Monday, January 28, 2019

Trump latest distraction: Teach Bible Study In Public Schools

Trump kicks off the week by pushing ‘Bible literacy classes’
President Donald Trump, fresh off an embarrassing loss on the shutdown and his wall to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is turning his attention from the Southern border to an entirely different topic: religion.

The only reason you're president is that 62 million self-described Christians were completely illiterate about Jesus' teachings.

Every time Trump mentions the Bible an angel coughs up blood. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Last week felt like a month.

Profiling Fail By ICE
Libyan comedian Mohanad Elshieky revealed on Twitter that he was pulled aside by ICE agents attempting to “raid” a Greyhound bus on its way from Spokane, Washington to Portland, Oregon.

Pelosi Refuses To Return Trump’s Testicles. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump is going to be the first president to have a prison wing named after him. - Tim Hanlon

Trump Revels In Trashing Past Presidents? WTF?
President Donald Trump has invited “hundreds, if not thousands” of guests to tour private areas of the White House, according to a new book, and frequently makes crass or demeaning comments about his predecessors. 

At what point does not impeaching the president become treason?- Middle Age Riot tweet


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Pelosi Sends Trump LEGO Wall for Desk as Consolation Prize - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Hillary: I’m not running.
Random person: Hillary says she hasn’t ruled out running.

Tom Brokaw? TOM BROKAW?
Former "NBC Nightly News" anchor Tom Brokaw tweeted Sunday that he regrets saying on "Meet the Press" that Hispanics should "work harder ...

Opponents of Family Separation Urge Trump And Don Jr. To Be Jailed Together. - Andy Borowitz


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Russians Involved In Trump Campaign Hold Reunion - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

As I see it, now that the government is temporarily open again, that gives the FBI just three weeks to arrest Trump and every member of his family. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Doesn't Get Along With American Billionaires, Only Russian Billionaires It Seems
President Donald Trump on Monday ripped former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, saying the business titan "doesn't have the 'guts' to run for President!" "Watched him on @ 60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the 'smartest person,'" Trump wrote.

A lot of white people need to work harder at assimilating into the human race. - TheTweetOfGod


The fallen banana tree says...

Construction began yesterday and completion of the house shell/floor is projected to occur in 21 days.
I am so excited!!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Boneyard Falls, Australia. We don't have to guess how it got its name.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Witch #6 arrested

Roger Stone arrested in Mueller investigation
The White House insists the charges of lying to congressional investigators and witness tampering "don’t have anything to do with the president."

Speaker Pelosi on Roger Stone indictment:
"It is very interesting to see the kinds of people that the president of the United States has surrounded himself with."

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

White House On Lockdown After Television Is Hurled Out Window - Andy Borowitz

Trump Caves To Pelosi! Opens Government!
The president announced on Friday that he’d sign a short-term spending bill without money for the wall. ... The legislation would fund the government through February 15, on the condition that lawmakers continue negotiations on border security and Trump’s border wall demands 

Was There Fisticuffs Involved?
Frustrated GOP senators read Vice President Pence the riot act at a closed-door meeting Thursday, telling him the partial government shutdown needs to end soon, according to lawmakers in the room.

"FBI, open the door!"
"Hold on, I need to put on my spats, morning coat, and jaunty top hat." - Rick Wilson

Fun Fact: Roger Stone is being processed at the same courthouse I gave my We Call BS speech almost a year ago.  Sometimes the universe has a funny sense of humor :-) - Emma González, Parkland High School shooting survivor

Channeling Nixon. How Apropos.

Republican Shenanigans

Trump furious that FBI not stopped by shutdown - Andy Borowitz

Can Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric or Jared Be Indicted Next?
Former CIA director John Brennan predicted more indictments would be coming soon in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe — and he suggested those could include members of President Donald Trump’s family.

Trump was too scared to give Pelosi a nickname, and then she cancelled his SOTU address. Congratulations to Neuterin’ Nancy! - Stephen Colbert


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Rock The Voter News

FBI Director Dresses Down Trump
FBI Director Christopher Wray, handpicked by President Donald Trump to replace Jim Comey, has just publicly released a video expressing his anger over the federal government shutdown, while verbalizing his support and empathy for what his employees are having to go through.

What happens when Trump barricades himself in the Situation Room with the nuclear codes and demands a trillion dollars or he incinerates Paris? - driftglass tweet


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Business/Tech News

"Secretary Ross, they've just shut down LaGuardia Airport to incoming flights.""Why is that a problem?  People can always fly into Signature at Teterboro.  That's what I always do.  It's better for them even.  Because they let your chauffeur pull up right to the plane."- David Rothkopf

Amazon Delivery Robots On The Move!
Amazon is bringing delivery robots to the streets of Snohomish County.
The Seattle-based online shopping giant says it started to test the self-driving robots Wednesday that can bring Amazon packages to shoppers' doorsteps.

Doesn’t seem like the wall around Roger Stone’s house did much to stop the caravan of FBI agents.- Andy Lassner



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Drive-in liquor store, Los Angeles, 1949. I wonder why it didn't catch on.


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wilbur Ross: 'I don't quite understand' why federal workers need food banks during shutdown

Ross: 'I don't quite understand' why federal workers need food banks during shutdown
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Thursday that he was confused why thousands of federal workers, who've already missed one paycheck, are relying on food banks during the partial government shutdown.

Lara Trump: I’m going to have the most out of touch take regarding federal workers this week
Wilbur Ross: Hold my Dom Pérignon - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If I see even ONE person wearing a MAGA cap I feel uncomfortable, if I see a whole group of people wearing em, I feel threatened. Same way I'd feel if I encountered an entire group wearing Nazi uniforms or KKK robes. 
The #CovingtonBoys were a threat when they put those hats on. - Paul Lee Ticks

Pelosi Holds Her Weekly Press Conference
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would meet with President Trump "anytime he wants" as she pressed for an end to the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. However, she said there are currently no plans for a meeting with the president. "The last time we met it was a photo-op for the president to leave the room," she said at her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill

Nancy Pelosi on Wilbur Ross saying "I don't understand why someone would need to go to a food bank:" “Is this the ‘let them eat cake’ kind of attitude? Or call your father for money?”

Republican Shenanigans

The Covington Catholic kids are a model for modern US Christian Fundamentalism, which is:
All it takes to be a good Trump Christian is opposing abortion, which Christ never mentioned; so go ahead & crap on marginalized groups, reject empathy & wear blackface at basketball games. - John Fugelsang

Never Stop A Man Digging Himself Deeper Into A Hole
President Donald Trump on Thursday bragged about his former “fixer” backing off publicly testifying against him after the president had lobbed multiple threats aimed at his father-in-law.

Fact that there aren’t massive, weekly  demonstrations in the streets  is kind of mind boggling. (I’m just as much to blame as everyone else) - Eric Boehlert


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Rock The Voter News

The U.S. had an illegitimate election and now has an illegitimate president. Trump is America’s bastard. - irishygirl

Manafort Might As Well Have A Tattoo On His Forehead That Says PARDON ME
Lawyers for Paul Manafort, the convicted former campaign chairman for President Donald Trump, used a court filing to deny that he broke his plea agreement by lying to prosecutors when he was supposed to be cooperating. The filing came Wednesday as Manafort’s legal team seeks to ...

Memo to the "We need to get rid of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker" crowd: You were super fvcking wrong. - Jon Zal


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Business/Tech News

Has the Space Force been furloughed?

Walmart Truck Drivers Needed Pronto!
Not only will Walmart drivers be making, on average, $87,500 a year beginning in February, but the company says it will be hiring hundreds of drivers this year to join its fleet.
The company also plans to implement a new process in its hiring in order to speed things up, expediting the time it takes to complete a new hire.

Dems Agree To Fund Wall And Reopen Government If Trump leaves Country Forever. - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is so cool. Another  way to show Earth's real shape, is to use a clever montage of a total lunar eclipse's phases, where the shadow is composed in a neat circle,
