Monday, May 13, 2019

Trade Spat Wipes Out $1 Trillion From Global Stock-Market Values

Trade Spat Wipes Out $1 Trillion From Global Stock-Market Values 
The flare-up in trade tensions sent global equities to the steepest losses of the year, wiping more than $1 trillion from stock values around the world Monday. The MSCI All-Country World Index fell 2% as of 12:55 p.m. in New York, headed for the worst day since early December.

Don't worry, this trade war with China will only affect you if you frequently buy... (checks list) products. - Stephen Colbert

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

You know we're going through a rough patch when "Jeff Bezos Announces Plans for Space Colonization" is the least jaw-dropping headline you've read all week. - Bette Midler

Police Take Sledgehammer To 1st Amendment
San Francisco police raided the home and office of a freelance journalist on Friday, taking a sledgehammer to the gate of his house and seizing his computers, phones and other devices.

I Wonder What Kompromat Putin Has On Pence
Vice President Mike Pence played a key role in the events that eventually led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller — and increasingly paranoid right-wingers are starting to notice.

Republican Shenanigans

When "George Conway" directly calls out his dingbat, sociopath, congenital-liar wife, I'll start to take him seriously. Until then, however, the two of them must be seen as running a "good cop, bad cop" routine on the country, and nothing more dignified than that. - D. Lowther tweet

Roe v Wade Will Be On The SCOTUS Chopping Block
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on Monday issued what appeared to be a dire warning about his right-wing colleagues overturning more precedents in ways that will send shock waves through the American political landscape.

Pence says Buttigieg's homosexuality is an attack on his faith. When following your faith requires that you demand others stop being who they are, it has crossed from religion to bigotry. Unless Buttigieg is physically attacking you, Mike, it's just your imagination. - John Leguizamo 


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Is everyone enjoying their tax increase? Because that's what you get from this trade war. - Rick Wilson tweet

Rock The Voter News

The CIA Spy Who Was Outed By The Bush Administration Is Running For Office 
Former CIA operative and author Valerie Plame officially announced her candidacy Thursday for an open U.S. congressional seat in northern New Mexico, joining several other Democrats in an increasingly crowded race.


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So, who in the White House went short on stocks last week before Trump started this latest round in the U.S.-China trade war?The SEC had better find out. - Richard W. Painter

Business/Tech News

The only person who knows less about this trade war we're in than me is the president of the United States. - LOLGOP

Uh Oh. I Think The FBI Director Is Getting A Pink Slip
President Trump tweeted a lengthy quote Sunday night from a conservative commentator criticizing FBI Director Christopher Wray.
"'Just another abuse of power in a long series of abuses of power by the Democrats that began during the Obama Administration, continued through the Mueller FBI operation, & now the baton has been passed to Jerry Nadler to continue to abuse power to harass President Trump and the Democrat National Committee,'" Trump tweeted, quoting Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people.” - Doris Day who passed away today




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Pasta art. I like her hat.


Friday, May 10, 2019

Pentagon to transfer $1.5 billion to border wall from Afghan forces, other areas

Pentagon to transfer $1.5 billion to border wall from Afghan forces, other areas
Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has approved the transfer of $1.5 billion to build more than 80 miles of barriers on the border with Mexico, U.S. official said on Friday, including taking about $600 million in savings from an account meant for Afghan security forces.

No leader since Hitler has been so intent on destroying families.
Meanwhile, the self-styled "party of family values" actively enables each successive outrageous act of destruction. - Suave Hellion tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Nero fiddled.  Trump tweets. - Col. Morris Davis 

I Wonder Where Yang's Yin Is?
The FBI has opened a public corruption investigation into Republican donor and South Florida massage-parlor entrepreneur Li “Cindy” Yang, focusing on whether she illegally funneled money from China into the president’s re-election effort or committed other potential campaign-finance violations, the Miami Herald has learned.

Trump Motorcade Picks Up Few Lyft Passengers To Help President Make Ends Meet. - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

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Trump Says He Has Been Very Unfairly Treated by People Who Wrote the Constitution. - Andy Borowitz

Roger Stone Gives Me The Creeps
Federal prosecutors handling Roger Stone’s case were ordered on Thursday to turn over to a judge any unredacted sections of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report relating to the longtime GOP operative that could help prepare his defense for their upcoming trial.

Every time Mike Pence praises Trump for "religious freedom" I'm reminded of all those nights I spent in prison bc I said "Merry Christmas"under a Democratic presidency.

(I'm also reminded that Pence is revoltingly un-Christian and that Trump support is incompatible w/Jesus.) - John Fugelsang


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Without Trump, we have no Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and without Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, we have no emboldened Republican states passing medieval abortion laws with a SCOTUS to uphold them. but thank god we denied the presidency to the email lady, what a nightmare that would have been. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

The law Gov. Kemp signed in Georgia bans women from making their own health care decisions. It literally makes them criminals if they leave the state to seek the care they need. Health care decisions should be between patients and doctors. End of story. - Sen. Amy Klobuchar

I Wonder Which GOP Senator Will Be The First To Throw Don Jr. Under The Bus?
Republican senators are rallying around Donald Trump Jr. after one of their colleagues issued him a subpoena — and he plans to fight it tooth and nail.


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Guns in church. Because, hey, “faith.” - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called China’s tariffs on its full range of tanning products an “act of war.” - Andy Borowitz

Here Comes The Tariffs!
President Donald Trump boosted tariffs Friday on $200 billion in goods from China and was preparing more in his most dramatic steps yet to extract trade concessions, further roiling financial markets and casting a shadow over the global economy.

We're all going down the very day robots learn to click I Am Not A Robot. - Jason Roeder


Thank you so much for the kitchen cabinet and wardrobe!

I paid a total of $309 for the cabinet and wardrobe. I'm a very good shopper, correction, hunter.

The roof estimate is around $750 including labor.

Fabulous Fundraiser


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

19th century Firefighters resemble Darth Vader and C3PO. Wouldn't that metal mask get hot?

Best Wishes for a Peaceful Weekend.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

‘Mass purge’: Sarah Sanders implements new standard that disqualifies ‘almost the entire White House press corps’

‘Mass purge’: Sarah Sanders implements new standard that disqualifies ‘almost the entire White House press corps’
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has quietly implemented a new standard that has resulted in what one journalist calls “a mass purge” of “almost the entire White House press corps.”

You just know Sarah Sanders is loving purging people who ask her hard questions.

Trump’s White House just revoked the press pass I’ve had for 21 years as part of its broader crackdown on journalists’ access. - Dana Milbank

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I still can't get over the fact that our President and his son-in-law are "good friends" and still do business with a man who had a journalist murdered and cut up with a bone saw.  Every now and again I remember and I break down and cry. - Bette Midler

Trump's Former Fixer Trashes Mitt Romney's Niece
In a secretly recorded tape, Michael Cohen called RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel "one of the worst human beings" and says "Don't let that Mormon nonsense fool you."

This Is Where We're At Folks, The Redneck Riviera
Trump asks Florida rally crowd: "How do you stop these people" from crossing the border?
"Shoot them!" a rally attendee shouts out.
Trump: "That's only in the panhandle you can get away with that stuff. Only in the panhandle."

Republican Shenanigans

Invoking your executive privilege after publication is akin to invoking your virginity after pregnancy. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Nudes, Money & Roger Stone. Eww.
Roger Stone is under the gun and under-funded for his legal defense -- so, ironically, he's ripped a page out of Stormy Daniels' playbook -- making big money at a Virginia strip club.

”He’s the president of the United States. You have to respect the office.” - Tiger Woods, asked about Trump's immigration policies.

”He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” - The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I need to sound off about Tiger Woods, who is the greatest golfer in history, bar none. He was also one of the greatest cheaters in history, not at golf but at marriage. We know his back injury was not from golf. So now Tiger tells us to respect the office of the presidency, yet I saw no respect from Tiger towards the lives of the 100+ women with whom he had affairs. He has also done zip for society outside the 19th hole.

Tiger & Trump: Birds of a feather flock together.


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When a man says "Actually, erectile dysfunction is a medical condition. Pregnancy isn't." that's called dicktating. - OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

While Hillbilly Hitler insulates himself inside his slack-jawed hate rallies, the wheels of justice turn.

As the pig führer squeals, bloviates & whips up his toothless base, our stomachs churn.

But do not fear.

The integrity, compassion & honor for which we yearn will return. - The USA Singers tweet

These Clowns Can't Even Spell
Many members of the 2018 World Series champion Boston Red Sox are slated to visit the White House on Thursday — but it looks like President Donald Trump’s publicity team didn’t bother to look up how the franchise’s name is spelled.

Republicans willing to do absolutely anything to stop abortion, except anything that actually reduces abortions. - LOLGOP


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Business/Tech News

One afternoon and evening in 2019.
A shooting at a middle school.
An evangelical sex and blackmail scandal.
A stock market crash.
Confirmation that Donald Trump was the least competent real estate developer of the 1980s. - David Frum tweet

Trump Jr. Whine Tweets As Well As His Father
Donald Trump, Jr. attacked a Republican Senator on his father’s favorite social media platform as GOP infighting grows after the Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the first son.

Kim Jong-Un Now Understands Why Trump Didn’t Pay For Lunch. - Andy Borowitz



Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A Yosemite National Park warning sign in 1915. People still haven't learned.
