Monday, June 3, 2019

Wishful thinking on my part

Queen Elizabeth gives Trump a first edition of Churchill's 'The Second World War'
Queen Elizabeth II gave President Trump an abridged first edition of Winston Churchill's "The Second World War" after the president arrived for his first state visit in the United Kingdom on Monday.

I love that Queen Elizabeth gave Trump a Winston Churchill book as a present. What is he supposed to do with that? Eat it? - Chelsea Handler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

hey UK — would you like your visiting head of state to be a vulgar pig who insults your royal family and London's mayor, or would you prefer him to be a confused old duffer who complains that he can't get his favorite TV shows? what if I were to tell you that you could have both. - Jeff Tiedrich tweet

I Was Hoping Some Brit Would Pull A Monty Python Type Joke
A teenager in Bishop's Stortford, a city outside of London, mowed the shape of a penis into a field along with the message "Oi Trump" in hopes that the U.S. president would see it on his flight into the U.K. this week.

Buckingham Palace Guards Impressed By First Lady’s Ability To Never Crack Smile - The Onion


Who In The World Allowed Jared Kushner To Be Interviewed? 
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said in an interview that aired on HBO late Sunday that he doesn’t know if he would contact the FBI if contacted again by Russians seeking a meeting.

Jared Kushner is what happens when a straight pride parade becomes a real boy. - Marie Connor

Mick Mulvaney acknowledging moving the USS John McCain as “not unreasonable” is like defending a bully at recess. “He gets mad when he sees people who are stronger than him!” I mean, honestly these are grown ass men, hiding boats. - CheƱsea Handler

Republican Shenanigans

I don't know who needs to hear this, but the president is not above the law. - Hillary Clinton tweet

And Michelle Obama Didn't Have To Lift A Finger....
A former West Virginia official who was fired after calling former first lady Michelle Obama an "ape in heels" has been sentenced to 10 months in prison for fraud.


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It's hard to have a discussion, sometimes. Republicans say, "I don't like Democrats because of what the Republicans say they believe." And Democrats say, "I don't like the Republicans because of what they actually say." - Allen Marshall tweet

Rock The Voter News

This Is Kamala Harris' husband going after idiot protester. Good for him.

my favorite Bible story is probably the one where Jesus disappears babies into concentration camps and runs a fake charity and a scam college and then jets off for a weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago and then Franklin Graham explains why Jesus merits his own special day of prayer. - Jeff Tiedrich tweet

Yesterday, Trump appeared at church for about 16 minutes wearing his golf outfit, cleats included. 
Just What Jesus Would Do.


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Business/Tech News

What price did Republicans pay for impeaching Bill Clinton, repeated government shutdowns, lying about WMD, nominating Sarah Palin, blocking Merrick Garland, electing Donald Trump and allowing him to obstruct justice?   
They run the government. 
When will Democrats fight back?
 - Keith Boykin

Forget Ethics. How Is This Legal?
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao requested to hold “alarmingly inappropriate” meetings with members of her family—which runs an American shipping company—and Chinese government officials, an investigation by The New York Times shows. 

Donald Trump: why be a national embarrassment when you can be an international one? - Middle Age Riot tweet




Odd News

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SpaceX Dragon Returning to Earth After Space Station Cargo Delivery. Amazing and beautiful.


Friday, May 31, 2019

Trump Tariff Effect

Mexican president says country will 'overcome' Trump threats, urges national unity
Mexico's president said on Friday he would respond with "great prudence" to threats by his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump to impose tariffs on Mexican goods entering the United States, and called on Mexicans to unite to face the challenge.

Some Mexican taxpayers argued that a full course of psychiatric treatment could prove far more costly than a wall. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

31 years ago our president was in Russia.
Today, Russia is in our President. - John Fugelsang

Trump Wanted A Carriage Procession With The Queen.
Not Happening.
“It was US security who said ‘we can’t have our President riding through a foreign capital in a vehicle made out of leather and wood and built in the 19th century’.”
A huge security operation will be in place as President Trump arrives in the UK in June.

It’s pathetic to watch the reviews of Mueller as performance art. He issued a clarion call that we’ve been attacked — and continue to be under attack — by an enemy power and that POTUS is covering it all up rather than defending America. And people dissect his double negatives! - Laurence Tribe, Harvard Law

Republican Shenanigans

Tearful Meghan McCain Opens Up About Father’s Dying Wish That She Be Given Her Own Daytime Talk Show. - The Onion

Self-Censoring By The New York Times
On Sunday, May 19, New York Times finance editor David Enrich got a request from a producer at MSNBC to appear on Rachel Maddow’s show the following night...Enrich said yes, but after mentioning the planned appearance to the Times’s communications department, he was told he would have to retroactively decline.



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The current state of American politics right now is basically the story of Sisyphus with Trump as the boulder. - Marie Connor

Rock The Voter News

do you think Nancy may be stalling so that we can have impeachment DURING the campaign?
that would make him significantly weaker...- Florida Chris tweet

Who among us hasn't accidentally drawn a penis in the sky?
The Air Force denied a group of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters intentionally created contrails in the shape of a penis in the sky on Tuesday, according to
Rather, officials said the shape was created accidentally by fighter jets simulating a dogfight as part of a training exercise.

I’m calling my uterus John McCain so Trump’s government keeps away from it. - Jenna Friedman


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Business/Tech News

While most agreed that a $15 maximum wage was appropriate for Congress, many felt that some members, like Devin Nunes, deserved far less. - Andy Borowitz

Landlord Builds Fence Around Illegally Parked Car
A Seattle man took exception to a car-share vehicle that was parked without permission at his duplex.
So he built a fence around it. Dan Smith tells KIRO-TV he doesn't know who parked the car2go Mercedes May 17, but it wasn't one of his tenants. By the next day, he had erected the barricade, preventing other customers from using the vehicle.

Florida is the state that makes you feel better about your life. - Marie Connor


Almost Halfway To The Fundraising Goal!


Forget about Jesus in toast. Here’s Grumpy cat in an apple.

Odd News

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Ottoman Empire full body armor to protect the Sultan Mustafa III -18th century. I'd stab him in the ankle


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Trump Calls Impeachment a ‘Dirty, Filthy, Disgusting Word’

Trump Calls Impeachment a ‘Dirty, Filthy, Disgusting Word’
President Donald Trump renewed his assertion that Robert Mueller’s report exonerated him of wrongdoing, claiming that the special counsel "would have brought charges" if he could, and adding that he “can’t imagine the courts allowing” him to be impeached.

Robert Mueller refuses to just come out and say that the president has obstruction herpes. - Trevor Noah

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Hey guys maybe it was a mistake to put a nuclear arsenal in the hands of a erratic old rodeo clown who got triggered by a boat. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Denies USS John McCain From Sight
Following a report from the Wall Street Journal that the Navy was ordered to block the U.S.S. John McCain from sight during President Donald Trump’s visit to Japan, the president took to Twitter and denied any involvement with the bizarre order

Twitter should rename itself ‘John McCain’ just so Trump stays off it . - Roland Scahill tweet

The Late Great Herblock who kept America sane during the Nixon years.

The president hasn't just refused to condemn a foreign power that attacked our democracy. He's also failed to protect the country's voting systems against future attacks. He betrays his oath every day. - Hillary Clinton tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Best evidence that most American don't read? Their shock when Robert Mueller told them what was in a report published six weeks ago. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Poor Donald Trump, He Was Born With A Silver Foot In His Mouth
The head of Donald Trump’s reelection campaign said Thursday that a tweet from the president stating that Russia had helped him get elected was merely a “typo.”
Trump sent a flurry of tweets Thursday morning, a day after special counsel Robert Mueller gave his first public statement on his investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign.

Barr Unable To Give Honest Answer To Drive-Thru Window At Arby's - Andy Borowitz

The only Christians who can vote for Trump are the ones who read the Bible and avoid the Christ parts. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Mueller: Did ANYONE do the reading assignment?
Warren: [raises hand]
Mueller: Anyone OTHER than Elizabeth? - Valerie Aurora tweet

Republicans Can't Get The Votes, So They Change The Rules
A major Republican redistricting strategist played a role in the Trump administration's push to get a citizenship question on forms for the 2020 ..

Was at an event last night and one person after another asked me why more Republicans are not reading the Mueller Report and responding as @justinamash has done? There is no good answer. The bully in the White House has them scared into stupidity! - tweet from John Dean, Nixon's former White House Counsel

Elizabeth Warren: If Trump "were anyone other than the President of the United States, he would be in handcuffs and indicted ... I didn't take an oath to support Donald Trump. I took an oath to support the Constitution. So impeachment it is."


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Business/Tech News

The US Dept of Energy is officially rebranding natural gas as “Freedom Gas.”
And Donald J. Trump's chronic, sulfurous flatulence as “Patriotic Perfume.”  - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The Ostracization Of Firearm Dealers Has Begun 
Salesforce has updated its policy to turn away customers that sell a wide range of firearms to private citizens online, including a small number of existing clients.


Wet & Wild Fundraiser

Almost halfway There!

Thank you!


Odd News

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"What is something you're passionate about?"

Peace and alitas de pollo.