...Bob Kraft is reportedly worth $6.6 billion. The price for a half hour at Orchids of Asia — where authorities on Friday said Kraft solicited prostitution, the charges brought after cops filmed him allegedly having sex with workers on two separate occasions — is $59.
Trump was relieved to hear that Robert Kraft was only involved in prostitution and child traffickin' and nothin' serious like kneelin' for the National Anthem.- Tea Pain tweet
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Trump predicts Kim will make 'wise decision' on denuclearization
- Pompeo says North Korea remains nuclear threat
- Pompeo keeps open military option for Venezuela
- 58 ex-national security officials to denounce Trump’s emergency declaration
- Judge Rules Male-Only Draft Violates Constitution
Jared Kushner Calls Kim Jong-Un "Totally Unqualified Person" Who Only Got Job Through Nepotism. - Andy Borowitz
Vietnam Has No Tolerance For Comedy
A Kim Jong-un impersonator has been deported from Vietnam ahead of the real North Korean leader's meeting with US President Trump...
Trump’s plans for a massive July 4 celebration were scrapped after the military reported a sudden bone-spur epidemic. - Andy Borowitz
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump gave female campaign staffer a ‘super-creepy and inappropriate’ kiss without her consent: lawsuit
- Trump bashes Spike Lee for 'racist hit' on him at Oscars
- Fox & Friends Mocks Spike Lee: He Hasn't Been on Oscars Stage a Lot
- Trump denies his ‘very nice’ language encouraged white supremacist Coast Guard officer
- Trump has another meltdown on Twitter with accusation that Hillary colluded with Russia
- Trump claims he found ‘free’ fireworks for his July 4th event -- but he’s just hijacking the annual Park Service show
- Battered California Republicans elect Latina, a McCarthy ally, to lead party
- 'Oooh! Do Hitler next!': Texas Republican ripped to shreds for heralding Mussolini in Twitter quote
- Mueller slams Manafort’s ‘deceit,’ suggests sentence that could amount to life in prison
- ‘He’s got documents’: Michael Cohen will show ‘detailed, sordid and chilling’ evidence against Trump
More weeping and whining from the Baby in Chief. Call him BOTUS. - Stephen King
It is the official position of the White House that all twenty-plus women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct are lying, were born in Kenya, and are coming for your guns. - Middle Age Riot tweet
Trump is a sadist, he enjoys inflicting pain on dying people.
If Trump has 19 sexual assault allegations and is traveling south at 60 mph, and Jeffrey Epstein has 36 sexual assault allegations and is traveling west at 35 mph, how many more allegations do they need before people start believing women? - OhNoSheTwint

If you ask me, 97 of the 171 Democrats running for President have no shot. - Conan O'Brien
Rock The Voter News
- Schiff: 'We will bring Bob Mueller in to testify' if report not made public
- Warren shuts down donor dinners, insider access
- ‘Trump money trail’: House Dems target Deutsche Bank at start of probe into president’s finances
Steve Bannon Predicts Nasty 2019. Where's He Been?
With the anticipated upcoming release of special counsel Robert Mueller's final report, ongoing probes by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York into President Trump's businesses and Democrats in control of the House, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon predicts 2019 will be a "vitriolic" and "nasty" year in American politics.
"I think that 2019 is going to be the most vitriolic year in American politics since before the Civil War,"...
Just a reminder that the Secretary of Labor -- who is charged with fighting sex trafficking -- was part of a cover up that seems to have helped a billionaire get away dozens of counts of child rape, according to a federal court.
Not one elected Republican has asked him to resign. - LOLGOP
Dr. Seuss nailed Nazi Lover Charles Lindbergh
Weird how someone once drew a face on a sheet and it became Mike Pence. - Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News
- Trump to delay China tariff hike due to ‘substantial progress’
- Alabama newspaper at center of KKK outrage gets black female editor
- Frozen Boston Market Meals Recalled For Possible Glass, Plastic
- CNN’s Smerconish Questions ‘Waste of Police Resources’ in Bob Kraft Arrest
Betsy DeVos Calls "60 Minutes" A Waste Of A Half Hour - Andy Borowitz
Get Ready, A Recession Is Around The Corner
Roughly half the nation's business economists say they think the U.S. economy will slip into recession by the end of next year.
Yes, my house has walls. but you know what it also has? A welcome mat. - Jeff Tiedrich
Casita update: I visited it on Saturday and met the three talented builders. They were putting the top finish on the floors and building a sink in my kitchen and a counter made of guanacaste wood (see pic below with my thumb)
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