Thursday, January 10, 2019

Trump's team had over 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials, report shows

Trump's team had over 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials, report shows
 Members of President Donald Trump's campaign and transition team had more than 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials, according to a new report.

If colluding with the Russians to win an election doesn't make Trump an illegitimate president, I don't know what does.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Of course this could all just end up with him growing old & constantly tweeting to his angry white male loyalists about what a great deal he made from a  golf course in a country with no extradition treaty. - John Fugelsang

Trump's Steel Slat Wall Can Be Cut With A Saw. Really.
Dept. of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype for border wall proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS

We’re arrivin’ at a critical point in the Trump presidency.  Should we impeach him for his corruption or his incompetence?  
Heck, why not both? - Tea Pain tweet

Republican Shenanigans

I understand Baby Don did another tantrum today when mean old Mommy Nancy said he can’t have his border wall. - Stephen King

With the constant practice Trump gets at lying, you’d think he’d be better at it. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Toxic Work Atmosphere
President Donald Trump’s latest director of communications was highly criticized in an explosive New York Times report. Bill Shine, a former Fox News executive, joined the administration after the departure of Hope Hicks. Now it appears he's not making any friends.

Evangelicals have successfully completed construction of a wall between them and Jesus. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


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President Trump: "I find China, frankly in many ways, to be far more honorable than cryin' Chuck and Nancy. I really do. I think that China is actually much easier to deal with than the opposition party."

Rock The Voter News

When they go low, we go Pelosi. -OhNoSheTwint

Back In 2016 I Couldn't Tell The Difference Between Bernie Bros & Russian Bots. Still Can't.
Top Bernie Sanders 2016 adviser accused of forcibly kissing subordinate.
The claim is the latest complaint about a hostile environment for women on the campaign. Robert Becker denied wrongdoing.

110 pounds of the opioid fentanyl was seized in the Port of Philadelphia. This is why we need a wall on the southern border.
Oh wait ....- Rep. Ted Lieu 


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Business/Tech News

Now that Donald Trump's trade wars are costing his supporters their jobs, they’ll have a lot more free time to spend on social media owning the libs.- Middle Age Riot tweet

Stormy Daniels Teaches Thong Folding During Trump's Speech
It didn’t last long, but they finished at the same time.
Porn star Stormy Daniels folded clothes on Instagram Live Tuesday night while President Trump went on live television to try and sell Americans on the idea that it’s necessary to build a wall on the nation’s southern border. Both broadcasts started at 9 p.m. and lasted 10 minutes. Daniels, who filmed the skit in her underwear, played Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall" while doing her chores. She said she attracted 100,000 viewers.

Nobody in this hipster coffee shop seemed amused by me shouting "MEXICO WILL PAY FOR MY COFFEE!" as I walked out without paying. - Rex Huppke


Getting closer...

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Ah, I needed something beautiful to look at. The Butterfly Nebula is a bipolar planetary nebula in the constellation Scorpius. It has a radius of 1.5 light years and is 3,392 light years from Earth. Credit/Hubble Telescope/NASA


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The "C" Word

Mueller believes Manafort fed information to Russian with intel ties
Special counsel Robert Mueller believes that Paul Manafort was sharing polling data and discussing Russian-Ukrainian policy with his close Russian-intelligence-linked associate, Konstantin Kilimnik, while he led the Trump presidential campaign, according to parts of a court filing that were meant to be redacted by Manafort's legal team Tuesday but were released publicly.

It’s looking like “No Collusion!” may be right up there with “Mexico will pay for it!”- Sen. Patrick Leahy

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump: "why do we have nuclear weapons if we can't use them?"me: "why do we have the 25th amendment if we can't use it?" - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Is Itching To Declare A National Emergency
President Trump considers the declaration of a national emergency to circumvent Congress and begin construction on a border wall to be on the table, his top spokesperson said Wednesday.
Though Trump didn't mention the possibility of a declaration during a primetime address to the nation Tuesday night, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told Fox News that the declaration is “certainly still an option” and “something that’s on the table.”

I'm confident that Trump changed a lot of minds last night. Sorry, I meant channels. - Stephen Colbert

The moment Putin decided he wanted Trump to be president.

Fact-checker Collapses From Exhaustion Thirty Seconds Into Trump Speech - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

I Bet Forrest Gump Can Spell Forest. Forrest Trump Can't.
President Donald Trump on Wednesday issued a bizarre proclamation that he has permanently ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to stop sending California money to help beat forest fires unless they adopt his widely panned plan to prevent fires by raking leaves.
"Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forrest (sic) fires that, with proper Forrest (sic) Management, would never happen,” the president wrote.

“Racist is as racist does”
“Life is like a box of sealed indictments. You never know what you gonna get.”
- Forrest Trump

It’s not fair to call him #ForrestTrump.
Forrest Gump actually went to Vietnam. - Crutnacker tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Trump: under investigation 
Don Jr: expects to be indicted 
Assange: sealed indictment 
Flynn: awaiting sentencing 
Cohen: reporting to prison 
Manafort: perpetual motion treason monkey
Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably
Me: laughing at all you "lock her up" morons - Jeff Tiedrich

Pelosi & Schumer Beat Out Trump In Viewers
The response by Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer has slightly larger preliminary numbers than the president's address.

Mexico agrees to pay for Trump's psychiatric care. - Andy Borowitz


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Many Americans said that they would personally contribute gas money to help get the caravan on its way. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

I Bet Melania's Eyes Unsquinted At This News
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced that he and his wife of 25 years are divorcing.
Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos have been married since 1993 and issued an amicable joint statement announcing their decision Wednesday. The couple has four children.

"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life"  - Nelson Mandela


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The size of Phobos, the moon of Mars, compared to a modern city. Shudder.


Tuesday, January 8, 2019

An element of surprise would be nice at Trump's speech tonight

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to deliver response to Trump Oval Office address
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will deliver the Democrats' response to President Donald Trump's Tuesday night Oval Office address to the...

The Democratic response to the Trump speech should be a 7 minute video of him saying ‘Mexico will pay for the wall’ over and over again. - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Let me guess. Trump is going to tell us the caravan is carrying weapons of mass destruction. - Tim Hanlon

Pompeo, The Great Benghazi Hunter, Will Try To Cover For Trump
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is heading out on what may prove his toughest trip yet, a weeklong swing through the Middle East in which he will give a major speech about America’s role in the region and privately reassure Arab allies that the U.S. remains committed to them.
In his speech, to be given in Cairo, Pompeo plans to repudiate the Middle East vision of former President Barack Obama...

I can tell you all this for sure- whatever ridiculous propaganda we were fed in then Czechoslovakia, which was mandated by Soviet Union- pales next to the lies being told and repeated by trump and his ilk. I am not kidding… trump truly trumps the communists. And that’s not easy, - Martina Navratilova

Really? Major networks are worried they’ll be attacked by Trump and called fake news, so they’re all airing his PR stunt tomorrow night. So instead of just being called fake news, they’re airing real fake news live. And helping Trump spread racist wall propaganda. Got it. - Scott Dworkin

Republican Shenanigans

PENCE: Who Are You Going To Believe? Me Or Your Lying Eyes.
Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday said that President Trump will use his first prime-time Oval Office address to detail what he described as "a real humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border."
But when pressed by ABC News on the multiple falsehoods recently spread by the president about the immigration debate in recent days, the vice president argued that it shouldn't undermine the administration's credibility in the eyes of the American public.

Trump Offers To Station Pence At The Border With Binoculars In Lieu Of Wall - Andy Borowitz

Remember The Russian Adoption Lawyer?
Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who in 2016 met with Trump campaign officials in Trump Tower, has been charged by federal prosecutors in a separate case that showed her close ties to the Kremlin, NYT reports.

On the bright side for Natalya Veselnitskaya, she won't have any more problems getting permission to enter the United States. - Matthew Miller


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I fiercely believe, as I said more than two decades ago, that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights. - Hillary Clinton

Rock The Voter News

For-Profit Healthcare Thrives
Americans spend more than twice as much on health care per person as their peers in developed nations, according to a new analysis from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Trump's Speech to Be Simulcast in English. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

As of  last Thursday, DOD will be run by a former senior Boeing executive. EPA is run by a former coal lobbyist. HHS is run by a former pharmaceutical lobbyist. And Interior will be run by a former oil-industry lobbyist. Welcome to 2019. - Eric Lipton, NYT

Trump's Tariffs Create Windfall For Russia
President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would supply soy beans and poultry meat to China and that the United States had effectively given up on that market.

When Larry Flynt dies, will his family discover a stash of New Yorker magazines in the back of his closet?- Conan O'Brien


So close...


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Belgium's Sart Canal Bridge. I guess jet skiing isn't allowed.
