.S. hi-tech bomb parts to be manufactured in Saudi Arabia, giving Riyadh unprecedented access to a sensitive weapons technology.
The production arrangement is part of a larger $8.1 billion arms package for Saudi Arabia...

Sniffing uncontrollably is totally normal during a Presidential address to the nation. - Roland Scahill

Republican Shenanigans

When smoke pours out of the White House chimney that means Trump has chosen a new chief of staff whose pants are on fire. - OhNoSheTwint

Anti-Vaxxer Is Alive & Well in the U.S. House
Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) on Wednesday pressed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the social media platform's efforts to reduce the spread of anti-vaccine material.
Posey used his five minutes during Zuckerberg's appearance before the House Financial Services Committee to ask the CEO why Facebook cracks down on anti-vaccine content if believes in freedom of expression.

Overheard on the train today, “If Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue I hope it’s Rudy.” - TDP tweet


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Flashback meme of Hillary's 11 hour Benghazi testimony from Oct. 22, 2015

Imagine what would be happening right now if the Democrats had not won back the House. - Kona Lowell

Rock The Voter News

Biden's Poll Numbers Up & So Are Trump's Impeachment Poll Numbers!
Support for the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump's dealings in Ukraine continue to grow, as does support for his removal from office, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday found.

The house GOP stunt has one obvious purpose: create some news that is not “here’s more evidence of the president’s crimes!” - Chris Hayes


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Business/Tech News

Walls Of Congress Dissolve Into Endless Blue Void As Zuckerberg Informs Lawmakers There No Way To Escape Facebook.- The Onion

Wow. Who Knew Jared Kushner is a Slumlord?
Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh has sued an apartment management company owned by senior White House adviser and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner, alleging it routinely used “unfair or deceptive” rental practices while running rodent-infested apartments in Baltimore and the surrounding region.

Rudy Giuliani: I am Trump's biggest liability.

Mick Mulvaney: Hold my press conference. - Stephen Colbert


Hey folks, could you please kick in a buck or two for the
Fall Fundraiser?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Remember to leave a bowl of water outside for our feathered friends.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

American Horrific

William Taylor testifies about deep-seated push for Ukraine quid pro quo
President Donald Trump’s top envoy to Ukraine told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday of intense efforts by administration officials to secure politically-motivated investigations of Trump’s rivals in exchange for a White House meeting with Ukraine’s president and critical military aid, according to sources in the room for the testimony.

So today Trump describes the impeachment inquiry as a 'lynching.'  Poor victimized Trump: apparently orange really is the new black. ~ Rick, AHNC viewer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“The Kurds are incredibly happy with this tough love approach”: so says the cretin Trump.  He’s never heard of “ethnic cleansing” apparently.  Prob thinks it’s POC doing his laundry. - Bette Midler

I Doubt Hillary Will Run for President. But This Country Needs Someone of Her Caliber To Clean Up Trump's Mess.
Hillary Clinton has told people privately that she would consider joining the 2020 Democratic primary, but only if she thought she could win.
The private conversations were aired publicly in a new report from The New York Times, which spoke with several people involved with Democratic politics, many of whom are concerned that the current crop of candidates is less than ideal.

Subject: Hillary

Dear Lisa

So Gabbard is a Democrat "in name only"? What proof do you have of that?

Hillary is the one who was a Republican Goldwater girl, but you never call her a Democrat in name only. 

Hillary is playing a stupid and dangerous game with these endless and baseless Russian accusations.  

Why arent you calling her out for her delusions?


I judge people by their record.

Hillary was a Republican when she was a teenager. Geez Louise

Hillary is an expert on Russia. She was correct about Trump and Russia in 2015 which is why I give great weight to her opinion.

Tulsi is praised by Russia, just watch Russia TV, she visited Assad behind Congress' back plus she voted against the Magnitsky Act (allows the US Government to sanction corrupt government officials implicated in abuses anywhere in the world) as did Bernie Sanders.

Research isn't that hard, rich.

A State Department probe of Hillary Clinton's emails found no deliberate mishandling of classified information. But I fully expect a GOP investigation to now be launched into whether her pantsuits were actually suits or if they were just coordinated separates! - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Word that cannot be applied to Trump: “lynching.” Also, “President.” - Andy Borowitz

Proud Boys Sentenced to 4 Years
Two members of a US far-right group were each sentenced to four years in prison on Tuesday for brawling with anti-fascist demonstrators in New York, prosecutors said.
The sentencing comes as tensions between white supremacists and leftists simmer in the United States.

Yes, refusing to testify in front of congress is always a great way to declare no wrongdoing. It’s like these Assholes have never read a history book, just like their baboon president. - Chelsea Handler


 Click here to meet C.W.


How’s everybody’s windmill noise cancer doing lately? - The USA Singers tweet

Rock The Voter News

Half of Americans say Trump should be impeached and removed from office, and the other half think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.- Brandon Besserer

Inch by Inch, Step by Step, Pelosi is Locked and Loaded.
The four-page document accused the Trump administration of three stages of wrongdoing related to the president’s controversial July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ― a call that ultimately prompted Pelosi to launch an impeachment inquiry into Trump. 
The fact sheet dubbed the three stages “the shakedown,” “the pressure campaign” and “the cover-up.”

Trump's Chief of Staff admitted military aid was withheld from an ally to get their help with an investigation, which could help Trump politically. 
When challenged with this quid pro quo, Mulvaney said it happens all the time.

"Get over it," he said.

Never. - Rep. Adam Schiff


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The day after Newt Gingrich said he would ban reporters from the White House, and called the media ‘the enemies of the president,’ ABC reward him with a co-host seat on #TheView, where he defends Trump’s use of the word “lynching.” - Tim Teeman, The Daily Beast

Business/Tech News

Trump says that his Presidency has cost him $5 billion, but it’s cost the American people ten times that much on alcohol alone. - Andy Borowitz

Anonymous Remains Anonymous With New book
The anonymous author of a bombshell New York Times op-ed piece that ran a year ago describing resistance efforts within the Trump administration is now publishing a tell-all book.
"A Warning" is described as an "unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency" and is scheduled to be released next month. The author is listed only as "anonymous."

If men could get pregnant, abortion doctors would issue punch cards so every eleventh procedure was free. - Middle Age Riot


Hey folks, could you please kick in a buck or two for the
Fall Fundraiser?

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
6000 year old Baobab tree in Senegal. That makes me feel quite tiny.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Jake Tapper to Buttigieg: Shouldn’t Dems Speak Out on ‘Obvious Smear’ of Tulsi Gabbard from Clinton?

Jake Tapper to Buttigieg: Shouldn’t Dems Speak Out on ‘Obvious Smear’ of Tulsi Gabbard from Clinton?
CNN’s Jake Tapper questioned Mayor Pete Buttigieg this morning on whether Democrats should be speaking up more to defend Tulsi Gabbard over Hillary Clinton‘s “wild accusation.”
Clinton implied a candidate in the DEmocratic primary race is being supported by Russians and groomed to run as a third-party candidate. A Clinton spokesperson confirmed she was talking about Gabbard, and the congresswoman fired back in a statement calling her “queen of warmongers.”

The misogynistic media can't wait to pounce on Hillary. Forget that Gabbard can call herself a Democrat in name only.

Putin Says Tulsi Gabbard Not Stupid Enough to Be As Valuable a Russian Asset as Trump - Andy Borowitz

We don't have meltdowns, we cause them

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I was certain the Russians owned trump.  Then it looked like the Saudis had him. Next Ukraine got a piece of the action, & now Turkey. Our President isn’t for sale, he’s a cheap time-share. - Stonecold

Mulvaney Is A Birther. Nuff Said.
Days after his disastrous White House press briefing in which he admitted President Donald Trump was seeking out a quid pro quo with Ukraine before saying never mind, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney struggled to walk back his comments under the intense and relentless grilling of Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace...

I just went through U.S. border patrol at the airport and the officer saw all the Middle East stamps on my passport. He asked what I do. I expected a hassle. Instead, he said “I have a lot of respect for journalists. Thank you for putting yourself in danger to tell us the truth.” - Sulome Anderson tweet

If Nixon was a cancer to the Presidency what is Trump? Ebola...? - Scapegoat tweet

Republican Shenanigans

If the Doral posed an emoluments problem, as the White House now admits, why isn't it a problem for foreign governments to be spending money at all the other Trump properties? - Bill Kristol

Hillary tweeted this over the weeknd

It Is Official: Tulsi Gabbard Is Putin's Pasty, Too!
President Trump on Monday assailed former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for suggesting current White House candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is favored by Russia.
“She’s accusing everyone of being a Russian agent,” Trump told reporters during a Cabinet meeting. “These people are sick. There’s something wrong with them.”

Trump Drops Plan To Force G7 To Take Real Estate Course At Trump University - Andy Borowitz


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So President Trump was forced to concede that it wasn’t OK at the OK Doral. - Dan Rather

Rock The Voter News

BUT HER EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A U.S. State Department investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state has found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information by department employees.

If there was a man who'd been as consistently right about everything as Hillary Clinton has been, he'd be one of the most revered figures in American politics, consulted by candidates and courted by every network talking head show. - Jerry tweet


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Trump spoke to two female American astronauts while they were in space. Not only did they make history being the first crew to perform an all-woman spacewalk, they also made history by being the first women to speak to Trump at a distance that was probably pretty safe. - Bette Midler

Business/Tech News

When does Lou Dobbs just end up in the administration? - Schooley

Great Decision, Walmart!
Now, Walmart is entering Costa Rica’s gourmet coffee industry through its “Great Value” brand.
Walmart and Mas X Menos locations in Costa Rica now sell Great Value coffee grown in Tres Ríos, Naranjo and Tarrazú, according to a press release from Walmart de Mexico y Centroamerica.
The company says it is the first Great Value product made in Costa Rica and suggested the coffee may be sold in other markets in the near future.

I went to a wedding with an open risotto bar, and now I’ve converted to Italian. - Josh Gondelman


Hey folks, could you kick in a buck or two for the fall fundraiser?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Yesterday was International Sloth Day. I don't think sloths are lazy, they just like to take their time doing everything!
