Wednesday, June 5, 2019

House Majority Leader rejects DOJ’s offer of documents in return for stopping Barr contempt vote

House Majority Leader rejects DOJ’s offer of documents in return for stopping Barr contempt vote
On Tuesday, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he will be rejecting the Justice Department’s proposed deal to narrow congressional subpoenas and suspend the upcoming contempt vote against Attorney General William Barr.

Have you noticed it’s always the worst people ever that say Trump is the best President ever? - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The reality of Trump & his corrupt family tramping around Buckingham Palace & London representing America while he remains an unindicted co-conspirator for hush $$ to a porn star, on target for impeachment for multiple counts of obstruction, & other crimes is just surreal. - Stephen Beschloss 

Mueller To Testify Soon? OH JOY!
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said  Wednesday that he continues to want former special counsel Robert Mueller to speak before his committee.
"Let's just say I'm confident he'll come in soon," Nadler said.

Queen Orders Staff To Hose Down Palace - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Bid To Become Born-Again Fails As Jesus Turns Down Facebook Friend Request - Andy Borowitz

Migrant Shelters, My Foot. They Are Becoming Concentration Camps. Those Poor Children.
The Trump administration is canceling English classes, recreational programs, and legal aid for unaccompanied minors staying in federal migrant shelters nationwide, saying the immigration influx at the southern border has created critical budget pressures.

We'll have to rename it to the "Fourth of You Lie". - Tea Pain


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God demands killing the unborn: Hosea 13:16 & 2 Kings 15:16He terminates all pregnancies in Ephraim: Hosea 9:11-16He demands death for suckling infants: 1 Samuel 15:3Kills LOTS children: Exodus 12:29 
PS-if you still support Trump you don't care about what Jesus actually taught. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Whisper Voice Forgot Basic Patriotic Etiquette
While many were gushing about Ivanka Trump's outfit choice at the state banquet at Buckingham Palace on Monday, eagle-eyed social media users noticed a patriotic faux pas. The first daughter didn't place her right hand over her heart while the United State's national anthem was played.


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Business/Tech News

Last-Ditch Climate Change Report Provides Locations Of Weapons, Current Whereabouts Of Oil Executives - The Onion

George W. Bush & Wife Laura Also Imposed Restrictions On Fetal Tissue Research
The Trump administration today imposed new restrictions on federal use of fetal tissue obtained from abortions, barring government scientists at NIH from doing such research, and canceling an existing HIV research contract with the University of California, San Francisco.

If you don’t embrace the methods, tools, and discoveries of science, the obvious next step is to dispose of your cell phone. Neil deGrasse Tyson


Finish The Casita Fundraiser!
No more wet walls plus a bonus retaining wall with plants!
Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Chateau de Chambord, France. The castle that was the inspiration for Disney's Beauty and the Beast.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

What it looks like on the model versus what it looks like when you try it on

Trump wants to do a 'phenomenal' trade deal with Britain
President Donald Trump wants a trade deal with the United Kingdom. Getting one will be exceedingly difficult.
A trade accord with the United States has been touted as a potential benefit of Britain leaving the European Union. Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May both emphasized the promise of an agreement during a joint press conference on Tuesday.

Trump has committed more criminal and unconstitutional conduct than any previous president in U.S. history. If they refuse to impeach him, members of Congress will violate their own oaths to “support and defend the Constitution.” - Max Boot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Queen Orders Palace Staff To Count Silverware. - Andy Borowitz

Will It Take Effect Before Trump Returns To U.S. Soil?
The Senate cleared legislation on Monday night to block individuals who meddle in U.S. elections from being able to enter the United States.
The legislation, known as the Defending Elections from Threats by Establishing Redlines Act (DETER Act), easily passed the Senate by unanimous consent — a move that any one senator could have blocked.

Trump Urges Britain To Leave Europe And Become Part Of Russia. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Tells Charles It’s Pathetic To Still Be Prince At His Age. - Andy Borowitz

Paul Manafort Must Miss His Ostrich Skin Jacket
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort will reportedly be transferred as early as this week to the Rikers Island jail complex in New York City, where he’ll likely face solitary confinement, The New York Times reported.
Manafort, 70, will likely be arraigned on new state fraud charges and will reportedly be held in solitary confinement for his own safety, Fox News reports. He could be moved as early as Thursday.

Periodic reminder that nothing draws attention to the wretched state of detention facility conditions quite like sending a few rich white guys to prison. - Zeddediah Springfield tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Why are Americans sitting on their butts while the British take the streets to protest having a criminal in the White House? 
It's OUR White House and OUR criminal laws that were broken. And it's OUR job and OUR duty to get rid of him. #ImpeachTrump - Mrs. Betty Bowers

FYI: In the above photo, that sign behind Tiffany's head (far right) says No Photographs

Queen Elizabeth Unnerved By Stephen Miller’s Requests To Sample Royal Baby  - The Onion


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Trump Advises Queen To Put Her Name On Front Of Buckingham Palace

Business/Tech News

Trump considering firing Dow Jones Industrial Average. - Andy Borowitz

My God, Trump Wants To Jail Oil Pipeline Protesters For 20 Years
The Transportation Department’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration released a proposal Monday calling for Congress to expand a law that threatens fines and up to 20 years' prison time for "damaging or destroying" pipelines currently in operation.

Win or lose at least the Toronto Raptors know they have healthcare. - Conan O'Brien


My Fundraiser Reached The Halfway Point!

Thank you !


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe. Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me. I don't think Mother Nature made that road in the bottom left though.


Monday, June 3, 2019

Wishful thinking on my part

Queen Elizabeth gives Trump a first edition of Churchill's 'The Second World War'
Queen Elizabeth II gave President Trump an abridged first edition of Winston Churchill's "The Second World War" after the president arrived for his first state visit in the United Kingdom on Monday.

I love that Queen Elizabeth gave Trump a Winston Churchill book as a present. What is he supposed to do with that? Eat it? - Chelsea Handler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

hey UK — would you like your visiting head of state to be a vulgar pig who insults your royal family and London's mayor, or would you prefer him to be a confused old duffer who complains that he can't get his favorite TV shows? what if I were to tell you that you could have both. - Jeff Tiedrich tweet

I Was Hoping Some Brit Would Pull A Monty Python Type Joke
A teenager in Bishop's Stortford, a city outside of London, mowed the shape of a penis into a field along with the message "Oi Trump" in hopes that the U.S. president would see it on his flight into the U.K. this week.

Buckingham Palace Guards Impressed By First Lady’s Ability To Never Crack Smile - The Onion


Who In The World Allowed Jared Kushner To Be Interviewed? 
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said in an interview that aired on HBO late Sunday that he doesn’t know if he would contact the FBI if contacted again by Russians seeking a meeting.

Jared Kushner is what happens when a straight pride parade becomes a real boy. - Marie Connor

Mick Mulvaney acknowledging moving the USS John McCain as “not unreasonable” is like defending a bully at recess. “He gets mad when he sees people who are stronger than him!” I mean, honestly these are grown ass men, hiding boats. - Cheñsea Handler

Republican Shenanigans

I don't know who needs to hear this, but the president is not above the law. - Hillary Clinton tweet

And Michelle Obama Didn't Have To Lift A Finger....
A former West Virginia official who was fired after calling former first lady Michelle Obama an "ape in heels" has been sentenced to 10 months in prison for fraud.


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It's hard to have a discussion, sometimes. Republicans say, "I don't like Democrats because of what the Republicans say they believe." And Democrats say, "I don't like the Republicans because of what they actually say." - Allen Marshall tweet

Rock The Voter News

This Is Kamala Harris' husband going after idiot protester. Good for him.

my favorite Bible story is probably the one where Jesus disappears babies into concentration camps and runs a fake charity and a scam college and then jets off for a weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago and then Franklin Graham explains why Jesus merits his own special day of prayer. - Jeff Tiedrich tweet

Yesterday, Trump appeared at church for about 16 minutes wearing his golf outfit, cleats included. 
Just What Jesus Would Do.


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Business/Tech News

What price did Republicans pay for impeaching Bill Clinton, repeated government shutdowns, lying about WMD, nominating Sarah Palin, blocking Merrick Garland, electing Donald Trump and allowing him to obstruct justice?   
They run the government. 
When will Democrats fight back?
 - Keith Boykin

Forget Ethics. How Is This Legal?
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao requested to hold “alarmingly inappropriate” meetings with members of her family—which runs an American shipping company—and Chinese government officials, an investigation by The New York Times shows. 

Donald Trump: why be a national embarrassment when you can be an international one? - Middle Age Riot tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

SpaceX Dragon Returning to Earth After Space Station Cargo Delivery. Amazing and beautiful.
