Monday, July 8, 2019

The FBI Needs Your Help

Miami Herald Investigative Reporter: 'Quite A Few Powerful, Important People' May Be Named
American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump's longtime friend, was arrested this weekend for alleged sex trafficking involving multiple minors in Florida and New York this weekend, and one reporter who has spent years covering the case said Sunday she believes Epstein may not be the last marquee name caught up in the scandal.

I’m trying to figure out what part of Trump’s friendship with a sex criminal I’m supposed to be shocked by. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

British Ambassador Concealed Insults From Trump By Writing Messages In English - Andy Borowitz

All these Trump/Epstein connections have me wondering if what Putin has on Trump isn't “urine bed” with hookers but “you're in bed” with an underage girl(s) . . . or both. I only speculate out of Christian concern. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Evangelicals Have Taken Christ Completely Out Of Christianity
% who say the U.S. has a responsibility to accept refugees:
Religiously unaffiliated 65%
Black Protestant 63%
Catholic 50%
White mainline Protestant 43%
White evangelicals 25%

Trump Wants Reporters To Visit Detention Facilities
President Trump on Sunday said that he wants reporters to visit migrant detention facilities at the Southern Border.
Asked if he would visit the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility in Clint, Texas, which has been the subject of a number of reports, Trump said, "What we're going to do is I'm going to start showing some of these detention centers ... to the press,"

So what excuse will the evangelical crowd come up with to excuse child trafficking? - lisastark35 tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Epstein: in custodyManafort: in prisonCohen: in prisonGeorge Nader: in prisonStone: in deep sh*tFlynn: awaiting sentencingNunes: stupid wankerIndividual-1: "I'm f*cked"

Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably

Me: laughing at all you "lock her up" morons. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump's Mad At Fox News!
President Trump slammed Fox News and its reporting in a series of tweets Sunday evening, claiming the conservative-leaning network is "changing fast" and forgetting "the people who got them there."

Gayle King asked Michelle Obama what people should look for in a president. “I told people in 2016 and they didn’t listen”

Trump says he messed up his 4th of July speech because the Teleprompter went kaput & “That’s not a good feeling.” Still, probably no worse than being sexually assaulted by a low IQ tub of goo. - Bette Midler


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Rock The Voter News

“When someone starts seeing airports that aren’t there, that’s troubling,” Obama said. - Andy Borowitz

Days Later, Mother Nature Still Raining On Trump's Parade
Dangerous flooding hit the Washington DC area on Monday morning, causing floods in the White House, waterfalls on public transportation, and road washouts.
A flash flood warning was issued by the National Weather Service in Washington DC, Arlington County, east central Fairfax County, and the city of Alexandria because of the slow-moving thunderstorm.

Just when you think Donald Trump can't be more of an embarrassment, it's the next day. - Middle Age Riot


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Business/Tech News

Unlike U.S. elections, in soccer, women who get the most points win. - Middle Age Riot

Trump Is Pro-Sex Trafficking. Lookee Here.
The Trump administration has stalled a critical pathway to protect vulnerable workers, thanks to a new Labor Department moratorium on processing visa applications for victims of human trafficking and other egregious workplace crimes.

We beat the British because they had to connect through Atlanta. - David Kish


Well, my weekend ended with a bang, literally, a 5.2 earthquake quickly jolted me twice, my dog looked at me terrified, and it was over. Whew.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Well played photobomb. Mr. Seal, well played.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

How times have changed

It has been 243 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Britain. Britain is now seeking independence from the European Union and the United States is cuddling up to dictators and caging children.

The United States of America has become what we broke away from in 1776, a cruel "Christian" nation.

I suggest we all take a break this holiday weekend to celebrate the good that is still America -- our natural wonders, our families, and the Declaration of Independence which is still in effect.

In other words, be as Trump-free as possible. You deserve it.

I plan on puttering around my casita today (the outside is being painted) and grilling some hot dogs with Tico friends. Other plans include watching the sunset from the shores of  Costa Rica while hoping the USA regains its compassion because that is why we broke away from England -- we cared more for our fellow human beings than the crown.

Peace on earth.