Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Trump Embraces Jexodus

Trump promotes model's fringe 'Jexodus' campaign encouraging Jews to leave Democratic Party
President Trump on Tuesday kept up his campaign to turn Jewish voters away from the Democratic Party, tweeting support for an organization founded only a week ago called “Jexodus.”

 Ironically, white supremacists elected a white president who consistently proves himself inferior to a black one. - Middle Age Riot tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Is anyone investigating Mar-a-Lago?

Tucker Carlson Fights Back! Minus The Fisticuffs, Of Course.
A defiant Tucker Carlson refused again Monday night to apologize for his comments about women and child rape that emerged Sunday night on social media.
Minutes later, Media Matters, a self-described "progressive media watchdog," that published the clips and transcripts, dropped a second batch of audio offerings in which Carlson can be heard making racist and xenophobic remarks about Iraq, Afghanistan Muslims, the Obamas and immigrants.

From earnest family-values conservative to reality show flunky to white nationalist defender of lechery, Tucker Carlson's decades-long quest to make mediocre white males believe he's cool is a mirror of a party's decline from Eisenhower to a mean crypto-fascist doughiness. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

If you want to get the "lock her up" crowd to shut up, ask them what country Benghazi is in. - Middle Age Riot tweet

He's Baaaaack
Steve Bannon will travel next week to Cincinnati to rally and raise money for a wall on private land along the border with Mexico.
Bannon, a former chief strategist for President Donald Trump and controversial editor of Breitbart.com, will join other conservative celebrities for a town hall downtown on March 12 organized by the non-profit We Build The Wall.

Trump Budget Includes Twenty Million Dollars For Bail. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keeps causing controversy by saying things that make sense. - Andy Borowitz

Mueller Is Funded Through September. September? I Can't Take Much More Of This!
Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the team he assembled to investigate U.S. President Donald Trump and his associates have been funded through the end of September 2019, three U.S. officials said on Monday, an indication that the probe has funding to keep it going for months if need be.

Trump complains about modern technological complexity into a hand held super computer that instantly delivers his message world wide. - Schooley tweet


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Business/Tech News

Give a college administrator a few thousand dollars to get your kid in and it’s a bribe. Give a college $2.5 million to get your kid in and it’s business as usual for the super rich. (Hi, Jared.) - Matthew Miller

FAA Allows Boeing Max To Fly, But Not Britain
Britain's Civil Aviation Authority is the latest to announce that it would be grounding all Boeing 737 Max aircraft following a fatal Ethiopian crash...

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. 
On our flight today we'll be using paper maps, compasses, and a stopwatch to navigate. 
We've also turned off the FMS, the ADS-B, the TCAS, and the boosted flight and stability controls.
Hope it's not stormy out there!" - Rick Wilson

With the ridiculously obscene price of college tuition, I’m gonna bribe schools to not accept my kids. - Andy Lassner


I restored three out of four outdoor lamps.
Next step, installation!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Something I'll never see, a sunrise from 8700m on Mount Everest.


Monday, March 11, 2019

It just gets dirtier and dirtier

Massage parlor magnate helped steer Chinese to Trump NYC fundraiser, attendee says
A Chinese-American massage-parlor entrepreneur arranged for a group of Chinese business executives to attend a paid fundraiser for President Donald Trump in New York City at the end of 2017, according to a source who was present at the event.

Pretty weird how the people who blew a f*cking gasket over an imaginary sex ring run out of the basement of a pizza parlor that has no basement have all gone silent over the actual sex ring run by the denizens of the president's tacky golf resort and omelet bar, why could that be. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Anyone who was truly "pro-life" would want to make getting a gun at least as difficult as getting an abortion. - Middle Age Riot

Boeing 737 MAX  Being Suspended In Many Countries
Airlines in multiple countries have suspended the use of Boeing's new 737 MAX 8 aircraft over concerns about its safety, after an Ethiopian Airlines flight of the same model crashed Sunday killing all 157 people on board.

Having trouble sleeping? 
Scared that slow moving caravans will get past Border Patrol & clog your commute? 
Worried an asylum seeker will sit next to you at the diner? 
You may be suffering from National Emergency Anxiety. IT'S DAY 24 OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY! Can you feel it? 
- Rep. Ted Lieu

Republican Shenanigans

I've always wondered why Trump didn't give Cohen a position in the White House. Cohen knew all his secrets. There's more to this story. My guess is Jarvanka axed Cohen.

"The President has suggested that members of his own Justice Department should be locked up for investigating the President. Now, if people were to get indicted or not indicted, on the basis of whether the President likes them...we would have a banana republic." - George Conway, husband of the president's adviser, Kellyanne Conway

Trump Sends Blackface Code To His Base
During a private speech with Republican National Committee donors on Friday night at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump reportedly attempted to mock Democrats for the controversy surrounding Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and his racist yearbook photo, by joking that his Secret Service agents at the White House were “in blackface,” Axios reported.

It’s cool that Trump autographs Bibles because he & God both used ghost writers. - John Fugelsang


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Biden is named after what he's doing with his time. - Stephen Colbert

Rock The Voter News

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Warns Michael Cohen To Leave Lying To Professionals. - Andy Borowitz

He needs a bra.

In 1982 TV Guide Nailed It. Did They Get A Pulitzer? No.

Who Knew Tucker Carlson Was A Sicko? All Sane People.
In unearthed audio, Tucker Carlson makes numerous misogynistic and perverted comments
During interviews on Bubba The Love Sponge, Carlson said he "love[s]" the idea of young girls sexually experimenting, used sexist terms to refer to a number of women, and defended statutory rape

I'm So Old I Remember When Jon Stewart Warned Us About Tucker Carlson in 2004

1) Tucker Carlson won't apologize for calling women "extremely primitive" 
2) Jeannine Pirro said wearing a hijab is un-American 
3) Trump said Dems are "anti-Jewish" 
4) Every House Dem voted for a resolution *decrying bigotry* 
5) Media spent the week talking about "Dems in chaos"
- Seth Abramson 

Apparently, Melania Doesn't Listen To Her Briefings Either
Australia's former foreign minister says she was mistaken for the spouse of a politician by US First Lady Melania Trump, in her latest comments on the subordinate role of women in conservative politics.


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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump Jr. Takes Son On Hunting Trip In National Zoo  - The Onion

Trump: The New Chinese Pimp?
Chinese authorities have granted preliminary approval for dozens of Donald Trump-branded spas, escort services, hotels and massage parlours....

Best thing about daylight savings time is that we lost an hour of Trump. - Ken Olin


Almost There!
Thank you!

Windows Fundraiser


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The White House press room was a laundry room in 1909 when yellow journalism was all the rage.


Friday, March 8, 2019


President Donald Trump cheered Robert Kraft’s team to Super Bowl victory with founder of spa where he was busted
Seated at a round table littered with party favors and the paper-cutout footballs that have become tradition at his annual Super Bowl Watch Party, President Donald Trump cheered the New England Patriots and his longtime friend, team owner Robert Kraft, to victory over the Los Angeles Rams on Feb. 3....The woman who snapped the blurry Super Bowl selfie with the president was Li Yang, 45, a self-made entrepreneur from China who started a chain of Asian day spas in South Florida. Over the years, these establishments — many of which operate under the name Tokyo Day Spas — have gained a reputation for offering sexual services.

The Miami Herald does it again. The Herald knows the sleazy rich people well because they party in public. Dumb asses.

But really, who among us hasn't taken a selfie with our good friend the brothel founder, at a party thrown for our other good friend, the billionaire sexual predator who was arrested at the brothel, while our wife is god knows where, counting every second until the moment we die. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

What's scarier than socialism?
Nepotism. - Marie Connor

Manafort Is Now Waiting For A Pardon
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was sentenced Thursday to nearly four years in prison for tax and bank fraud related to his work advising Ukrainian politicians, much less than what was called for under sentencing guidelines.

The new Republican party believes white collar criminals deserve no jail time.*
*Tea Pain apologizes for that statement.  Remove the word "collar." - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

On the bright side, Bill Shine will have more time to help his wife spread her pro-measles message. - Schooley tweet

Ken Starr is on CNN talking about how poor pitiable Manafort deserved mercy + compassion, then pivoted smoothly into condemning Monica Lewinsky as a devious manipulative perjurer even at age 21-- & I feel like we've reached a new low to punditry. Happy int'l women's day from @cnn - Molly McKew

Former White House chief of staff John Kelly Thinks The Wall Is A Waste 
Former White House chief of staff John Kelly spoke freely for the first time Wednesday evening about his tenure in President Donald Trump’s administration and broke with the president on immigration and other core issues.

Hey, right wing Christians?  if you support Israel bc Book of Revelation and/or Left Behind books taught you that Jews will be forced during the tribulations to accept Christ or perish, you don't actually support Israel & you're not actually Christian. - John Fugelsang


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Paul Manafort is a traitor who went on a white-collar crime spree but only got 47 months prison time in a country that hands out life sentences to people for a few dime bags of weed. - Adam Best

Rock The Voter News

This whole time Trump has been going on about his duct tape fantasies at the border it turns out the real human traffickers were at Mar-a-Lago. With him. - Adam Parkhomenko

Air Forces Secretary Skedaddles To El Paso 
Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson is resigning to become president of the University of Texas at El Paso, the Pentagon confirmed Friday.
Wilson’s resignation is effective May 31, an Air Force spokesperson said in a statement, adding that “this will allow sufficient time for a smooth transition.”


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If Fox News doesn't host any Democratic debates, how will their viewers know which Democrat they want to vote for? - Stephen Colbert

Business/Tech News

Can we all sue The Trump Organization? . Andy Lassner

Trump Signs Bibles. LOL.
President Trump on Friday signed Bibles for people affected by a string of deadly storms that ripped through Alabama.
The president made the gesture while visiting a Baptist church in Opelika, Ala., that is serving as a disaster relief center.

When threatened, the Pope can spray holy venom up to 25ft. 


I was without power for four hours. Hence: a thin issue.
The wind storms have been scary this week.

Windows Fundraiser

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Researchers at NOAA Expedition who were onboard the Okeanos Explorer were filming the bed of the ocean near Mariana Trench . They spotted a totally unusual creature suddenly and were shocked when this creature came in the frame. It had a few wiry tentacles and had a cluster of 8 bright and reflective orbs inside its body. Those orbs would come in handy for reading.
