Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Fox & Friends

Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade: Robert Mueller does not "know the details" of the Mueller report
Kilmeade also says Mueller is "like the king of England" for picking his investigative team​

Fox To Preempt Mueller Testimony With Rerun of Benghazi Hearings. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

How often do the Russian troll farmers look at the tweets from actual Trump supporters and wonder if it's one of theirs? - Schooley tweet

Terrorists Caught In My Neck of the Woods
Four men with suspected ties to the Islamic State militant group were captured on Tuesday by members of the Nicaraguan armed forces after entering the country illegally from Costa Rica, Nicaraguan police said.

Republican Shenanigans

NRA TV is dead because of a couple angry teenagers with Twitter. Never underestimate the power of some “kids” with goals. - Lauren Hogg

Someone spits on Eric Trump and gets arrested. 
Someone pees on Donald Trump and gets paid.
What a family. - Adam Parkhomenko

The Meghan McCain Acorn Fell Far From The John McCain Tree
Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, lashed out against the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy which has sparked widespread outcry over the treatment of children of immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. McCain, who is at his home in Arizona where he is receiving treatment related to his brain cancer diagnosis, tweeted that the administration's policy should be rescinded immediately.

If you say “My father” in the mirror 3 times, Meghan McCain will appear. - OhNoSheTwint

So the woman who has helped make Melania one of the least popular, disliked First Ladies in history (with Melania's help, of course), is now going to be the WH press secretary.  What could go wrong? - David Rothkopf


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Rock The Voter News

Barr Issues Four-paragraph Summary of Mueller’s Future Testimony - Andy Borowitz

The House Tries To Protect Migrant Children But Their Bill Probably Will Die In The Senate 
The House Democratic leadership pushed through a $4.5 billion emergency aid package late Tuesday to help thousands of migrants packed into overcrowded facilities at the U.S.-Mexico border, but it's unlikely to get a hearing in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Hillary Clinton 2016: You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.


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Melania's communications director is replacing Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I don't really care, do you? - Bette Midler

Business/Tech News

I can't believe these parents would be willing to risk their children's lives just to flee from violence.

No WH briefing in 100 days. No Pentagon briefing in one year. What don't we know?

Nepotism In Real Time
A Chilean billionaire bought a mansion in DC just before Trump's inauguration. While he was closing on it, Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump signed a deal to rent it. Then the billionaire got permission to plan a mine on environmentally delicate US land

I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. - Steven Wright


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
No borders can be seen from space.


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Trump is not healthy for children and other living things

We went to a border detention center for children. What we saw was awful
A 14-year old told us she was taking care of a 4-year old who had been placed in her cell with no relatives. "I take her to the bathroom, give her my extra food if she is hungry, and tell people to leave her alone if they are bothering her," she said.

Amazing update: Together, we've raised over $500,000 in the past 48 hours for groups working to protect children at the border. 

The Trump administration’s cruelty has caused a moral and humanitarian crisis for every American. Thank you for responding with compassion and action. - Hillary Clinton tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“No one is free until we all are free” - MLK

We have concentration camps. July 4th. What’s our move? 

#CloseTheCamps - David Hogg

Republicans Really Are Bad To The Bone
Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) on Monday said that migrant children at a facility in Texas are “free to leave at any time” but don’t because they are receiving good care.
“There’s not a lock on the door,” the lawmaker said while defending the conditions at a facility he visited. “Any child is free to leave at any time. But they don’t and you know why? Because they’re well taken care of and yes at some point they are going to live with family, generally not mother or father but some family member, that’s a good thing.”

Trip to Mar-a-Lago for 1 president = $3.4 million = Toothbrush, Toothpaste, and Soap for 2.7 million kids. 
With Donald Trump, the cruelty is the point.- Senator Mazie Hirono

Republican Shenanigans

Instead of Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, Trump dissed “Ayatollah Khomenei” who died YEARS ago. If he’s mixing up the letter A with the letter O, we should spell things in a way he can understand. So…Donald, you’re a real O-hole!- Bette Midler

Trump Returned 100 Children To Chamber of Horrors
 The U.S. government returned at least 100 migrant children to a remote Border Patrol station in Texas on Tuesday following reports that more than 300 children were detained there, caring for one another with inadequate food, water and sanitation.


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Trump should just pardon Manafort & Gates right now so the Democrats can finally give in to outrage and demand a committee hearing. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Taxes should be raised on all Trump supporters.

Since they wanted to "shake things up," they should pay for all the broken sh*t. - Middle Age Riot

Look into my eyes and Be Best!

Introducing Sarah Sanders Replacement: The Architect of BE BEST!
Stephanie Grisham, the top spokesperson for Melania Trump, has been selected as the new White House press secretary, the first lady announced Tuesday.
"She has been with us since 2015 - @potus & I can think of no better person to serve the Administration & our country. Excited to have Stephanie working for both sides of the @WhiteHouse," the first lady tweeted.

Remember, Democratic candidates - if you call each other racist enough times, the actual racist can get that second term. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

"Your nonviolent protest during our national anthem is disrespectful" say NFL owners who sell beer & hot dogs during our national anthem. - John Fugelsang

Illinois Legalized Selling Marijuana
Illinois just became the 11th state to legalize marijuana — and the first where the legislature legalized selling the drug. 

I'm going to Florida for some relaxation next week please pray for me. - Chili tweet

Laziness Level: Expert


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
When you line up all your baby swans in a row.


Monday, June 24, 2019

Doctor compares conditions for unaccompanied children at immigrant holding centers to 'torture facilities'

Doctor compares conditions for unaccompanied children at immigrant holding centers to 'torture facilities'
From sleeping on concrete floors with the lights on 24 hours a day to no access to soap or basic hygiene, migrant children in at least two U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities face conditions one doctor described as comparable to "torture facilities."

Hey Donald J. Trump, since you called off the airstrikes out of concern for human life, that means you'll stop imprisoning toddlers at the border, right? #youfucker - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Oregon Republican Lawmakers Found Hiding In Nineteenth Century - Andy Borowitz

Pompeo Meets With Prince Bone Saw
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Monday with Saudi Arabia's rulers as he sought to coordinate with allies over soaring tensions with Iran.
On a day trip scheduled after Iran shot down a US drone, Pompeo flew into the Red Sea city of Jeddah and met with King Salman at his palace.

GOP: Socialism! 
GOP: Death Tax! 
GOP: Death Panels! 
GOP: Chain Migration! 
Democrats: “Concentration camps” 


Republican Shenanigans

Stop saying this is not who “we” are. This is as American as apple pie. See: Native American slaughters, slavery, internment camps, Jim Crow, prisons, vigilante law enforcement, etc. The red in our flag is soiled with blood, the blue with tears, & all against a white backdrop. - Tiffany Cross

Trump and his Slovene-born escort spent years calling for Obama’s birth certificate. I want to see Melania’s legal immigration papers. How the hell did she qualify for an “Einstein Visa”, reserved for extraordinary ability? Can we please deport her already? Asking for America. - Andrea Junker

It’s time for all living former Presidents to come together, hold a press conference, and state their unequivocal support for immediate impeachment hearings. - Bryce Tache


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It's telling when the largest manufacturer of election equipment is calling on Congress to require paper ballots. We have a bill right now in the Senate to mandate hand-marked paper ballots in all federal elections - let's get it done. - Kamala Harris

Rock The Voter News

Joe Biden touching a woman on the shoulder got more coverage then a credible rape accusation against the president.- Janet Johnson tweet

Would You Ride On Trump's Ferris Wheel?
President Donald Trump is bringing a Ferris wheel back to the White House.
The carnival attraction will be among the featured offerings at the administration’s second congressional picnic on the South Lawn of the White House on Friday evening, where the president and first lady Melania Trump will entertain members of Congress and their families.

A reminder that Hillary Clinton began her lifelong career of service at the Children’s Defense Fund.

Then as First Lady she fought to give kids healthcare.

As a Senator she gave it to them.

Then as a Secretary of State she visited 112 countries championing children everywhere.

We can help these children get the help they deserve. And we can send a message to the administration that we won't stand for this. We just won’t. #CloseTheCamps - Hillary Clinton tweet


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Business/Tech News

When senators asked #HopeHicks if she’d read the Mueller Report, she replied, “I *lived* the Mueller Report.” No, hon, WE lived the Mueller Report. You lived a longer-than-usual episode of The Apprentice. - Bette Midler

Goodbye Gulf of Mexico
A Gulf of Mexico oil spill that began in 2004 is releasing far more oil than the well owner claims, according to a federal study released Monday.
The report, by two scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and a Florida State University professor, found that up to 108 barrels per day — more than 4,500 gallons — flow from the site of the nearly 15-year-long spill, which was triggered by Hurricane Ivan.

When we were put into internment camps, no one stood up to say it was wrong. We felt alone. Abandoned. Forgotten. That was perhaps the hardest part of our imprisonment. Don’t let today’s migrant children suffer that. Stand up for them. Call your Representative: (202) 224-3121 - George Takei


Is anyone out there?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Yellowstone National Park where the buffalo roam. Or are those bison? I can never tell!
