Thursday, July 4, 2019

How times have changed

It has been 243 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Britain. Britain is now seeking independence from the European Union and the United States is cuddling up to dictators and caging children.

The United States of America has become what we broke away from in 1776, a cruel "Christian" nation.

I suggest we all take a break this holiday weekend to celebrate the good that is still America -- our natural wonders, our families, and the Declaration of Independence which is still in effect.

In other words, be as Trump-free as possible. You deserve it.

I plan on puttering around my casita today (the outside is being painted) and grilling some hot dogs with Tico friends. Other plans include watching the sunset from the shores of  Costa Rica while hoping the USA regains its compassion because that is why we broke away from England -- we cared more for our fellow human beings than the crown.

Peace on earth.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

I love a parade!

Park Service to divert $2.5 million for Trump's July 4 event: report
The National Park Service has reportedly been directed to divert nearly $2.5 million in funding to the Washington, D.C., "Salute to America" .

Tanks in the capital and refugees in concentration camps.
There’s a word for this, and it’s not democracy. - Ed Overbeek

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Who is going to be the hero that stands in front of one of Trump’s tanks and stops his parade ? - Roland Scahill

A Win For Asylum Seekers
A federal judge on Tuesday blocked an order from Attorney General William Barr that stated certain asylum-seekers can be detained indefinitely.
U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman in Washington state wrote that it was "unconstitutional" to deny asylum-seekers a bond hearing while they wait for their asylum claims to be processed.

Republican Shenanigans

Breaking: Meghan McCain may be leaving The View to pursue her true passion of angrily shouting “MY FATHER” at people for free. - OhNoSheTwint

Kids in cages. Tanks on the streets. Friendships with dictators. Fights with democracies. VIP access for donors at a July 4 event. Attacking the press. There is nothing patriotic about any of that. - Brian Schatz

Trump Said His Parade Won't Be Political. LOL.
An official with the Democratic National Convention told NBC News the organization has not received tickets to the VIP section for President Donald Trump’s Fourth of July celebration, “Salute to America,” as of Tuesday morning.
However, a spokeswoman from the Republican National Convention confirmed Monday that the RNC has already received their ticket allotment for the VIP section of the event.
This discrepancy was revealed just days before the typically nonpartisan Independence Day celebration is set to take place.

A real 4th of July parade: 
Donald Trump being perp walked down Pennsylvania Avenue in handcuffs by federal agents holding sparklers. - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

Trump's Fourth of July Parade to Include Flyover By Russian Air Force. - Andy Borowitz

Cadet Bone Spurs Ushers In "No-Holds-Barred" Military Policy
President Trump on Wednesday praised a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of committing war crimes in the killing of a wounded ISIS captive in Mosul, Iraq.
“Congratulations to Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, his wonderful wife Andrea, and his entire family,” Trump tweeted Wednesday. “You have been through much together. Glad I could help!”
A jury of seven soldiers found Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher not guilty on Tuesday of charges that included killing unarmed civilians. Gallagher was found guilty of wrongfully posing with the corpse of the 12-year-old ISIS fighter, a charge that carries a maximum prison sentence of four months.


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Business/Tech News

Who else is hoping it'll rain at Trump's 4th of July rally?

Never Forget That The President's Former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, Came Up With The Idea of Separating Families
In April, protesters outside the nation's largest facility for unaccompanied migrant children noticed a familiar face enter the massive, fenced site in Homestead, Florida: former White House chief of staff John Kelly. Soon after, a local television station recorded footage of him riding on the back of a golf cart as he toured the grounds.
It wasn't clear why he was there, but Friday, Caliburn International confirmed to CBS News that Kelly had joined its board of directors. Caliburn is the parent company of Comprehensive Health Services, which operates Homestead and three other shelters for unaccompanied migrant children in Texas. 

There is life in outer space, and it's intelligent, and that's why it's staying far away from you. - The TweetOfGod



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Florida Everglades. Yes, it really is that beautiful, until a gator snaps off your leg.
