Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trump defends his handling of talks with foreign leaders amid whistleblower complaint

Trump defends his handling of talks with foreign leaders amid whistleblower complaint
President Trump on Thursday defended his conduct while on calls with foreign leaders following a report that one of those interactions is at the center of a complaint from a whistleblower in the intelligence community.
Trump dismissed the report as "another Fake News story" in a series of tweets and called the ensuing furor over his reported action "presidential harassment."

Okay but seriously, "President Trump Denies Saying Anything Inappropriate" is the funniest headline I've ever seen. - Randi Mayhem Singer

Pompadour, gold accents, and money falling out of his pockets.
 The 16th Century Aristocracy called and they'd like their tragic comedy back. - Chat Clussman

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Jared Kushner Marks Second Anniversary of Bringing Peace to Middle East. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Is a Billionaire. He Should Let Our Military Stay For Free!
Since Donald Trump took office, the U.S. military has spent nearly $200,000 at the president’s luxury Scotland resort, according to figures and documents the Pentagon provided to the House Oversight Committee.

Has anyone tried throwing holy water on trump? - Ashlie Weeks

Republican Shenanigans

Dear Donnie,                               
Yesterday you attacked the homeless for living on "our best highways, our best streets, our best entrances to buildings." Why don’t you put them up in your hotels & rentals? I hear you’ve got plenty of room these days! - Bette Midler

A Supreme Court Justice Asked Reporters to Lie
New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly said that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh agreed to let them interview him for their upcoming book ― as long as they would publicly lie about it.
Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington on Wednesday, Kelly and Pogrebin said that Kavanaugh said he would talk to the reporters to provide them with background information as long as they falsely noted in the book that he declined to be interviewed.

Trump is going to have to do something really insane to seize the news cycle back. - Molly Jong-Fast


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Article 3 of Nixon’s impeachment was obstruction of Congress, refusing to obey defined congressional subpoenas, pleading imaginary privileges. And obviously that’s what the president has been doing. - Jerry Nadler

The Hillary Haunting Of Trump
A document Hillary Clinton helped write nearly a half century ago has returned from the dead to threaten the man she couldn’t vanquish in 2016.

Who else has made it through today without once even remotely needing an assault weapon? - Bryce Tache


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A third of Trump’s former employees write books about him.
A third get jobs at Fox News.
A third go to jail. - Windsor Mann

Business/Tech News

California Overwhelmingly Favors Limiting Trump's Emissions.  - Andy Borowitz

When All Else Fails, SUE!
President Donald Trump on Thursday filed a lawsuit against Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. and his longtime accounting firm, days after news broke that the prosecutor had subpoenaed years of Trump’s personal and corporate tax returns.
Vance’s office had issued a subpoena last month to accounting firm Mazars. The firm said in a statement issued Monday that it “will respect the legal process and fully comply with its legal obligations.”

The Manhattan DA’s office has subpoenaed 8 years of Don’s tax returns. We may be about to discover something he cheated on more than his wives! - BetteMidler

There was a time when journalists understood the goal was to inform the public. And if a guest intentionally and consistently lied to you, they’d no longer be invited back on tv. - Soledad O'Brien


Update: I've found no solution to my laptop problems. I've even tried prayers!
To make matters worse (hey, why not!) the cable TV and Internet went out yesterday. Someone stole the cable transformer box and knocked out our whole neighborhood. My neighbor is letting me use her sat dish Internet.

I'm exhausted!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A bamboo forest in Japan. I need to escape there right now.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I blame Trump

My laptop was working just fine this morning then all of a sudden several keyboard keys would not work. I googled the problem of course, but nothing worked. So just to be on the safe side I checked my antivirus program and found THAT was malfunctioning. THEN I disabled that antivirus program and downloaded another program. 

All the while I'm doing this I had to use a spare keyboard wired  to my laptop.  Juggling while crying is a good analogy.

A deep scan was done by the new program. No problems. So I am back to square one.

Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience. I'm more depressed than you.

Oh, another thing. Trump needs to be impeached pronto. He's like a virus infecting all that is good.

Hey Speaker Pelosi if Rep. Omar is gunned down will that clear the hurdle for impeachment?

Rep. Omar accuses Trump of endangering her life

I will be back online asap. Wish me luck.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sean Spicer Begs Americans to ‘Stand for Christ’ By Helping Him Win Dancing With the Stars

Sean Spicer Begs Americans to ‘Stand for Christ’ By Helping Him Win Dancing With the Stars
According to former Trump White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, the power of Christ compels you… to help him win ABC’s Dancing with the Stars.
On Monday night, Spicer made his debut on the hoofing-with-has-beens competition show, scoring an apparently unimpressive 4 from the judges for his Spice Girls-fueled routine during which he skillfully managed not to defend Hitler.

Now when the White House hires a press secretary they have to ask, “Can you dance?” - Conan O'Brien

Sean can't dance, people, so he used Jesus. Double snap to the costume designer and the choreographer, they made him look like the fool he is, and Sean is completely oblivious to that. The only thing worse than that is Karl Rove, Bush Jr.'s deputy chief of staff, dancing while the economy was crashing and two raging wars. I also included Rick Perry on DWTS (see below)

 It's official, Republicans don't have rhythm.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I have to admit that I did not have "Mattis said we're low on bullets" on my Donald Trump Batsh*ttery Bingo card. - Jeff Tiedrich

Guantanamo Is A Costly Disgrace To Democracy
The U.S. military court and prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, have cost more than $6 billion to operate since opening nearly 18 years ago and still churn through more than $380 million a year despite housing only 40 prisoners today.
Included in that amount are taxpayer-funded charter planes often flying just a few passengers to and from the island; hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of government electronic devices intentionally destroyed each year due to spills of classified information; some Pentagon-funded defense attorneys billing about half-a-million dollars a year; and total legal costs of nearly $60 million annually even though Guantánamo has had only one finalized conviction.

America now has a POTUS who says: 
-Windmills cause cancer 
-Video games cause mass shootings 
-Vaccines cause autism 
-Obama caused the annexation of Crimea 
-energy efficient light bulbs cause his discoloration 
And America has all this bc slaveowners caused an electoral college. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

It's a good thing that Brett Kavanaugh was just a blackout-drunk white frat boy sexually assaulting his way through prep school and college and then lying to Congress about it, and not, say, a black man selling loose cigarettes, because there are serious consequences for that. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump's Scottish Resort Is Giving Out "Pride Pins" To The Air Force VIP
Air Force officers who have earned medals for their tours of combat theaters can pick up some more brass with a short pitstop in Southwest Scotland.
As part of its relationship with the Air Force, President Donald Trump’s Turnberry resort occasionally gifts high-ranking officers a version of its “Pride Pin,” a lapel pin featuring the property’s iconic lighthouse — an honor reserved for VIPs — upon their arrival, according a resort staffer familiar with the practice.


 Click here to meet C.W.


Kavanaugh Denies New Sexual Misconduct Claim During Emotional, Pants-Less Press Conference. - The Onion

Rock The Voter News

House Democrats Vow To Hold President Accountable With Agriculture Bill Where First Letter Of Every Line Spells Out ‘Impeach Trump’  - The Onion

Trump Doesn't Have an Emmy
Colin Kaepernick‘s headline-making Nike commercial, “Dream Crazy,” has taken home an Emmy.
The 2-minute ad — which was first released in September of last year and was part of the company’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign — received the award for outstanding commercial at the Creative Arts Emmys on Sunday night.

John Bolton Asked To Leave Condo Board Meeting After Repeatedly Advocating Bombing Isaacsons. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

OBAMA NETFLIX OBAMA NETFLIX! shouts Trump, as he runs through the West Wing with a soup pot on his head and falls down a flight of stairs with his pants around his ankles. - Jeff Tiedrich

Mitch McConnell: The Man Who Sold America
After 40 years of scorched-earth politics and bowing to special interests, will Mitch McConnell finally pay the price?

Transportation secretary & wife of #MoscowMitch is being investigated for ethics violations. I always wondered what attracted him to her, now I know! - Bette Midler

Queen Trains Corgis To Attack Boris Johnson If He Ever Comes To Palace Again - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My garden this morning

That is one orchid plant which is about 2 years old. It is very happy under an almond tree, which shed some of its large leaves.
