Monday, September 2, 2019

Hurricane Dorian is knocking on Florida's door

Some Florida boat residents to ride out Dorian, hoping for the best
Ned and Lisa Keahey were well aware that the second-most powerful Atlantic hurricane on record was heading for them, having watched the weather radar on Sunday at a Florida marina from the boat they have called home for the past 20 years.

As you gather around the grill today, remember that President Obama once asked for Dijon mustard on his burger, the worst scandal in presidential history. - The Daily Show

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Believing that you have a god-given right to military-grade weaponry is probably a good enough reason to take away your military-grade weaponry. - Jeff Tiedrich

Buzz-Saw-Like Winds
As morning broke in the Bahamas on Monday, residents who rode out Hurricane Dorian described buzz-saw-like winds that splintered homes, flooded streets and left them terrified for their lives.
Meanwhile, U.S. officials braced for a similar fate as the monster storm's eye wall set its sight on the coasts of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.

I really need to relax this Labor Day weekend, so I'm already chilling a bottle of something special in the fridge. It's Xanax. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Link Found Between Cowardly Politicians and Gun Violence. - Andy Borowitz

Gee, The 1st Amendment May Get In Trump's Way
President Donald Trump confirmed on Saturday via Twitter that he is "suing various people for violating their confidentiality agreements" including the "disgusting and foul mouthed" Omarosa Manigault Newman.

Guns kill more people than hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes combined in the USA. We're #1


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How would we know if Trump’s Twitter was hacked? - Hoodlum tweet

Rock The Voter News

Straight Lives Parade Outnumbered By Protesters
They marched under the motto, "It's great to be straight." A man in a shark costume chanted, "Straight Lives Matter!" Another dressed as Santa Claus held the "straight flag" and welcomed any heckling that came his way.

Trump Furious After Twitter Purge Leaves Him With 14 Followers. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

"Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln

Please Read The Fine Print Before Downloading
ZAO - a new Chinese app that lets users swap their faces with celebrities, sports stars or anyone else in a video clip - racked up millions of downloads on the weekend but swiftly drew fire over privacy issues.

'I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.'
Dr. Seuss


I labored today because I did not want to disappoint you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This morning, inside the eye of Dorian. I'm scared and amazed at the same time.


Friday, August 30, 2019

Hurricane Dorian forecast to strike Florida overnight into Tuesday as Category 4

Hurricane Dorian forecast to strike Florida overnight into Tuesday as Category 4
Dangerous Hurricane Dorian is strengthening and forecast to make landfall on Florida's east coast overnight into Tuesday as a Category 4 storm.
Now forecast to approach Florida with winds of 140 mph, Dorian, should it make landfall at those wind speeds, would become just the ninth hurricane to do so, dating back to 1851.

Right now our fragile sociopath president is standing in front of a mirror, practicing his thumbs-up-and-smile for when he's posing in front of hurricane-strewn wreckage in Florida next week. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Reagan debuted his "Star Wars" initiative just prior to fadin' into dementia.  Great minds decay alike. - Tea Pain

Putin's Favorite Hobby
The suspect detained over the killing last week of a Georgian citizen in Berlin had a passport whose number linked him to Russian security services, German magazine Der Spiegel reported on Friday.
Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, who had previously fought alongside anti-Moscow separatists in the province of Chechnya, was shot twice in the head last Friday as he headed through a central Berlin park to the mosque.

Who gets to sit down with Trump and the other climate denying Republicans and explain that warmer ocean temperatures are why we will be getting more and more insane hurricanes like Dorian? - Roland Scahill

Republican Shenanigans

So what's on the agenda today for the Trump admin? 

Kicking puppies? Pulling the wings off butterflies? Starving the elderly? - Elle DeSylva

How does she have a camera in her cell but Epstein didn't?
A Colorado woman is suing after she was forced to give birth to her child, alone in a jail cell, while screaming and pleading for help from staff that paid her virtually no mind.
In the hours leading up to the birth of her child on July 31, 2018, surveillance footage shows 26-year-old Diana Sanchez repeatedly attempt to alert jail staff that she was in labour, her water had broken, and that she was in desperate need of medical attention.

We are to believe a rich man arrested for human trafficking,
  • tried to commit suicide
  • put on watch for only a week
  • was suppose to have a cell mate
  • one guard wasn't a regular
  • both guards fell asleep
  • missed 3, 30 minute checks
  • both cameras have gaps
  • and Barr un-recused his recusal?
-Woman in the Moon tweet

TRUMP: Hey Bill, wanna come out of retirement & be America’s top cop again, shield me from consequences of my crimes like you did w/Iran Contra, and wag our junk together at the Emoluments Clause?



 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Trump lied about Chinese talks to manipulate the market and every reporter in my twitter feed is going with JOE BIDEN TELLS A STORY ABOUT THE WRONG SOLDIER!!! - Adam Parkhomenko

Gas Shortage Ahead of Hurricane Dorian
Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday the Florida Highway Patrol would soon begin escorting fuel trucks to help resupply gas stations in advance of Hurricane Dorian.
Gasbuddy, whose representatives helped state officials track fuel shortages in 2017 during Hurricane Irma, reported Friday that more than half of gas stations in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach area were out of fuel, stretched from the demand of drivers filling up before the storm hits.

The Trump administration literally wants to deport kids with cancer, in case you ever meet a #maga person who claims to be Christian. - John Fugelsang


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Cost-Cutting Measures Force Company To Start Hiring More Female Employees - The Onion

Business/Tech News

Horrified Amazon Worker Awakes From Warehouse Accident To Find Jeff Bezos Welding Mechanical Limbs Onto Stumps Where Arms His Used To Be - The Onion

Yep, People Fear A Recession Is Coming
U.S. consumer sentiment plunged 8.6 points in August, the largest decline in nearly eight years, as President Trump ramped up a trade war with China.

USDA Rolls Out New School Brunch Program For Wealthier School Districts - The Onion


Please stay safe, Florida.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the sleeps tonight. A-Wimoweh.  A-Wimoweh.  A-Wimoweh.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Lindsey Graham proposing putting Obama under oath to investigate Trump’s Russian conspiracy theory

Lindsey Graham proposing putting Obama under oath to investigate Trump’s Russian conspiracy theory
During an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show on Wednesday night, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) claimed he has every intention of calling in former President Barack Obama and grilling him on what he knows about the FBI’s investigation of Donald Trump.

I hope Lindsey Graham does question Obama about Trump's crazy conspiracy theory...if Obama stops laughing long enough to be questioned.

Some people think he's playing chess when actually his aides are trying to stop him from eating the pieces. - Spacebnb tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“Our unelected Prime Minister just sent our elected Parliament home,” one UK citizen said. “Top that, America.” - Andy Borowitz

Putin Wants To Annex Ukraine, Too
The Trump administration is slow-walking $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine, annoying lawmakers and advocates who argue the funding is critical to keeping Russia at bay.

I support our troops by refusing to vote Republican. 

This newest push to call children born to active duty military stationed overseas anything but American is unconstitutional and cruel. 

This country is sinking fast. - Kim Schwan tweet

Republican Shenanigans

This would be a good time to remind the sane people that Caligula Kardashian's official reason for firing James Comey at the time was Comey's unfair treatment of Hillary Clinton. - John Fugelsang

Stop Interviewing Liars To Find the Truth Would Be a Good Start
Don Lemon had a few words for Chris Cuomo on Wednesday after his CNN colleague wrapped up his very contentious interview with Kayleigh McEnany...“She has no credibility,” Lemon said. “Someone like that has no credibility … Put whoever you want on your show. This isn’t chastising you, but the audience gets nothing from her because she doesn’t tell the truth.”

Because Trump has f*cked up our country so bad, I think it’s only fair that we enact a law that white women who voted for him are not allowed to drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes. - Chelsea Handler


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Rock The Voter News

If you think economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while counting your money. - irishygirl

Comey Gets Slapped With Velvet Glove
Former FBI Director James Comey violated agency policies when he retained and leaked a set of memos he took documenting meetings with President Donald Trump early in 2017, the Justice Department's inspector general said in a report released Thursday....The inspector general's office referred the findings of its report to the Justice Department for potential prosecution earlier this summer, though the Justice Department declined to bring a case, the report says.

Comey: ‘What Can I Say, I’m Just A Catty Bitch From New Jersey And I Live For Drama’ - The Onion


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Donald Trump’s response to global climate change is to roll back EPA regulations on methane, because Donald Trump is literally the worst person ever. - TDP tweet

Business/Tech News

EPA Lifts Regulations On How Much Methane Trump Can Personally Emit - Andy Borowitz

I'll take Lawrence O'Donnell's word over Donald's any day. - Woman in the Moon tweet

The DEA Knew This. Why Didn't They Investigate?
Over the course of seven years, from 2006 to 2012, two pharmacies in rural northeast Louisiana, owned by Republican gubernatorial candidate and U.S. Rep. Ralph Abraham, Clinic Pharmacy of Mangham and Adams Clinic Pharmacy of Winnsboro, doled out 1,478,236 doses of powerful opioids, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration database recently published by the Washington Post.
The pharmacies are 12.5 miles away from one another, and the two communities have a combined population of approximately 6,000 people.

"Puerto Rico didn't receive $92 million and there's no new Wall" - Shepard Smith, Fox News



FYI: A virus attacked my laptop. 
No damage (as far as I know). 
My virus software alerted me.
Be still my heart.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Wolf Collar is a type of dog collar designed to protect livestock guardian dogs from attack by wolves. The collar base protects the dog's throat and carotid arteries, while the spikes are intended to deter bites to the neck or even injure wolves trying to do so.
