Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Hope Hicks refuses to answer questions about Trump White House, lawmakers say

Hope Hicks refuses to answer questions about Trump White House, lawmakers say
President Donald Trump’s former aide Hope Hicks refused to answer questions Wednesday about her time working in the White House as she testified behind closed doors before the House Judiciary Committee, lawmakers said.

I don't think Hope Hicks' looks are going to save her.

Excited I got Hope Hicks to answer one question about her tenure at the White House. I asked if on her first day, "was it a sunny day or a cloudy day?" You'll need to wait for the transcript to see her answer b/c @GOP is mad I'm live tweeting the absurdity of absolute immunity. - Rep. Ted Lieu

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Might I suggest that if what upsets you most about migrant infants being disappeared into concentration camps is that we're calling them 'concentration camps,' you are a deeply f*cked-up garbage entity. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Actually Has A Spiritual Advisor. Really.
President Trump's spiritual adviser, Paula White, said in the opening prayer before his campaign kickoff rally in Orlando, Fla., on Tuesday that "demonic networks" have aligned themselves against the president. 

Time to bust up this cover-up. Use Congress’ Constitution powers to throw the traitors in the pokey.  That’ll loosen their tongues and freshen their memories. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

When it comes to arguing about calling them concentration camps, I’m anti-semantics.- OhNoSheTwint

Trump Promises To Cure Cancer & Many Diseases
President Trump said during his 2020 reelection campaign kickoff speech late Tuesday that his administration is “getting closer” to curing cancer.
“We will push onward with new medical frontiers,” Trump told a packed stadium of 20,000 in Orlando, Fla. “We will come up with the cures to many, many problems, to many, many diseases — including cancer and others, and we're getting closer all the time."

Donald Trump could cure one type of cancer by resigning. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


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Someone needs to explain to Donald Trump that he can't beat Hillary Clinton if she's not running. - Middle Age Riot

Rock The Voter News

Liz Cheney is for those people who think what today’s Republicans are missing is a mean reminder of the Bush administration. - Schooley tweet

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Wants To Run For Governor. Seriously.
‘She’s extremely serious’: Sarah Sanders eyes run for Arkansas governor. The outgoing White House press secretary got a recent boost when President Donald Trump encouraged her to run.

We took black people out of their lands and for 250 years forced them to be slaves and for 100 years after that denied them basic civil rights and to this day subject them to institutionalized racism but remember, no one in this country has been treated more unfairly than Trump. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Melania presents her Big Bird Collection

Business/Tech News

People used to say "anyone can be president" as encouragement.
Now it's a warning. - Middle Age Riot

Trump Made A Whopping Profit on California Mansion
President Trump has visited California three times since entering the White House, but he’ll have one less place to stay for the next trip. The Trump Organization has quietly unloaded one of its last two properties in Los Angeles County, a Tudor-style home in Beverly Hills, for $13.5 million in an off-market sale.
The company bought the home for $7 million in 2007, when it was controlled by Trump. It’s now run by his two sons, Eric and Donald Trump Jr.
A corporate entity — Hillcrest Asia Limited — is the buyer, real estate records show.

Welp, the Juice blocked me. Better than murdering me I guess.- Cameron Kasky tweet


Thank you!


I can hear the screeching sound to this day.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Let's go to the Siam Water Park in the Canary Islands, you said, we'll have fun you said!


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hillary Clinton could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue...

What Clinton Did Was Politics. What Trump’s Doing Is Treason.
Republicans comparing working with a former British intelligence officer to working with an agent of the Kremlin are inviting more Russian interference in our elections.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And stupid. We should be scared sh*tless of stupid. -Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Panicky Trump Brothers Seek Podiatrist Notes After Dad Sends Troops to Mideast - Andy Borowitz

Trump Wants A War With Iran, So Does Saudi Arabia & Israel Coincidentally.
The Trump administration and its domestic political allies are laying the groundwork for a possible confrontation with Iran without the explicit consent of Congress — a public relations campaign that was already well under way before top officials accused the Islamic Republic of attacking a pair of oil tankers last week in the Gulf of Oman.

According to the podiatrist, Don Jr is ineligible for active duty because one of his feet is permanently lodged in his mouth. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Iran Dares Trump To Locate It On Map - Andy Borowitz

Trump To Deport Millions Of Immigrants. Method Unknown.
President Donald Trump said on Monday that U.S. authorities would begin next week removing millions of immigrants who are in the United States illegally.

Kentucky! Senator Mitch McConnell has been representing you for over 30 years!  You lived thru the closing of your coal mines, an opioid crisis, no health care, & flooding due to climate change. WHAT HAS HE DONE FOR YOU LATELY? Besides obfuscate and take revenge? What about YOU? - Bette Midler tweet


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Forecast for Trump rally in Orlando:
Temperatures in the 80s, IQs slightly lower. - Middle Age Riot

What do the Trump's have against tailors?

Rock The Voter News

More Closed-Door Testimony
Hope Hicks, once a close aide and communications director for President Donald Trump, becomes on Wednesday the first member of his inner circle to testify to the congressional panel leading a probe into possible obstruction of justice by Trump.

Trump sending troops to the Middle East seems like kind of an admission that Jared didn’t bring peace to the region. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

The media is not involved in a left-wing conspiracy to make Donald Trump look stupid.
When they point cameras at him, it happens automatically. - Middle Age Riot

Sure, Let's Kill The Bees! What Could Possibly Happen?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said Monday it will allow states to use a pesticide that is harmful to bees.
The agency made an emergency exception for 11 states to use sulfoxaflor on cotton and sorghum crops.

"Study the science of art. Study the art of Science. Develop your senses - especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else."
-- Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)



Construction update: The garden grows under my Guanacaste tree


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Let's Tango in Buenos Aires!


Monday, June 17, 2019

Trump interview goes off the rails after his chief of staff coughs

Trump interview goes off the rails after his chief of staff coughs
"He's coughing in the middle of my answer. I don't like that, you know. I don't like that. If you're going to cough, please leave the room. You just can't, you just can't cough."

When Trump declares himself Emperor, all forms of respiratory distress will be illegal. Throat clearing will be a misdemeanor. Coughing will be a felony. Sneezing will result in immediate deportation.  
Sniffing, however, will be allowed. - Stonekettle tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

All we can learn from history is that people don’t learn from it. - Andy Borowitz

Uh Oh  Trump Must Be Jealous
Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to North Korea on Thursday for a two-day visit, state media report. Mr Xi will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to discuss the problems facing the Korean peninsula.

You know what’s more unpatriotic than burning the American flag? Flying the confederate one. - OhNoSheTwint

Republican Shenanigans

Kellyanne Conway Decides To Lay Low Until Rule Of Law Dies Down - The Onion

Ralph Reed Is One Of The Creepiest Christian Right Leaders
Ralph Reed, head of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, promised the “most ambitious and far-reaching voter mobilization effort” in the evangelical community’s history as it rallies in support of President Trump’s reelection campaign, 

Ivanka is the only one smiling in the photo. What the hell kind of a dress is that? Are those drapes?

Replacement for Sarah Sanders disqualified after telling the truth on job application. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

On the one hand, the president makes nonstop outlandish claims in his recent @ABC interview about my campaign and Russia. On the other hand: Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, and the entire Mueller report. - Hillary Clinton tweet

Kellyanne Is Getting Kicked Around Inside & Outside the White House
Trump fires the polling firm Kellyanne Conway built over leak of polls he said didn’t exist.
“They’re giving out phony polls."


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Business/Tech News

Let’s all take a moment to be happy OJ Simpson joined Twitter and not Trump’s cabinet. It’s the little things these days. - Chelsea Handler

Manafort Is Manaf*cked
The Supreme Court declined on Monday to change the longstanding rule that says putting someone on trial more than once for the same crime does not violate the Constitution's protection against double jeopardy — a case that drew attention because of its possible implications for President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

Breaking: This year’s Nobel Peace Prize will go to the leader who killed the least people. - Conan O'Brien


Is anybody out there?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A Costa Rica sunset and surfer, a twofer.
