Thursday, March 7, 2019

U.S. officials made list of reporters, lawyers, activists to question at border

U.S. officials made list of reporters, lawyers, activists to question at border
Several people on the list told NBC News they were questioned at the border as part of what U.S. border agents called a "national security investigation."

Soon, journalists will be receiving combat pay.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Today will be the last time Paul Manafort will wearing one of his $10,000 suit & $1000 shoes to court where he’s gonna be sentenced for the rest of his life to wear a $15 orange jumpsuit & $10 sneakers for being a crook & traitor to his country that he sold for millions...- MaydayMindy tweet

Saudi Secrecy From Trump's Son-in-law? Imagine What We Don't Know.
Officials and staffers in the U.S. embassy in Riyadh said they were not read in on the details of Jared Kushner’s trip to Saudi Arabia or the meetings he held with members of the country’s Royal Court last week. And that’s causing concern not only in the embassy but also among members of Congress, according to three individuals with direct knowledge of the matter.

The "Far left" wants to give people health insurance, make families citizens & help the poorest people in this nation obtain enough $$ to live a happy life
The "Far Right" wants to run people over with cars, chant "jews will not replace us" & kick brown people out of the country. - Brian Krassenstein

I'm Beginning To Think Trump Doesn't Like Freedom of Speech
President Trump on Wednesday responded to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) refusing to let Fox News host a Democratic primary debate by threatening to “do the same thing” with other networks during the general election. 

Republican Shenanigans

I wish Tim Apple would talk some sense into Howard Starbucks. - Pat Cunnane

Obama joined a growing movement of so-called "schoolers," who contend that Trump never attended school. - Andy Borowitz

The Miami Herald Led The Way To Dish The Dirt On Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz was accused in federal appeals court of involvement in billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking ring, The Daily Beast reported Wednesday evening.
The allegations were made before the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday.
The case is over a lawsuit filed by the Miami Herald and thirty other media organizations to unseal documents in a lawsuit by Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

MONDAY: Award-winning journalist Jane Mayer reports that Fox News gave Trump debate questions in advance and then protected him by refusing to run the Stormy Daniels story.  

WEDNESDAY: DC reporters criticize Democrats for not letting Fox host one of their primary debates. -
Jon Favreau 


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What has become of America when a President is motivated to run for re-election to avoid bein’ arrested for multiple felonies? - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Clinton handed GW Bush a healthy economy and no wars. 
GW Bush handed Obama a collapsing economy and 2 raging wars. 
Obama handed Trump a healthy economy and the remnants of GW Bush's 2 wars. 
Trump handed us his stumpy middle finger

My Prediction: Trump Is Going To Have A RKelly Meltdown On FOX 
Trump biographer Tim O’Brien predicts that the next few months are going to be very unpleasant for President Donald Trump, as House Democrats conduct a thorough probe of his personal finances.


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Business/Tech News

Michael Cohen is suing Trump for failure to pay Cohen’s legal fees. So very 2019. - Preet Bharara

Farewell Amazon Pop-Ups, I Hardly Knew Ye
Amazon will close all of its 87 pop-up locations in the U.S. in April, the company said Wednesday. Amazon has pop-ups inside Whole Foods...

Any Catholics out there giving up hating the gays for Lent or is it just ice cream again. - babs tweet


The Laptop has landed.


Thank you! 


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
South Island, New Zealand. Now that's a mountain.


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Hillary Responds To Trump's Taunts

Hillary Clinton asks Trump why he's so 'obsessed' with her after announcing no 2020 bid
Some fights never die.
The rivalry between President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was on full display once again Tuesday after Trump took to Twitter to comment on the former secretary of state not running for the White House in 2020.

Hillary Clinton eats scandals for breakfast. - Bill Maher

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

All these people suddenly worried about anti-Semitism are gonna freak the f*ck out when they learn that the president of the United States praised new-Nazis AFTER they had killed an American woman. - Adam Parkhomenko

DHS Secretary To Testify That She Didn't Tell Anyone To Kidnap Children
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen insisted Wednesday the crisis at the southern border is not manufactured...

"Obama divided us by race" just sounds better than "Obama really upset all the racists." - John Fugelsang

Trump Redesigns Flag

After two years of Congress abdicating its constitutional oversight responsibility for overtly partisan reasons, we’ve had two months of oversight of the most corrupt POTUS in history and some pundits who breathlessly covered Benghazi ask if it’s too much. The answer is no. Next. - Walter Shaub

Republican Shenanigans

Wishful Thinking: McConnell Gets Indicted
The Senate majority leader is moving quickly to confirm appointments to the Circuit and District Courts — likely leaving few vacancies for the next potential Democratic president.

boy, Bill Clinton must kicking himself....if he'd simply signed hush-money checks $$$ from WH for Paula Jones, GOP would've forgiven him  - Eric Boehlert

Florida's Goombah Gaetz
...The previous night, Congressman Matt Gaetz had tweeted a missive at Cohen: “Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would ...

Matt Gaetz Insists Pointing Rifle At Michael Cohen Throughout Testimony Not Witness Intimidation - The Onion

Nobody hates like a Christian who’s just been told their hate isn’t Christian. - John Fugelsang

Trump and Melania spent years calling for President Obama’s birth certificate.  
I want to see Melania’s legal immigration papers. How did she qualify for an Einstein Visa, a visa reserved for immigrants with "extraordinary ability"? - Denzican Grimes


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Very soon there will be more Democrats running for president than people who attended Trump's inauguration. - Randi Mayem Singer

Rock The Voter News

Remember how Hillary melted straight the f*ck down and screamed MCCARTHYISM over endless House investigations? of course you don't. she sat and calmly answered questions for eleven hours—because she hadn't done anything wrong, and she's not an unhinged whiny-ass bloated man-child. - Jeff Tiedrich

Vengeance Shall Be Mine Sayeth The Trump
Republican strategists who have publicly criticized President Donald Trump are getting squeezed out of jobs with GOP candidates.

So what if it turns out that marijuana doesn't really prevent all those diseases and just makes you feel really good? - Kona Lowell


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Business/Tech News

FOX news is trying to clean their image so they have fired Sebastian Gorka, Sheriff David Clarke, and a dancing Swastika over the last week. - Tony Posnanski

Hear, Hear! The Einstein Immigrant Speaketh!
First lady Melania Trump on Tuesday chided the media for its focus on "trivial stories," urging reporters to dedicate the same amount of coverage to the country's opioid epidemic.
Trump spoke at a town hall event in Las Vegas in the final stop on a three-state tour for her "Be Best" campaign

[Jewish grandma walks up to a Catholic person on Ash Wednesday and licks thumb]
Hang on, ya got a little schmutz there. - OhNoSheTwint


I Found A Laptop!
It is supposed to be delivered this afternoon!
Fingers crossed!
This is for you.

Windows Fundraiser

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A teacher found one of his students in the rubble after the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma, in 2013.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

I am so sick and tired of conspiracy theories

Anti-vaxxers pack hearing as senators investigate viral epidemic — of fear
Anti-vaccination activists, some with their (presumably unvaccinated) children, packed the Dirksen Senate Office Building Tuesday morning for a hearing that they hoped would vindicate, or at least recognize as legitimate, their fear that protecting their families from measles runs the risk of something worse, including autism and other disorders.

I just received a 4-day suspension from the Turner Classic Movies Facebook page bc someone asked "Who's the greatest horror movie actor of all time" and I merely typed "Melania Trump." - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Lying Trump came away from fake summit with terrorist & killer Kim Jong-un w/ nothing because Kim never intended to offer anything. Don the con man got conned! Hey number 45, are you still in love w/ Kim? - Rep. Maxine Waters

Trump Needs To Read: How to Win Friends and Influence People
President Trump on Tuesday attacked Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), accusing the House Judiciary Committee chairman of attempting to “harass” his associates in a wide-ranging probe into Trump’s administration, campaign and businesses.

Hey GOP: If Russia (199 charges) is a "hoax," what was Benghazi (0 charges)? - Seth Abramson

Republican Shenanigans

Remember when Republicans used to say things like, “If you’re not guilty then you won’t mind being investigated?” - Schooley tweet

Mr. Mueller, Please Stop Him Soon!
According to emails obtained by the Los Angeles Times, officials at the Environmental Protection Agency prevented researchers from NASA from looking into pollution levels that could lead to cancer in areas of Houston that were devastated by Hurricane Harvey.

True presidential harassment is when the woman who won the popular vote was forced to testify for hours about Benghazi, found nothing, and still the man who lost the popular vote has crowds chant for her to go to jail. - Tony Posnanski


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Rock The Voter News

Criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic the same way criticizing Donald Trump is anti-Christian:
It’s not. - Middle Age Riot tweet

She can do whatever she wants. She's earned it.

Hillary Clinton: ‘I’m not running’
She states her intentions in an interview with a local New York TV station.

Trump misspelled McCarthyism as "McCathyism" and now I just imagine him running around the residence shouting "ack" and "chocolate" while carrying bags full of crimes. - Brock Wilbur


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Business/Tech News

I'm sorry that Victoria's Secret is closing many of its stores, but excited that I can go to a mall again with my kids. - Conan O'Brien

CNN Needs Sanity, Not "Hannity." 
Responding to a tweet from CNN media analyst Brian Stelter saying he was “gobsmacked” by a CNN discussion over a comment made by Trump 2020 spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany, former CNN and MSNBC contributor Soledad O’Brien called him out.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu. The Art of War


I love you all

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Odd News

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A perfect moment courtesy of Mother Nature.
