The flare-up in trade tensions sent global equities to the steepest losses of the year, wiping more than $1 trillion from stock values around the world Monday. The MSCI All-Country World Index fell 2% as of 12:55 p.m. in New York, headed for the worst day since early December.
Don't worry, this trade war with China will only affect you if you frequently buy... (checks list) products. - Stephen Colbert
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Military attorneys installed tracking malware in emails sent to REPORTERS and defense lawyers
- European diplomats snub Mike Pompeo — and turn his attempted ‘photo op’ into a failure: report
- As Trump escalates pressure, experts fear Iran will strike back
- Anti-gay preacher Steven Anderson banned from Ireland
- Sweden Reopens Inquiry Into Julian Assange Over Rape Allegations
- Border detention cells in Texas are so overcrowded that the US is using aircraft to move migrants
You know we're going through a rough patch when "Jeff Bezos Announces Plans for Space Colonization" is the least jaw-dropping headline you've read all week. - Bette Midler
Police Take Sledgehammer To 1st Amendment
San Francisco police raided the home and office of a freelance journalist on Friday, taking a sledgehammer to the gate of his house and seizing his computers, phones and other devices.
I Wonder What Kompromat Putin Has On Pence
Vice President Mike Pence played a key role in the events that eventually led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller — and increasingly paranoid right-wingers are starting to notice.
Republican Shenanigans
- GOP lawmakers no longer trying to restrain Trump: ‘No one is standing up to him — and they fear him now’
- Trump can't stop ranting about Robert Mueller and Joe Biden during Mother's Day celebration
- Sen. Lindsey Graham advises Donald Trump Jr. to ignore Senate subpoena
- Clarence Thomas takes an unusual shot at Stephen Breyer in Supreme Court feud over death row case
- Tom Cotton: US farmers are facing ‘pretty minimal’ sacrifices in trade war because they aren’t being killed
- Steve King denies racist meeting: ‘Nobody is doing any neo-Nazi plots with homosexuals and Jews at the table’
When "George Conway" directly calls out his dingbat, sociopath, congenital-liar wife, I'll start to take him seriously. Until then, however, the two of them must be seen as running a "good cop, bad cop" routine on the country, and nothing more dignified than that. - D. Lowther tweet
Roe v Wade Will Be On The SCOTUS Chopping Block
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on Monday issued what appeared to be a dire warning about his right-wing colleagues overturning more precedents in ways that will send shock waves through the American political landscape.
Pence says Buttigieg's homosexuality is an attack on his faith. When following your faith requires that you demand others stop being who they are, it has crossed from religion to bigotry. Unless Buttigieg is physically attacking you, Mike, it's just your imagination. - John Leguizamo
Is everyone enjoying their tax increase? Because that's what you get from this trade war. - Rick Wilson tweet
Rock The Voter News
- Trump backers applaud Warren in heart of MAGA country
- Biden jolts Dem fight for big donors
- 1000 toys displayed outside Michigan church to illustrate impact of Trump's family separation policy
- Bill Nye tees off on climate change skeptics: 'The planet is on f---ing fire!'
The CIA Spy Who Was Outed By The Bush Administration Is Running For Office
Former CIA operative and author Valerie Plame officially announced her candidacy Thursday for an open U.S. congressional seat in northern New Mexico, joining several other Democrats in an increasingly crowded race.
So, who in the White House went short on stocks last week before Trump started this latest round in the U.S.-China trade war?The SEC had better find out. - Richard W. Painter
Business/Tech News
- China hits back at Trump with tariffs on $60bn of US goods
- Kudlow: ‘Both sides will suffer’ in U.S.-China trade war
- Trump Seeks New $15 Billion Subsidy To Protect Farmers From His Own Trade War
- Supreme Court rules against Apple in dispute over app prices
- Trump nominates man whose firm tripled price of insulin to regulate drug companies
The only person who knows less about this trade war we're in than me is the president of the United States. - LOLGOP
Uh Oh. I Think The FBI Director Is Getting A Pink Slip
President Trump tweeted a lengthy quote Sunday night from a conservative commentator criticizing FBI Director Christopher Wray.
"'Just another abuse of power in a long series of abuses of power by the Democrats that began during the Obama Administration, continued through the Mueller FBI operation, & now the baton has been passed to Jerry Nadler to continue to abuse power to harass President Trump and the Democrat National Committee,'" Trump tweeted, quoting Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
“I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people.” - Doris Day who passed away today
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