Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I'll fully form my opinion when I read the Mueller Report but until then...

Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down
The Trump administration on Monday said the entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down, in a dramatic reversal.
In a filing with a federal appeals court, the Justice Department said it agreed with the ruling of a federal judge in Texas that invalidated the Obama-era health care law.

Donald Trump's proposed Obamacare replacement: 
If you're poor, don't get sick. 
If you're sick, don't get poor. - Middle Age Riot

A Republican Congressman quoted Hitler on the House floor yesterday and it barely even made the news. If that isn’t a perfect summary of these past few years I don’t know what is. - OhNoSheTwint

Republican snowflakes are demandin' we apologize to Trump, so here goes....
"Donald Trump, we are truly sorry the interactions with the Russians you lied about don't amount to criminal conspiracy." - Tea Pain

The day after Trump fired Comey, he told the Russians in the Oval Office,“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Apparently, I misinterpreted that for obstruction of justice.

Sarah Sanders said that Trump's accusers should be executed: "They literally accused the President of the United States of being an agent for a foreign government. That's equivalent to treason. Thats punishable by death in this country." 

That is terrifying vindictive bravado. They don't want to lock them up anymore, they want to execute them. 

I know a SEG when I see one. (Sh*t Eating Grin)

Don't forget William Barr’s Son-in-Law Landed a Job Advising Trump on “Legal Issues,” last month.
From last month's article -- Tyler McGaughey’s work will “intersect” with the Russia investigation.

Officer, in my pocket is a report that proves conclusively that I was not speeding. No, you can't see it - Jeff Tiedrich

Eminent Domain Effects For Trump's Wall
Texans Receive First Notices of Land Condemnation for Trump’s Border Wall
The government offered $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If Flores chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain.

Mueller's report may be finished, but mine is out next week. It's on 'Johnny Tremain' and it was due in 1974. - Conan O'Brien

Dear media, 
Man, did you f*ck this one up. The Barr letter is not the Mueller report. Please do your jobs before we have nothing left but State run media. Thanks, nice chat. 
- Randi Mayem Singer


AllHatNoCattle Will Return To Normal Programming Tomorrow

I won't move till Sunday at the earliest because that's when the doors get installed. AND the tile isn't finished. Everyone is behind schedule including me, jajaja.

But I am 75% packed. My possessions are in 15 cardboard boxes and 3 suitcases, everything scrubbed clean. I don't want any scorpion hitchhikers.

My kitchen this morning.

All Donations Delightfully Accepted !


Time To Deflate Photo
This is Copper Canyon Restaurant and Bar in Mexico. I'd visit the glass fenced observation deck after two, maybe three glasses of wine at the bar.


Monday, March 25, 2019

I want to read the Mueller Report, not the Barr Report

Mueller Delivers A Hamberder
Mueller report did not find Trump campaign conspired with Russia, attorney general says
Special counsel Robert Mueller found that neither Donald Trump nor any of his aides colluded with Russia during the 2016 election, according to a letter delivered to Congress on Sunday by the US attorney general..Special counsel does not clear Trump of obstruction of justice.

Putin is smugly sipping vodka bathed in the golden light of no collusion. Our system has been broken by the GOP and the media that enables them.

So before we lose our minds over the Mueller Investigation. Let’s not forget even with no “new” indictments. There are 57 “sealed” indictments.  There are 17 ongoing investigations related to Trump and his minions.  This isn’t close to being over... - fields804 tweet

Remember, they got Al Capone on tax evasion. 
You know Trump cheated on his taxes. Bigly.
John Gotti was Teflon Don until he wasn't.

Barr To Be Called Before the House
The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler, said on Sunday his panel would call Attorney General William Barr to testify...

Robert Mueller did not exonerate Donald Trump on obstruction of justice. Instead, AG Barr made his own determination consistent with his unsolicited 19 page memo arguing that the President cannot be charged with obstruction of justice. - Sen. Mazie Hirono

I'm happily packing and moving today and tomorrow, hence the mini-edition.



The Casa do Penedo in Portugal was completed in 1974. It is composed of four large rocks that serve as the foundation, walls and roof. The apropos phrase is: solid as a rock. My new casita is composed of interlocking concrete panels. lol


Friday, March 22, 2019

Pompeo agrees it's possible God sent Trump to protect Israel from Iran

Pompeo agrees it's possible God sent Trump to protect Israel from Iran
Washington (CNN)Secretary of State Mike Pompeo agreed with a suggestion posed in an interview Thursday that it's possible God raised Donald Trump to be President in order to protect Israel from Iran.

It's terrifying that a crazy evangelical is forcing us to follow his religious beliefs.

QUESTION: Trump stole $ from vets w/a fake online U, promised to turn away war refugees & bring back torture, brags about sex assault, lied 8k times since inauguration & kidnaps migrant children- should God be blamed?
POMPEO: As a Christian I certainly believe that’s possible. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Days it took New Zealand to change their gun laws: 6
Days since:
Pittsburgh Synagogue - 146
Parkland - 401
Sutherland Springs - 502
Las Vegas - 537
Pulse Nightclub - 1,013
San Bernardino - 1,206
Sandy Hook - 2,289
Aurora - 2,436
Virginia Tech - 4,358
Columbine - 7,276

This Is Why Jesus Threw The Money Changers Out Of The Temple.
The nation's eighth-largest nonprofit donated $56.1 million to a series of organizations identified as hate groups from 2015 to 2017, according to a report from Sludge.
National Christian Foundation, which identifies itself as the largest Christian grant maker and one of the largest donor-advised funds in the nation, has served as a vehicle for individuals trying to anonymously send money.

Can someone in the Administration who isn’t breaking the law interrupt Donald’s rants about a deceased Senator & his golf outing to remind him that the infrastructure, healthcare, North Korea, gun violence, hate crimes, and climate change need some attention?Thanks.- America
- Ken Olin

Republican Shenanigans

President Trump on Kushner WhatsApp report: "I know nothing about it. I've never heard that, I've never heard about it."

Trump Heads To Mar-a-lago To Meet Caribbean Leaders. He Probably Charged Them Full Price For A Room.
President Trump has departed Joint Base Andrews aboard Air Force One and is en route to South Florida, where he's expected to land at Palm Beach International Airport just after noon.
The White House says President Trump will meet with leaders of five Caribbean nations on Friday in an effort to strengthen cooperation on security and trade issues.

Mueller's workin' hard while Trump flies Air Force One to another 3 million dollar golf weekend. - Tea Pain


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Congratulations to President Carter on becoming the oldest living President in history. May your new title and good deeds continue for many years to come. - Bill Clinton tweet

Rock The Voter News

The moment Putin decided he wanted Trump as president.

Rosie O'Donnell chosen to read audiobook of Mueller Report - Andy Borowitz

Go Away Comey, You've Caused Enough Trouble
James Comey has said he hopes Donald Trump will not be impeached following the completion of the special counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Instead the former FBI director wants the president to suffer a “resounding” loss at the ballot box in 2020.

Haven't we suffered enough, Mr. Mueller?


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press



The Conway marriage is a perfect metaphor for the current Republican Party, split between those who see Trump as an opportunity & those who see him as a horror—and yet, somehow, they stay together. - Molly Ball tweet

Business/Tech News

How was a self-crashing plane allowed to fly? - Trevor Noah

Is Trump Trying To Make Up With Kim Jong Un?
Trump will remove new North Korea-related sanctions because he 'likes' Kim Jong Un. President Donald Trump says he will remove new North Korean sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury yesterday.

Trump Starts Twitter War With George Washington. - Andy Borowitz


If all goes as planned I will be moving on Monday.
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

I will keep you updated.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Monument Valley, Utah, in the Spring. Be patient, Utah.
