Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Trump orders flags at half staff

After Mass Shootings, Other Nations Issue Caution About 'Gun Society' In U.S.
Japan's foreign ministry is cautioning its citizens residing in the United States to be alert to "the potential for gunfire incidents" after a spate of mass shootings in recent days.

Representative Ted Yoho: You can get rid of the guns and we saw what happened in Japan. People used arson...Somebody else used a knife and they killed 3 people. Bad people are going to do bad things"
Jim Sciutto, CNN: "You can't kill 9 people in 40 seconds with a knife"

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Weapons like the one I carried in Afghanistan have no place on our streets or in our schools—least of all in the hands of white nationalists. - Pete Buttigieg  

Kim Jong Un Sends Trump Warning, Not a Love Letter
North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un says the country's latest missile launches were a warning to Washington and Seoul over their joint war games, state news agency KCNA reported on Wednesday, as tensions rise on the Korean peninsula.

“Well, Jesus Christ, of course he’s racist.” - Representative Beto O’Rourke

Republican Shenanigans

Mitch McConnell is reported to have broken his shoulder.  Rumor has it he tripped over that pesky old copy of the Constitution that he tossed aside years ago. - Barbara Boxer

WTF News: Texas Cops Leash Black Man
A Texas police chief has apologized for the actions of his officers after photos circulated widely on social media, showing two officers riding on horses while leading a handcuffed man down a street. The handcuffs were tied to a rope held by one of the officers (or, as a police statement puts it, “a line clipped to the handcuffs”).

I asked Trump whether he thinks his rhetoric contributes at all to violence. “No, I don’t think my rhetoric has at all," he said. "I think my rhetoric is a very - it brings people together. Our country is doing incredibly well.”  - Jill Colvin, AP, tweet


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Happy 75th birthday to Robert Mueller. If anyone this year has earned a quiet day of golf, he has. - Garrett M. Graff

Rock The Voter News

This Should Be Interesting
Peter Strzok, the former FBI agent who opened the bureau’s Russia probe in 2016 and later became a symbol of alleged “deep state” animus for Donald Trump, is suing the government over his firing...The former FBI agent who opened the bureau’s Russia probe says the government violated his First and Fifth Amendment rights.

Justin Kennedy signed off on Trump’s and Kushner’s loans at Deutsche Bank when no bank wanted to give them money. Justin‘s father is Justice Anthony Kennedy, who happened to retire abruptly to make way for Trump’s Brett Kavanaugh.
I want a damn explanation for that shady sh*t. - Andrea Junker


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Tucker Carlson denies White Supremacy is a problem but on the bright side he also disproves the entire concept of White Supremacy every time he speaks. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Anyone know who was confirmed to lead the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp, Dept of Labor agency, responsible for current & future pensions of millions of Americans?

Gordon Hartogensis

Know who this is?

#MoscowMitch’s unqualified brother in law

You just can’t make this sh*t up. -
JCrongeyer tweet

Trump Gives White Supremacists a High Five
Frank Figluizzi, an NBC News national security contributor, said during an appearance on MSNBC Tuesday night that President Trump erred in ordering flags to be flown at half mast because of the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, because of the importance of Aug. 8 to white supremacists.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. -Jimmy Dean

When you accidentally click “open in new window” 
instead of “open in new tab”


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Dynasphere was a monowheel vehicle design patented in 1930 by Dr J. A. Purves from Taunton, Somerset, UK. Purves' idea for the vehicle was inspired by a sketch made by Leonardo da Vinci. I guess it never caught on because you'd get soaked in the rain.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

El Paso congresswoman to Trump: Don't come here

El Paso congresswoman to Trump: Don't come here
Rep. Veronica Escobar said Monday that President Donald Trump "is not welcome" in her hometown of El Paso, Texas, as the city recovers from a mass shooting that killed 21 people and wounded more than two dozen.

Maybe if we start calling mass shootings “mass late-term abortions” the GOP will try to prevent them. - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

USA: It's a mental health issue.

WORLD: We have those. We don't have mass shootings.

USA: Then it's a video game issue.

WORLD: We have those. We don't have mass shootings.

USA: It's very complex.

WORLD: No, it's gun laws.

USA: Prayer in school?

WORLD: God, you're stupid. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Forget The Trade War With China, How About A War War?
China said Tuesday that it "will not stand idly by" and will take countermeasures if the U.S. deploys intermediate-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific region, which Washington has said it plans to do within months.

Trump knows he’s in deep sh*t right now politically. So everything he says & tweets these next few days is just to cover his big ass. - Joe Walsh tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Link Found Between Gun Violence and Cowardly Politicians - Andy Borowitz

SHOOTER: I was inspired by trump. 

MEDIA: what could have caused this?

SHOOTER: look at this cool photo of the word “trump” spelled out in firearms 

MEDIA: he probably played too much fortnite

SHOOTER: it’s like trump said, Hispanics are invading us

MEDIA: we may never know

- Imani Gandy tweet

New York Times One Upped By The New York Daily News
The New York Times may have caused controversy for the soft-touch way in which it framed President Donald Trump’s comments about the weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.
The New York Daily News, however, cut straight to the chase.
Trump’s hometown tabloid used its Tuesday cover to hammer the president for his “Empty Words.”

I canceled my subscription. I know a lot of folks will tell me I'm wrong. I will miss it. But I can't keep rewarding such awful news judgment. "Trump Urges Unity Against Racism" is almost as bad as their full-page Comey letter coverage just before 2016 election. Nobody learns. - Joan Walsh


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Texas is an open carry state. 
Which made it perfectly legal for the shooter to walk across the parking lot and into the store with an assault rifle and made it illegal for anyone to challenge him until the moment he murdered them. - Don Moynihan tweet

Rock The Voter News

It aint the left that's radical

Undocumented Hispanics aren't committing mass murder in record numbers

Democrats aren't the ones preventing any type of possible solution

It's the right, it's the white, and it's the GOP - ShawnInAZ tweet

When we condemn the racist venom coming from the President's mouth and point out the bigotry of his policies, it's not an academic question, it's not a political game, it's about life and death. The President regularly inspires killers. He is a part of the problem. - John Legend

Will More Of The Mueller Report Be Unredacted?
A federal judge signaled Monday he’s considering removing the Mueller report’s redactions.
During more than two hours of oral arguments in Washington, District Judge Reggie Walton appeared on several occasions to side with attorneys for BuzzFeed and the nonprofit Electronic Privacy Information Center, which are seeking to remove the black bars covering nearly 1,000 items in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s final 448-page final report.

When our children ask us what we did when innocents were massacred, the president fomented racism, and immigrants were caged and cast as sub-human, what will we tell them? Each of us owns our individual response. And our collective response answers who we are as a country. - Sally Yates, former Deputy Attorney General


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Business/Tech News

Supposedly Trump neither drinks nor does drugs.  I would actually feel better if he DID!  It would explain a lot. - Dee

From 2-28-2017 News Story: Trump signs bill reversing Obama rule to ban gun purchases by mentally ill
President Trump killed a regulation that would have tightened gun background checks Tuesday, signing a bill to undo one of his predecessor's executive actions following the San Bernardino shootings in 2015.

Trump didn’t kill anyone.  Neither did Charles Manson.

Been there done that and glad that I did.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Nearly 40 glaciers flow from the Harding Icefield in Kenai Fjords National Park, their summer icy waters eventually running into the Gulf of Alaska. No man is an island and no man and this woman wants to be on that freezing island.


Monday, August 5, 2019

Mexico Says They’re Going to Sue United States over El Paso Shooting

Mexico Says They’re Going to Sue United States over El Paso Shooting
A top official with the Mexican government announced that the nation will sue the United States under international law.
“The president of the Republic has instructed me so that this posture and indignation from Mexico is translated, first in protecting affected families, and then in legal actions, efficient and prompt, quick and convincing so that Mexico can demand the conditions to protect to the Mexican-American community and Mexicans in the United States,” said Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard

How did abortions get banned faster than guns? Raise your hand if you’re sick and tired of Republicans using “1984” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” as f*cking instruction manuals. - Andrea Junker

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If I get killed in a mass shooting please cremate me and throw my ashes into Mitch McConnell’s and Dana Loesch’s eyes while I’m still smoldering. - OhNoSheTwint

Mitch Has Ignored The House's Gun Violence Prevention Bill
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell faced a backlash on Twitter Sunday after tweeting that he stood with law enforcement and offered prayers to the victims of violence in El Paso...Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., said "shame on you," calling on McConnell to take up the House's gun violence prevention bills. 
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called on McConnell to cancel the Senate's summer recess and reconvene to pass gun control legislation. 

Fox News did to our parents what they thought video games would do to us. - Ryan Scott tweet

Trump's Useless Thoughts & Prayers Are Just A Cover
President Donald Trump's suggestion in the wake of two mass shootings that immigration measures should be tied to gun reform legislation...

Republican Shenanigans

You can hear the audio version of the El Paso shooter's manifesto every single night on Fox News coming direct from Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham's mouth. - Jennifer Hayden

Mitch McConnell Fell And Broke His Shoulder
One day after appearing at Kentucky’s biggest political event, Fancy Farm, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is recovering after a fall.
Officials say McConnell tripped at home on his outside patio and fractured his shoulder Sunday morning, according to his aide. 
He was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released.

Worth noting that Trump retweeted Katie Hopkins twice just hours before the shooting in El Paso. Hopkins, a vile bigot, has called refugees & migrants “cockroaches” who were “feral humans” that were “spreading like the norovirus.” - Brian Klaas


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Rock The Voter News

In Stockholm today an old man asked me “what has happened to your country? You pulled out of Paris climate accord, you let anyone have machine gun, your president spouts hate. The America of my youth won World War II and was a model to the rest of the world. What happened?” - Robert Reich

If only Comey’s FBI had been this “hamstrung” taking out Hillary’s campaign.
...The FBI is hamstrung in trying to investigate the white supremacist movement... There’s some reluctance among agents to bring forth an investigation that targets what the president perceives as his base


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Business/Tech News

Japan has the highest video game revenue per capita out of any country. 
US: 40,000 gun deaths/year
Japan: Less than 10 gun deaths/year
It isn’t video games, it’s the GOP, NRA and white supremacy. - Adam Best

It's China's Fault, Whines Trump.
President Donald Trump accused China on Monday of manipulating its currency as the trade war between the world’s largest economies keeps escalating.
“China dropped the price of their currency to an almost a historic low,” Trump said in a tweet. “It’s called ‘currency manipulation.’ Are you listening Federal Reserve? This is a major violation which will greatly weaken China over time!”

Trump’s “speech” sounds like it was written by WH interns who he found wandering in the hallways this morning. - Eric Boehlert


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Give him a high hoof!
