Monday, February 25, 2019

Cheapskate Billionaire or ?

Robert Kraft, Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump and a day of reckoning for America’s billionaires
...Bob Kraft is reportedly worth $6.6 billion. The price for a half hour at Orchids of Asia — where authorities on Friday said Kraft solicited prostitution, the charges brought after cops filmed him allegedly having sex with workers on two separate occasions — is $59.

Trump was relieved to hear that Robert Kraft was only involved in prostitution and child traffickin' and nothin' serious like kneelin' for the National Anthem.- Tea Pain tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Jared Kushner Calls Kim Jong-Un "Totally Unqualified Person" Who Only Got Job Through Nepotism. - Andy Borowitz

Vietnam Has No Tolerance For Comedy
A Kim Jong-un impersonator has been deported from Vietnam ahead of the real North Korean leader's meeting with US President Trump...

Trump’s plans for a massive July 4 celebration were scrapped after the military reported a sudden bone-spur epidemic. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

More weeping and whining from the Baby in Chief. Call him BOTUS. - Stephen King

It is the official position of the White House that all twenty-plus women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct are lying, were born in Kenya, and are coming for your guns. - Middle Age Riot tweet

Trump is a sadist, he enjoys inflicting pain on dying people.

If Trump has 19 sexual assault allegations and is traveling south at 60 mph, and Jeffrey Epstein has 36 sexual assault allegations and is traveling west at 35 mph, how many more allegations do they need before people start believing women? - OhNoSheTwint


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If you ask me, 97 of the 171 Democrats running for President have no shot. - Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

Steve Bannon Predicts Nasty 2019. Where's He Been?
With the anticipated upcoming release of special counsel Robert Mueller's final report, ongoing probes by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York into President Trump's businesses and Democrats in control of the House, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon predicts 2019 will be a "vitriolic" and "nasty" year in American politics. 
"I think that 2019 is going to be the most vitriolic year in American politics since before the Civil War,"...

Just a reminder that the Secretary of Labor -- who is charged with fighting sex trafficking -- was part of a cover up that seems to have helped a billionaire get away dozens of counts of child rape, according to a federal court.
Not one elected Republican has asked him to resign. - LOLGOP

Dr. Seuss nailed Nazi Lover Charles Lindbergh

Weird how someone once drew a face on a sheet and it became Mike Pence. - Conan O'Brien


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Business/Tech News

Betsy DeVos Calls "60 Minutes" A Waste Of A Half Hour - Andy Borowitz

Get Ready, A Recession Is Around The Corner
Roughly half the nation's business economists say they think the U.S. economy will slip into recession by the end of next year.

Yes, my house has walls. but you know what it also has? A welcome mat. - Jeff Tiedrich


Casita update: I visited it on Saturday and met the three talented builders. They were putting the top finish on the floors and building a sink in my kitchen and a counter made of guanacaste wood (see pic below with my thumb)

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Sometimes we just need to stop and smell the flower.


Friday, February 22, 2019

Today would be a good day for Trump to release his tax returns

NJ Senate passes bill that would keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless he releases tax returns
The New Jersey state Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly voted to pass a bill that would keep presidential candidates off the state’s 2020 ballot unless they release their tax returns.

I'm so old that I remember Trump said he couldn't release his tax returns because he was under audit.

Sarah Sanders' last official duty as White House Press Secretary will be to shout "there's nothing to see here" while she and the rest of the Trump Administration are handcuffed and loaded into police vans. - Middle Age Riot tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I heard the White House was starting a global effort to end homophobia and I was like "No way -they're firing Pence?" - John Fugelsang

Is The DOJ Investigating This White Terrorist?
A Coast Guard lieutenant labelled a domestic terrorist by federal prosecutors will remain in custody for the next two weeks.
Christopher Hasson, 49, of Silver Spring, was arrested Feb. 15 and is charged with gun violations and illegal drug possession...In court Thursday, prosecutors argued to keep Hasson in custody, citing writings and internet searches on his work computer that prosecutors said show he was plotting attacks against politicians and media figures.

BREAKING: Mueller to issue report in 1,238,487-tweet Twitter thread. - Josh Greenman

Republican Shenanigans

When Sarah Huckabee Sanders is finally called from this mortal coil and asked to explain her decisions at the Pearly Gates she will, without hesitating, look directly into the face of God and lie. - Chris Jackson

I Would Think That Roger Stone Enjoys Being Gagged
Republican strategist and longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone faced a grilling from U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman, the federal judge presiding over his case...“What concerns me is the fact that he chose to use his public platform and chose to express himself in a manner that can incite others that feel less constrained… Thank you, but the apology rings quite hollow.”

Hahahahahahahaha. No.
U.S. President Donald Trump and his adult children on Thursday urged a federal judge to dismiss a racketeering lawsuit accusing them of using the family name to promote sham marketing opportunities to vulnerable, financially struggling investors.

Imagine how brazenly Trump must cheat at golf. - Kona Lowell


 Click here to meet C.W.


Bernie Sanders treats the Democratic Party like a girl he sleeps with but won't be seen with in public. - Ebony Edwards-Ellis tweet

Rock The Voter News

Ken Starr’s zealous pursuit of Bill Clinton baffles me, given his penchant for covering up sex acts that were FAR from consensual. I mean, think on what happened at Baylor, and now his tenacious defense of Epstein. Very weird. - Pam Keith tweet

The man who helped Jeffrey Epstein cover up a child sex ring is your labor secretary. Everybody have a good day.
Federal prosecutors, under former Miami U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, broke the law when they concealed a plea agreement from more than 30 underage victims who had been sexually abused by wealthy New York hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein, a federal judge ruled Thursday.
While the decision marks a victory for crime victims, the federal judge, Kenneth A. Marra, stopped short of overturning Epstein’s plea deal, or issuing an order resolving the case. He instead gave federal prosecutors 15 days to confer with Epstein’s victims and their attorneys to come up with a settlement. The victims did not seek money or damages as part of the suit.

The investigation will show that Acosta followed the rules. - Alan Dershowitz


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OSLO - The Nobel committee informed Trump on Friday that he would not receive a Nobel Peace Prize but would get a participation trophy instead. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

I’ve noticed the right is being easier on Jussie Smollett since they found out he did it for the money. - Michael McKean

Robert Kraft: 
- 2001 Super Bowl Ring
- 2003 Super Bowl Ring
- 2004 Super Bowl Ring
- 2014 Super Bowl Ring
- 2016 Super Bowl Ring
- 2018 Super Bowl Ring
- 2019 Prostitution Ring 
- Nick Jack Pappas

So How's That Trade War Going?
The Department of Agriculture has paid out $7,700,000,000 to farmers so far in aid designed to offset the negative impact from Trump's trade war...

"I had always hoped that this land might become a safe and agreeable asylum to the virtuous and persecuted part of mankind, to whatever nation they might belong." - George Washington, 1788


I don't like to pay retail. The company my friend works for was replacing all their outside lighting and she got four of these for me free. A fresh paint job and they will look like new. It's the little things that make me happy.

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Large quartz cluster crystals or orbs from the Saudis.

Best wishes for a beautiful and peaceful weekend.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Are we supposed to be more afraid of Kim Jong Un or Putin?

Putin: 'OK' if US wants another Cuban missile crisis
Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly said late Wednesday that Moscow is "ready" for another conflict with the U.S. similar to the Cuban missile crisis, but added that he does not relish the prospect.

Yesterday, Putin threatened the US with nuclear war and our president didn't respond.
 He did attack the press, DOJ  and the FBI. - Allen Marshall

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

We are going to build a Space Force and Mars is going to pay for it. - Seth Meyers   

Pompeo Is Betting His Future On Trump.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday said that he has "ruled out" running for the open Kansas Senate seat in 2020.
“It’s ruled out. I’m here. I’m loving it," Pompeo said Thursday during an interview on NBC's "Today."

I notice that the White House has walls, yet that didn't stop it from becoming completely infested with criminals. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Captain Trump is wearing cleats in a rubber raft and blaming his crew for leaks. - John Fugelsang 

Just Release The Damn Report
Robert Mueller's report could land within days, yet rather than offering definitive answers, his hotly anticipated filing might only ignite a new controversy -- over how much of the special counsel's conclusions most Americans get to see.

It’s scary as f*ck when people are trying to kill Americans in the name of...President Trump. - Dylan


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Rock The Voter News

Bernie Sanders admits receiving free checking from big banks. - Andy Borowitz

Sounds Like CYA To Me
A new report from the Wall Street Journal reveals that members of President Donald Trump’s own inaugural committee were raising alarms about shady billing being done by certain vendors.

President Trump says Andrew McCabe is “a poor man’s J. Edgar Hoover.” 
Hoover was an authoritarian who engaged in widespread civil liberties abuses in the name of national security. 
Is being called bad at authoritarianism actually an insult? - Josh Campbell


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Photographic proof that money does buy looks, boobs, and big lips. Oh look, Melania's eyes are wide open and Ivanka has no chin! Trump still has tiny hands. Sad.

Business/Tech News

It’s a good thing prisons have secure walls, otherwise we’d have to be worried about drugs getting inside of them. - George Takei

Does Trump Have Any Friends Who Aren't Crooks?
Geoffrey Palmer, a billionaire developer who is one of President Donald Trump’s biggest donors, is being accused of “systematically” ripping off his tenants with a “bad faith” scheme to retain their security deposits.

Experts Advise Against Throwing Laptop Across Office Even Though It Will Feel Incredible - The Onion


The floor pouring has begun
Wini, my pup's best friend, is making sure that hose doesn't attack anybody.

Windows, Doors & Laptop

Thank you so much!


Seen at a doctor's office

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Los Angeles federal courthouse has a statue of Abraham Lincoln where he's a shirtless young stud suggestively tugging at his waistband like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. Oh my. I hear he's also known as Honest Babe.
