Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trump Colluded With Russia To Build a Trump Tower

Trump signed letter of intent for Moscow Trump Tower talks, contradicting Giuliani
President Trump signed a letter of intent that preceded negotiations for a Trump property in Moscow, according to CNN, despite his attorney claiming over the weekend that "no one signed" such a document.
CNN's Chris Cuomo obtained a copy of the signed letter of intent dated Oct. 28, 2015, which bears Trump's signature.

Senate Republicans Call For Impeachment of Hillary Clinton. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“ISIS has NOT been defeated, I have no idea what the president is talking about.” -  Mouaz Moustafa of the Syrian Emergency Task Force.

Billions In Private Funds Going Towards Developing Central America and Mexico. I Hope Trump Doesn't Steal It.
The United States is committing billions of dollars toward development in Central America and Mexico as part of a plan to strengthen economies in the region and curb illegal immigration, the U.S. and Mexican governments said on Tuesday...Much of the new aid pledged on Tuesday is private investment that will depend on the viability of the projects and some of it was a reaffirmation of existing pledges.

I still don’t understand why Flynn lied to FBI about his conversations with Kislyak. As former DIA head, Flynn would know how closely Kislyak is monitored. Was he hiding something even bigger than we know? Discussing sanctions doesn’t seem big enough to try to hide at such risk. - Michael McFaul, former Ambassador to Russia

Republican Shenanigans

Another rough day for the Trump administration, or as Sarah Sanders would call it, "Another wildly successful day of President Donald Trump winning." - Rex Huppke

Doesn't Every Charitable Foundation Have A Signed Football Helmet?
President Donald Trump is parting ways with Tim Tebow — or at least an autographed football helmet of the former Denver Broncos quarterback.
The President on Tuesday agreed to shut down his personal charity as the state attorney general of New York pursues allegations that Trump used the Donald J. Trump Foundation for his personal benefit over the last decade as well as illegally using it to boost his presidential campaign in 2016.


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There is some good news amidst the chaos: the Senate passed a bipartisan sentencing reform bill. While there is still much more to do, it is a step in the right direction to make our system more just and our communities more safe. - Sally Yates

Rock The Voter News

Judge Calls Sessions' Immigration Policy Illegal
A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that most of former attorney general Jeff Sessions' decision from June making asylum claims more difficult to advance by those claiming domestic or gang-related violence was illegal — a broad ruling that will allow some would-be asylum seekers a second chance to make their claim.

I find I rather like Costa Ricans
( I'm fully aware this demonstrates prejudice and is therefore a classic example of racism )
I also like Bob Marley's music, but I appreciate that this is cultural appropriation, and in future I'll try to stick to Benjamin Britten and Vera Lynn. - John Cleese


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When Sanders does these press conferences you know that if she puts one foot wrong Trump's abuse of her would be brutal.
It's like watching a hostage video. - Rick Wilson

Business/Tech News

Not looking good for Zuckerberg’s presidential chances. - Sam Stein

Treasury Lifts Sanctions Against Russia
The US Treasury announced that it intends to lift sanctions against EN+, Rusal and EuroSibEnergo, saying the companies had implemented enough corporate governance changes to distance themselves from Oleg Deripaska, the Russian billionaire targeted by US sanctions.

I didn't realize the Amazon delivery guy can drop the package off inside your house, make a delicious risotto, kiss your wife and ask your kids to call him "Uncle Steve." - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

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A Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel. I love his fur coat.


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Lock her up! Lock her up! Oh, wait...

Judge postpones sentence for Michael Flynn after blasting his conduct: 'Arguably, you sold your country out!'
A federal judge excoriated Michael Flynn, President Trump’s first national security advisor, before postponing his sentencing Tuesday for lying to the FBI.
“Arguably, you sold your country out” by secretly working as an unregistered agent for Turkey while serving as an advisor to Trump, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan told Flynn.

Michael Flynn has shown that Trump’s people can’t even not go to jail right. - Rex Huppke

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Do they still play Hail to the Chief when Trump enters the room or have they changed it to Sad Trombone yet? - Jeff Tiedrich

He's Flynnished Methinks
As Michael Flynn spent last fall campaigning as Donald Trump's top national security adviser, his little-known business partner supervised much of the foreign political work for Turkish interests that has boomeranged back on Flynn, now the target of a federal criminal investigation and congressional inquiries

I’m going to say something fair. Donald Trump is not the problem. This country has a rising tide of idiocy and Trump is just a bloated orange jellyfish that came in with the tide. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Refugees From Wisconsin Pour Into Minnesota Seeking Lives Under Democracy - Andy Borowitz

We're Killing Journalists
The U.S. was ranked one of the deadliest countries for journalists in 2018 for the first time in an annual report from Reporters Without Borders.
The U.S. ranked sixth among the most-lethal countries for journalists behind Afghanistan, Syria, Mexico, Yemen and India, in that order.
Six journalists were killed in the U.S. this year.

The press serves the governed not the governors.  - Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black regarding the Pentagon Papers decision in 1971


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Rock The Voter News

Michael Flynn had a sentencing hearing and Hillary Clinton didn’t. - TDP tweet

Trump Dissolves His Foundation., Meanwhile, Clinton Foundation Flourishes.
The Donald J. Trump Foundation has agreed to dissolve under judicial supervision amid an ongoing lawsuit concerning its finances, according ...

I don’t want Trump to resign. The only true justice would be for a woman to take the presidency from him without his consent. - OhNoSheTwint

Melania looks nice as a redneck.


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Giuliani Wakes Up In Cold Sweat Realizing Trump's Lawyers Go to Jail - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Donald Trump reminds you that he has very little to do with the Trump Foundation and the Foundation got coffee for the campaign maybe twice, three times tops.- John Fugelsang

Trump May Not Shut Down The Government?
The White House suggested Tuesday that President Donald Trump could back down from his demand for $5 billion to fund his proposed border wall in a year-end spending bill.
Trump's push for the money has threatened a partial government shutdown when funding for seven agencies lapses after midnight Friday. Last week, the president said he would be "proud" to close parts of the government over border security.

If parents treated their children as evenhandedly as America treats its citizens... 
One child would get a pony for Christmas.
And the rest would get cancer. - Mrs. Betty Bowers



Odd News

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Paddleboarding is so much fun in the Florida Everglades until the alligator jumps up and grabs you.


Monday, December 17, 2018

Did Stephen Miller Just Go On TV with Spray-On Hair?

Did Stephen Miller Just Go On TV with Spray-On Hair? 
Stephen Miller appeared on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday to ramble on about government shutdowns, Donald Trump’s border wall, and the benefits of killing the Affordable Care Act with no viable replacement. But it was hard to pay attention to anything he said because I couldn’t stop staring at his head.

Instead of mocking Stephen Miller's spray-on hair, we should be working to stop his vile policies.  
Whoa. Just saw the hair. We can multitask.- surlyZ tweet

I couldn't help myself, so I have several hair style suggestions for Stephen Miller.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Walls Are Closing In
Associates of onetime national security adviser Michael Flynn are being charged with illegally lobbying for the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, a U.S.-based Turkish cleric who has been a frequent public target of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Stephen Miller came to work with regular hair today. - Katie Rogers, NYT

Republican Shenanigans

If you think Trump is losing it now, wait until Don Jr. gets indicted.
You ain’t seen nothing yet! - Ed Krassenstein

Even Fox Is Making Fun of Trump
Fox News's Brit Hume on Sunday said that President Trump's rejections by several White House chief of staff candidates was similar to a "guy who couldn't get a date for the prom."
Mick Mulvaney, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, on Friday took the chief of staff position on an acting basis after a number of high-profile candidates, including Vice President Pence's chief of staff and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), said they were not interested in the post.

Merriam-Webster's word of the year is justice, Oxford Dictionary’s is toxic, and Dictionary dot com’s is misinformation. The English language is trolling the president. - OhNoSheTwint


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When Mueller proves Trump conspired with Russia to rob America of a free and fair election, the question before us will be stark: Should we ever reward a criminal with the fruits of any of his crimes? 
Those include his pick for VP and SCOTUS. Asking for 65.8 million Americans. - George Takei

Rock The Voter News

Obama On Obamacare
Former President Barack Obama took to Facebook to express his disdain with a federal judge’s decision to strike down core parts of ObamaCare, writing that “Republicans will never stop trying to undo” the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is widely viewed as his signature domestic legislation.

Ironically, white supremacists elected a white president who consistently proves himself inferior to a black one. - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

Gift cards: the best way to say "I remembered you while I was at CVS." - Conan O'Brien

Fox & Friends' Guest Wants You To Pay For The Wall?
Fox & Friends segment on Monday suggested that each Trump voter should give $80 to fund the president’s border wall even though he has promised Mexico would pay for it.
Just hours before President Donald Trump is set to shut down the government if he does not get border wall funding, New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin told Fox News that it was time for the president’s supporters to chip in.

My deepest hope is that one day there will be a world without war or hunger or injustice or human beings. - TheTweetOfGod


Thank you!


Odd News

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Don't worry, hon. We will do better at the next National Geographic audition.
