Monday, August 19, 2019

White supremacists infiltrated farmer’s market — leaving shoppers and farmers terrified

White supremacists infiltrated farmer’s market — leaving shoppers and farmers terrified
While mulling about the bundles of kale and baskets of fresh peaches, some farmers’ market shoppers are dodging fear and protests from white supremacists who are bringing their racism to another gathering place.

You're proud of your skin color? Congratulations. That's some achievement. - Kona Lowell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Not to be outdone by Jeffrey Epstein—who owned his own island—Donald Trump set his sights on Greenland... - Elle DeSylva 

Teachers & Guns
An Iowa town hall grew contentious on Saturday after Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) responded to a question about school shootings with an answer emphasizing the need to deal with mental illness. 
Responding a question from a teacher who detailed her training for active shooter situations and then asked when she could get back to training children to read and write

Denmark Offers To Buy United States“We believe that by giving the U.S. an educational system and national health care, it could be transformed from a vast land mass into a great nation,” a Danish spokesperson said. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Obtuseness is a Trump family characteristic

When the recipe call for exactly 3 tears of refugee children

The Architect of White House Racism
Stephen Miller, an architect of many of the White House’s harshest immigration policies, said in a new interview that he felt a “jolt of electricity to my soul” when President Trump announced his candidacy.

Betsy DeVos Says US Should Consider Buying Puerto Rico.   - Andy Borowitz


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Might things change if all the energy being spent on nonsense about Area 51 were spent reading American History? - Jimmie von Tungeln

Rock The Voter News

If by a Liberal they mean someone who looks ahead not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions.Then I am a Liberal. - John F. Kennedy 1960

It's Official. Epstein Offed Himself
The New York Times reports that accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein tied his jail bed sheet around his neck and used it to hang himself, breaking several bones in the process, while in federal custody at the Metropolitan Correctional Center.


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Business/Tech News

The difference between Donald Trump and Greenland? Greenland is not for sale. - Sen. Amy Klobuchar

Trump's War On Transgenders
Donald Trump's administration has told the Supreme Court that transgender workers are not protected by federal civil rights law and can be fired because of their gender.
The US government is arguing workers should only be protected from discrimination based on their “biological sex”, court filings have revealed.

Our waitress was giving us a attitude and my 9 year old sister said “first off I ordered crab legs, not your attitude.” LMAOOO - gym leader khy tweet



Odd News

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Nature is amazing and I bet that honey is too.


Friday, August 16, 2019

Trump wants to buy Greenland

Greenland responds to reports Trump talked about buying the territory
The Greenland Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to reports that President Donald Trump had talked about the possibility of buying the territory.
"Greenland is rich in valuable resources such as minerals, the purest water and ice, fish stocks, seafood, renewable energy and is a new frontier for adventure tourism," the ministry's account tweeted Thursday morning. "We're open for business, not for sale."

Greenland: We’re not for sale. 
America: We are! - Adam Parkhomenko

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump singles out two Muslim lawmakers for their criticism of Israeli policy while his followers chant "Jews will not replace us!" in our streets. - Tea Pain

Here's  a Woman Without Bone Spurs
A woman who attributes her success to "showing up prepared and working diligently" has become the first female Marine to pilot a F-35B fighter jet.
U.S. Marine Capt. Anneliese Satz, 29, of Boise, Idaho, completed the F-35B Basic Course on June 27, the Marine Corp announced in a press release last week.

Republican Shenanigans

Trump makes fun of Southern accents and they love him for it. Trump calls one of his supporters fat and the guy goes on Fox to say it’s all good. Is the secret to trumpism just low self-esteem? - Adam Parkhomenko

I Wonder If Trump Laughs At These Children In Private
A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld a previous court order mandating the Trump administration provide basic personal hygiene items to children in detention at facilities in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.
The ruling by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Fransisco hands a loss to the Trump administration, which had challenged a lower court decision two years ago ordering U.S. officials to provide basic personal hygiene items as well as adequate sleeping conditions, temperatures and food and water to children in detention at facilities in the Rio Grande Valley.


Why would we buy Greenland? 

Here's an idea, buy Mexico. Yeah, buy Mexico. Solves about 90% of everything Conservatives are complaining about. Boom! 

Also? Tacos. 

Make sure they spell my name correctly on the Nobel Prize. - Stonekettle tweet


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Denmark Offers to Buy U.S. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Maybe when our weak and stupid president is finished colluding with Russia and colluding with North Korea and colluding with Bone Saw Arabia and colluding with Israel, just maybe then he can find some time to finally start colluding with America. but I'm not holding my breath. - Jeff Tiedrich

Hey Madam Speaker, Is This An Impeachable Offense?
President Donald Trump on Thursday praised a New Hampshire Republican who previously called for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be shot by firing squad.

Standing up for what you believe in isn't a virtue if what you believe in is awful. - The TweetOfGod


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Amazon Workers Now Being Shipped In Packages To Personally Assure Customers They’re Treated Well - The Onion

Business/Tech News

1984 is here. Orwell was just 35 years early.

Crazy School Gun Nuts Avert a Disaster
A school district in Ohio is coming under criticism after it was reported that a pair of first graders gained access to an unlocked case containing a firearm and allegedly picked it up, The Columbus Dispatch reported Friday.

If I were an extraterrestrial living on Earth, I’d hide in Area 52. - Conan O'Brien



1970's Hot Fashion Items

Odd News

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1878 – Diving Suit by the Carmagnolle Bros. I'm just guessing here but leaks probably prevented the popularity of this diving suit.

I hope y'all have a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Shows Neck Bone Fractures, Raising Questions About Suicide Report

Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Shows Neck Bone Fractures, Raising Questions About Suicide Report
Multiple bones in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck were found to be broken during the official autopsy of his body, including his hyoid bone, which is sometimes fractured during hanging but more often broken during strangulation.

If you are surprised Epstein committed suicide, imagine how surprised he was.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

An American president is urging a longstanding ally not to admit two American members of Congress into its democratic country. Seems that all members of Congress, regardless of party, would be worried about this precedent. - Matt Viser, Washington Post

Oh By the Way, a Russian Military Jet Flew Over Chicago
CHICAGO — Just as Chicagoans were settling into dinner, and the White Sox were in the middle of a doubleheader on the South Side Tuesday, a Russian Air Force jet flew over Chicago at high altitude, likely collecting reconnaissance along the way.

“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, visibly stirred by the memory. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.” - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Fun fact: Alyssa Farrah — Pence’s press secretary & now Pentagon spokesperson — is the daughter of the man who in 1997 founded WorldNet Daily.

For two decades WND has peddled Right Wing lies, smears & conspiracy theories — including birtherism — using the likes of Jerome Corsi. - Philippe Reines tweet

Trump Calls GOP Mayor of El Paso a RINO
The mayor of the grieving city of El Paso told President Donald Trump in a private meeting that he’s presenting “misinformation” about crime in his city, and pushed back when the president used a derogatory term to suggest he wasn’t a real Republican.
“He said, ‘You’re a RINO [Republican in name only],’ and I said, ‘No, sir. I am not a RINO,’” Mayor Dee Margo told FRONTLINE.  “I said … ‘I simply corrected the misinformation you were given by [the Texas] attorney general, and that’s all I did.’”

(In Jeff Foxworthy voice):
“If you actually believe that Trump isn’t profiting off the Presidency and using it to try and prop up his sagging businesses, you might be a MAGA.” - DrainTheTrumps tweet


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Rock The Voter News

An evangelical told me that God put Trump in the White House “for a reason.”

Maybe the reason is to teach us a lesson: Don’t ever do this again. - Windsor Mann

Finally, Public Testimony About Trump
The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday subpoenaed former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and former top White House aide Rick Dearborn for details about their knowledge of potential obstruction of justice by President Donald Trump.
The subpoenas — which demand public testimony on Sept. 17 — come on the same day Lewandowski intends to appear alongside Trump at a campaign rally in New Hampshire, where Lewandowski has begun to openly consider a Senate campaign.

Has Trump blamed the fake news for his multiple bankruptcies yet? - Roland Scahill


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Behind every Great Recession is a corporate-friendly Republican. - Tea Pain

Business/Tech News

We could have had taco trucks on every corner but no, you people had to vote for worldwide economic collapse. - Jeff Tiedrich

An American Disgrace
CEO compensation has increased by 1,007.5% over the past three decades while workers have seen their pay rise by about 12%, according to a new report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).

This is one of the many reasons I 💖 NEW ORLEANS: 
New Orleans Streetcar Driver Boogies in Traffic



Odd News

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A cat's a cat and that's that.
